Chapter 11

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(Her look^^^ You choose the glasses!)


It's been a couple days since Pennie went undercover and today she was going back to work. Over the few days Finn had stopped by a couple times, bringing her favorite foods, watching movies with her. Even Leo stopped by, but he stopped by everyday, to make sure she was ok.

She thought he it was sweet of Leo to come and check on her, but at the same time she was afraid. She was afraid because now she never wanted him to leave her side... She wanted him around all the time, but he couldn't be with her 24/7, and she knew that.

And now that he has been around more and more, she can't get enough of him. He is like a drug and Pennie needs, and wants, him. At this point Pennie was afraid and confused, afraid he would leave her and confused about what she felt for him.

Ever since she first saw Leo, she was already captivated by him. Everything about him was just... Breath taking to her. He was kind, cute, a gentlemen, he was just everything a a girl could want. That's not just all though; he was also calm and collective, he always cared about others, he was very confident, he was just... Wow.

Though don't get Pennie started on his looks. Not only did he have a good heart and calm aroma, but he looked so amazing. He had the muscles which were quite large, he looked so good in pants, and looked even better with some of his other armor. His was very handsome and Pennie didn't care if it sounded weird, but it was the truth. His smile could just make a girl melt into butter. And lastly, his eyes. His eyes always hypnotized her. Every damn time his piercing blue eye caught her light blue ones, and she seemed to be in a trance.

And right now her mind was on him, which was not usual, because he was on her mind ALL the time. As she got ready for work she thought about him, as she ran through her routine to get to work, she thought about him.

As she made her way up to the top floor, she noticed some stares from other people. She shook it off though, because all her thoughts were focused on Leonardo. When she heard the ding for the elevator, she quickly walked out and went to her desk.

When she set her things down, she walked to her boss's office, with the Chiefs coffee in hand. She knocked on the door and heard the usual 'Come in' and as expected the turtle were there as well.

Pennie walked in and set down her boss's coffee, then waited for her boss to give out paper work for her.

"Ah Pennie. How have you been?"

Pennie looked at her boss shocked and couldn't formulate words right away. After a few quick second Pennie cleared her throat,

"I-I have been good..."

The next surprising thing she was her boss smiling. SMILING. At this point Pennie just gave her boss a weird look and didn't care.  And she so badly wanted to ask what happened to her old boss, but she didn't, because at the moment she could not speak.

"Great! Now I do have some paper work for you, let me just find it..."

Her boss said, mumbling at the end, looking through her file cabinets. Pennie only gave a quick nod, but watched her boss wearily.

"Ah here we go! There is your paper work! Have a great day Pennie and thank you for the coffee."

Pennie slowly took the paper work out of her boss's hand and nodded,

"Your w-welcome... And thanks, y-you too..."

Pennie turned on her heel and quickly walked out, bumping into Finn. Finn was about to apologize for bumping into her, but then he saw the look on her face and rose an eyebrow.

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