Chapter 14

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(Her look^^ Choose what glasses she wears!)


"Pennie... I'm back...." A dark voice said.

Pennie looked around quickly, seeing nothing but pitch black.

"Wh-Who is there?!" Pennie asked in a shout, towards the voice.

She heard a deep chuckle "You don't remember me Pennie?"

Pennie started to panic and tears started to swell up "N-No..."

Then she heard the dark voice laugh, loudly making her cover her ears "Oh but Pennie... You used to love me... I am coming back Pennie... I'm coming back..."

Pennie looked around again quickly, tears streaming down her face, then a bright light blinded her vision, making her shut her eyes tightly...


Pennie sat up in her bed, a deep breath merging from her. Pennie looked around, sweat on her face, panting heavily. As she looked around, she saw she was in her room, her dark room. She gasped as she looked in the corner to see a dark figure, standing there. She quickly turned on her lamp, which was on her nightstand, then looked around again specifically the corner. She saw no one or thing.

She let out a deep breath, sing her hand to rub her eyes and sweat of her forehead. She then looked down at her attire, seeing was still in her dress. She was confused and tried to remember what happened, but all that went through her mind was her dream.

Pennie looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw it was only 2:00 in the morning. Pennie let out a sigh and got off her bed and changed into her pajamas. Once she did that she quickly rinsed her face with cold water, drying her face of and quickly went back to her bed.

She turned off her lamp and laid in her bed, hearing nothing. It was silent and dark in her room, which made her start to doze off. Then she was at rest once more.


"Penelope! Remember me...." The dark voice said.

Again Pennie was alone, on her was a small light, but around her was darkness. She tried to walk, but she couldn't. She could only look around with her head, trying to see if anyone was there. But she just saw nothing.

"Pennie I am going to come for you..." The dark voice said, its voice filled with amusement.

"Who are you!?" Pennie asked more confident.

Then she heard a 'tsk tsk' from the dark voice "Pennie... I...." The dark voice started to talk slowly.

Then it finished its sentence "Am your-"



Pennie's eyes snapped open and she looked at the ceiling, then her eyes looked around more. She sat up in her bed, sweat on her face again, panting slightly. She looked around her still dark, a loud beeping sound taking place. She looked at her nightstand to see it was her alarm clock.

She hit a certain button to make it stop and looked around her room again. Then once again her eyes were strained at the same corner she saw the dark figure, and there it was standing there. Pennie's eyes widened and she quickly turned on her lamp, looking back at the  corner, but saw nothin there.

Pennie let out a groan, letting her head fall in her hands. She looked at the time, seeing it was 6:00 in the morning and she had to get ready for work. She lazily got out of her bed, going towards her bathroom to take a shower.

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