Chapter 33

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She was pregnant.

She had a little life in her stomach.

She was going to be a mom and Leo was going to be a dad.

How could they have been so stupid. They should have stopped, but instead they kept going and now she was pregnant. Then one thought popped into Pennie's mind. What is Leo gonna think?

Was he going to be mad? Or happy? Was he going to leave her to raise the child by herself?

That was all going through Pennie's head. She scared and nervous, but on the other hand she started to feel. Excited. Yes she's always wanted children, just not now. Abortion was out of the question. Hell no, no way! Adoption was also out of the question. There was no way in hell she was going to let her child go, not knowing where he/she is.

Yes she was pregnant. And yes she was angry at herself, but at the same time, she felt so blessed. A child is such a great gift to be given and the fact that Pennie was given a child, she couldn't be happier.

As Pennie looked down at the test, she started to form tears, a mixture of happiness and nervousness. She threw away the box, but kept the test. She walked out of the bathroom, still looking down at the test, trying to figure out if this was real or not.

She walked out of the drug store, looking around, watching as people walked by. She walked down the sidewalk, then stopped since she had to cross the street, but cars drove by. Once it was ok for her walk across, she looked back down at the test, just walking along and not paying any mind around her.

Then there were tires screeching against the street. Pennie was confused and looked up quickly, looking at her side. Her eyes widened and she tried to move, but it was too late.


Pennie fell to the floor, unconscious. As she was unconscious, shouts were heard, and people raced over to help.

Then the sound of tires raced across the street. The car that hit Pennie drove away and fast. People watched as it drove away, but no mind to it, as they went to help Pennie.

Then sirens were heard.


"She is ok, she just needs to wear the cast on her leg for six weeks, and she has a small cut on her head. She'll wake up soon."

The doctor told a worrying Finn, looking back at Pennie who was on the hospital bed, still unconscious. Finn nodded and walked over to Pennie, sitting at his chair he had by her bed. Finn grabbed Pennie's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. The doctor left the room, giving Finn time alone to take in this information.

"Come on Pennie, wake up hun. Leo is on his way..." Finn whispered.

Then a knock was heard at the door. Finn got up and quickly opened it.

"Alright move you four!" The boss said, ushering the turtles in.

Leo raced over to Pennie grabbing her hand and placing his other hand on her forehead.

"Is she ok?" Leo asked, his voice cracking.

Finn nodded "The doctor said she was fine. She is gonna wake up."

Leo nodded and looked back at Pennie. He quietly let out a sigh of relief, thanking god you were ok. As a couple minutes past, Leo heard grumbling come from Pennie.


Pennie opened her eyes slowly, muttering Leo's name. Leo smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'm here."

Pennie smiled lightly, then she had a look of horror.

"Is the baby ok?!" She asked frantically, panicking.

"B-Baby?" Leo stuttered.

Pennie looked at Leo and was about to explain, but then Finn spoke.

"The doctor told me you were pregnant.... Pennie... You lost the baby."

Pennie felt tears in her eyes and she sobbed into her hands, "I was going to tell you..."

Leo frowned "Well when?"

Pennie sobbed "Today. I found out to today, so I was making my way to the lair to tell you..."

Leo frowned deeply and pulled Pennie into a hug, letting her cry against him. A moment of silence was throughout the room. Not for just Pennie and Leo, but for their unborn child that past away....


Sorry for my errors!!!!!

Question: 🍎's or 🍐's?

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