Chapter 35

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(Her lazy look!!)

Pennie's eyes slowly opened, finding herself snuggling her pillow like it was a teddy bear. She sat up slightly and looked around, then looked to her side. Not seeing Leo. She then looked at her night stand, seeing price of power with her name on it. She picked it up and read,

Dear Pennie,

I had to go to the building to get some work done. I should be him in two hours. I love you.

Love, Leo.

Pennie smiled, placing the letter back on the night stand. She got out of her bed and stretched, letting it a yawn. She then lazily walked over to her dresser.

She picked out a comfy lazy outfit, not having anything to do today. She went to her bathroom and took a quickly shower. Once done, she got dressed. As she let her hair air dry she decided to make something to eat. It was only 10:30 am which it was still breakfast time.

She headed towards her kitchen, but as she made it down the hall, she heard a gun cock.

She froze, hearing a female voice.

"This is all your fault..."


"So Leo, how is Pennie doin'?"

Raph asked his older brother, now curious as to where Pennie is.

"Yea bro! She's been gone awhile!" Mikey exclaimed, eating a slice of pizza.

Leo sighed "She's fine, just staying home for a little while. Loosing the baby hit her hard."

Donnie frowned "How is she holding up?"

Leo shrugged "We talked last night and she seemed a little bit better, but I don't know how she is feeling today."

Mikey smiled "She is probably happy your off her back!"

Leo rolled his eyes "And who doesn't have a girl?"

Mikey pouted "In trying bro!"

Raph scoffed "Nit-wit."


Short I know!

Sorry for my errors!!!

Question: 🍔'S or 🍕?????

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