Chapter 8

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(The club outfit she is wearing!^^ No glasses!)


"I am not wearing this!"

Pennie said loudly, looking at the last dress Finn held in his hands.

"Yes you are! You did not like the other three, and this is the only one left!"

Pennie gave out a groan "Can't I just go in a nice dress."

Finn sighed "Hun. You are suppose to look like a classy whore and this dress shouts it. You are wearing it end of discussion."

Finn shoved the dress and very tall black heels in her hands, shoving her in the janitors closet.
Why not use the ladies bathroom you may ask? Because it is under construction. Yea.

"Is she ready?"

The chief asked walking up with the turtles behind her. Finn nodded.

"She is getting dressed right now."

The chief nodded and spoke loudly enough for Pennie to here.

"You ready Pepper?"

Finn rolled his eyes "Pennie..."

The boss ignored him and they heard a quiet "I guess..."

Then the janitor door open and Pennie let out a deep sigh of regret, before walking out. Finn smiled and surprisingly so did the chief. Though the boys... They all froze. Donnie was a blushing mess and tried to look away, Raph didn't really care though she did look good to him, Mikey was drooling and let out a wolf whistle causing him to gat a smack on the head. Leo... He just stared at her with an intense look in his eyes. Though he couldn't help the smile.

"You look amazing! Now let's just take the hair out of the ponytail," Finn said, releasing her hair from hair band, "And now the glasses..." With that Finn moved the glasses.

"Perfect! How do you feel?" Finn asked.

Pennie huffed "Well for starters my vision is blurry. And I am afraid if I move an inch, my boobs and ass are gonna fall out of this dress. So I feel great..." She said with sarcasm at the end.

Pennie jumped when she heard a small laugh from Mikey and looked over to see all the turtles. She blushed a bright red, but then looked back at Finn, using her hands to point at her shoes.

"And I cannot walk in these heels."

Finn rolled his eyes "Welcome to the whore life," then Finn looked at the chief "She is ready!"

The chief nodded "Good, we leave in 5."

Pennie nodded and quickly took her glasses from Finn's hands, putting them on quickly. Finn gave her a playful glare, but knew she was only going to wear them till she had to go out undercover.

"You got this hun!" Finn said giving a generous smile, Pennie could only nod and smile back.

"Let's just... Get this over with..." Pennie muttered.

She looked down at her feet and took a step forward, but already fell, though someone caught her. She looked up quickly to see Leonardo, with an amused smile on his face. She cleared her throat and went to step back, but tripped again, but Leo was there and reached out to grab her again.

"I can't wear these..." Pennie muttered, "And I look ridiculous..."

Pennie looked up at Leo when he started talking "I think you look great..."

Pennie couldn't help it and smile, but a bright blush spread across her face. She gave him a small nod in thanks, then walked off, but first took off her shoes to walk better. Little did she know Leo was staring at her still, while the others got ready.

Pennie didn't notice at first till she glanced at from the corner of her eyes, and know she tried to not look like an idiot. She stood tall, while the chief explained to her the plan, and continued to get ready.

Leo kept his eyes on her and her body. Leo would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to Pennie. Why me? He asks himself. And he has many other questions in his head. Why is she so beautiful? Why does she do this to him? Why does she give him that adorable smile? Why does she make him feel like they are the only to people on this planet? Why her? Was all he thought.

"Alright. Let's move!" Chief said, breaking him out of his thoughts.

Leo followed after them, but made sure that Pennie was in front of him. He watched as she walked, knowing that she walked with no confidence at all and wondered why. As they quickly made there way out of the building and into the van, continued to watch her and did not care if he got weird looks.

Once they climbed in the van, he watched as Pennie sat down and out on her seat belt. He also notice one of her legs moving up and down quickly. He smoothly sat next to her and placed a hand on the leg that was rapidly moving, and to be specific his hand was on her knee and he gave it a light squeeze.

"It will be alright. I promise."

Pennie looked up at with worry "Pink promise?"

Pennie held up one of her hand and stuck out her pinkie, while smiled down at her. She is so fucking adorable! Leo thought to himself. He held up his opposite hand and connected his 'pinky' to hers. Pennie smiled at him and blushed, taking her hand away from his which almost made him pout. He didn't want her to leave.

"We're here, Pennie you know that plan?" Pennie only gave her Chief a nod "Good, guys get Pennie hooked up, Finn once they are done you walk her towards the club then come back."

Finn nodded as well, watching as Pennie got a small ear piece.

"With this you can talk to us and we can talk to you."

Pennie nodded nervously, but it was to late to back out now. Way to late.


Sorry for the errors!!

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