Chapter 2

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(Same Look^^^ Again you can pick what glasses she wears)


Finn dragged Pennie to lunch room, seeing not one person in their. They decided to take the booth on the corner, Finn sat on the booth against the wall, while Pennie sat on the opposite side. They got out their lunch, Finn had this chicken Alfredo, but it needed to be heated, so he did just that.

Pennie had a simple salad topped with grilled chicken, tomatoes, croutons, and a simple low fat dressing. Finn looked at her salad and smiled, shaking her head.

"A salad hun? Really?"

Pennie rolled her eyes "I gotta get in shape!"

Fine rolled his eyes next "Oh please! You are thee most skinniest and most prettiest human being I have ever laid my eyes on. If I was straight, I would have already put a ring on it."

Pennie quickly laughed out, shaking her head, with a wide grin on her face. Finn only shared the same grin and came back to the table, with two water bottles.

"Thanks." Pennie said, taking one of the water bottles.

Finn only nodded and started eating, and so did Pennie. A few minutes passed and loud footsteps were heard, almost just like loud thuds. Finn froze, but one of his eyebrows were raised. Pennie also froze, but was more anxious then ever. They both glanced at the door, Finn smirking and Pennie quickly looking away.

At the door way and coming in was those four turtles, the ones she saw in her boss's office.  Pennie tried not look, just looked down at her food and then the paper work she brought with her. Pennie smiled to herself and started working on her papers work, soon getting sucked in and not focusing on anything.

Meanwhile Finn kept his eyes on the turtles, probably making them uncomfortable, but Finn did not care. One thing to know about Finn, is he is confident and sassy. Finn finally looked at Pennie when the turtles sat down at a table near them, but when he saw Pennie he gave her the 'really' look.

"Hun do you not know what lunch break is?"

Pennie sighed and looked up at Finn, a pen in her hand.

"Yes I do."

Finn rolled his eyes "Then why are you working?"

Pennie shrugged and kept working, making Finn shake his head.

"Yea, no. Honey let me show you what a lunch break is. First you take away the work,"

Finn reached over took away the paper work and pen from Pennie, making her huff out.


"And then, you take a break... Welcome Penelope, to a lunch break."

Pennie rolled her eyes and pouted slightly, but then stiffened as she heard a snicker. She glanced at the turtles and saw the turtles looking her way, the orange one snickering. Pennie blushed deeply and looked away quickly, looking down at her food. Finn also grinned and ate his food, smiling in victory. Pennie looked out of the corner of her eye and saw the blue one, staring at her with a smirk on his face

She blushed more and let her eyes on her food, till Finn spoke again.

"So about that new Officer..."

Pennie sighed "No Finn."

Finn pouted slightly "Cone on! I just need you to ask if he is gay or not! Simple."

Pennie looked at Finn, with a look of 'Really!?'

"No! Not simple. Last time I tried to help out, I ran for the hills."

Finn rolled his eyes "Well. Why did you run?"

Pennie gave him the 'Really?' Look again "Seriously? Have you met me?"

Finn shook his head and took a bite out of his food, then grabbed his napkin covering his mouth as he spoke.

"You and your shyness girl, I swear."

Pennie rolled her eyes and continued eating her salad till her name was shouted.


She looked up quickly to see her boss in a not so pleasant mood, making her nervous.

"What are you doing?" Chief Vincent asked, walking over to them and placed her hand son her hips.

Now Pennie looked at her confused "Um... I am on my lunch break."

The chief sighed "Well lunch break over. Get those papers done."

The chief turned and looked at the turtle, nodding at them, greeting them quickly. As she did that Finn glared at the chief and lifted one his hands and flipped her off. Pennie looked at him wide eyed, grabbing his hand that was flipping their BOSS off and placed it on the table quickly. Though meanwhile the turtle saw them and the orange one burst out in a bunch of giggles.

Finn lifted his other hand and flipped the chief off again, making the orange turtle cover his mouth. The purple and red turtle just had a hand over their mouths, though their smirks were seen. The blue turtle just sat back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest, letting his smirk show.

Chief looked at them weirdly and turned back towards, Pennie and Finn. Before the chief turned around, Finn placed his hand down, and took his other hand away from Pennie pretending to still eat his food. Pennie did not make eyes contact with her boss, and used one of her hands to hide her face.

The chief looked at them questionably, then walked out of the lunch room. By now the orange turtle busted out laughing, while Pennie looked at Finn with wide eyes.

"I cannot believe you did that. And to our boss too!"

Finn only smirked and shrugged, while picking up her trash. Pennie rolled her eyes and did the same.

"What if you got caught? We could have possibly both gotten fired." Pennie scowled.

Finn sighed "Hun if she fired me, I would have a damn celebration. And make it ran at the strip club."

Pennie face palmed "What AM I gonna do with you?"

Finn only smiled as they both threw their trash away and began to walk out, but Pennie quickly glanced at the blue turtle. Who smiled at her making her blush, sadly Finn noticed, and as they walked by the said turtle. Finn 'accidentally' pushed her into the blue turtle lap. Pennie yelped quietly and looked up at the blue turtle for a quick second before getting up.


And with that Pennie quickly walked out of the lunch room, with smirking Finn quickly following behind her.


Sorry for the errors!!

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