Chapter 12

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(Her look^^^ Again choose the glasses)


It's already the next day and the same thing happened again, Chief Vincent was just happy and being polite. Not saying Pennie was complaining though, it was just weird, but at the moment that didn't matter to Pennie.

Pennie was to focused on something else and surprisingly it wasn't Leonardo. Today someone was going to stop by, at her work place, to visit. Her mother.

Her mother was Fiona Jones, business owner of fashion show and magazine company. Pennie loved her mom, don't get her wrong, but her mom could be... Difficult.

In other words her mom was bossy, snobby, and rich. Pennie rarely speaks to her mom for a two reasons. One, her mom loves to point out the flaws in her life. And Two, her mom loves to squeeze her way into her love life.

Her mom wasn't the best growing up. Her mom had her when she was sixteen years old, so Pennie was mostly taken care of by her grandmother, who has sadly past away. Her grandmother past away when she was 16, so she then had to live with her mother. Pennie wasn't thrilled, but she wasn't mad or sad either. She wanted to see her mom, but after living with her mom just for a few days, she regretted wanting to meet her mom.

During the time she lived with her mom, she was mostly neglected. Hell her mom didn't even attend her high school or college graduation.

And today Pennie was going to see her mom. She was prepared to hear her mother bitterness and point out her flaws, then try and pry herself into Pennie's love life.

"Pennie!" Finn said, making Pennie jump out of her thoughts and look up from her desk.

"Hm?" Pennie said looking at Finn.

"What's going on with you?" He asked, turning towards Pennie in his chair.

Pennie let out a small sigh "Let's talk about it over lunch. I gotta get this paper work done."

Finn nodded slowly and turned back to his computer and started to type away, while Pennie turned back to her desk. After two hours of working it was now time for lunch and Pennie couldn't be more nervous.

"Let's hurry." Pennie said to Finn, quickly grabbing her food, and heading towards the lunch room.

Finn was beyond confused, but quickly followed behind Pennie his food in hand. Once they sat down at their booth, Finn spoke up.

"Ok what's up with you?"

Pennie let out a sigh and stood up to grab a water bottle from the fridge, she was about to answer, till the turtles came in. Leo sat down on Pennie's side, but this time on the inside. Raph, of course, sat next to Finn. Making Finn blush brightly. Donnie and Mikey pulled up the chairs and sat near the table.

When the turtles got situated Finn spoke "Alright. Now spill."

Pennie let out another sigh "Well... My mother is coming to visit today..."

Finn shrugged "Ok... What's the matter with that?"

Pennie looked down at the floor, setting her water bottle on the table "Let's just say... My mom is a bit difficult..."

All of a sudden Mikey spoke up "Difficult? What do you mean by that dudette?"

Pennie smiled down at Mikey and was about to answer till a new voice broke through.

"Penelope! My baby!"

Pennie quickly turned around with wide eyes "M-mom you uhhh... Y-You..."

The turtle also jumped and panicked that her mother walked into the lunch room, but was more confused her mom did not freak out.

"Oh hush, Chief Vincent already filled me in on the turtles. Now how is my baby girl?"

He mother said quickly, hugging Pennie, who didn't hug back because she was till shocked.

"Uhhh w-well-"

Her mom looked at Pennie and sighed "Hun have you been on a diet?"

Pennie looked at her mom confused "N-No..."

Her mom shook her head "Well sweetheart you really need to get on one."

Pennies eyes widened "Wh-What?"

"And what are you wearing?" Her mom asked, looking at her dress. Pennie only frowned and looked down at her dress.

Pennie gulped "U-Umm m-mother ummm."

"Well are you just going to stand and stutter, or are you going to introduce me to your friends."

Pennie cleared her throat and turned towards the others, who had faces of shock. Pennie spoke,

"G-Guys this is my mother. M-Mom these are my friends. Finn, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo..."

Pennie pointed out who was who and her mother smiled "You have quite a group of friends. Anyways, sweetheart how is the man hunt?"

Pennie gulped again "Wh-What?"

Her mother sighed "Well have you found a man or not?"

Pennie shook her head "N-No.. I am-"

Her mother seemed to look at her with disappointment "Well... I can try and find you someone. Oh! There is this fine gentlemen who is your age, he is rich also. I'll set you two up!"

Pennie shook her head "No mom really. I-"

"Non-sense. You will meet him. Won't you?" Her mom said, but it was more of an order, you can say.

Pennie cleared her throat again "S-Sure m-mom."

Her mother clapped her hands together "Great! I'll call you when I get a date and time. Now I really have to go. I have a meeting! Bye sweetly!" Her mother said rather quickly.

Her mom looked at the others "You all have a good day."

Then her mom quickly left and Pennie let out a deep breath. Pennie looked at her friends and sighed.

"That's why..."


Sorry for the errors!!!

What's your favorite TV show? Also what do you think of Pennie's mom?

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