Chapter 13

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(Same look^^^)


Everyone just stared at Pennie, not really knowing what to say. Pennie looked at them with a frown and shook her head.

"Just say it..." Pennie muttered.

Finn cleared her throat "Sh-she is... Wow... Um."

Pennie groaned and sat next to Leo, her head in her hands "I know..."

Finn frowned "Well... She is something..."

Then Michelangelo spoke "She is rude..." And he got a smack to the head by Donnie.

"Well he isn't wrong..." Pennie said, sitting up, "She's always been like that, ever since I moved in and then moved out."

Finn gave her a confused glance "Moved in?"

Pennie sighed and decided she trusted them with her past "Well my mom had me when she was 16, so she didn't really take care of me, my grandmother did. When I was 15, my grandmother past away and I had to live with my mom... That's why I said 'Moved in.'"

Finn nodded "Well I gotta thank your mom then."

Now Pennie looked at him confused "What?"

Finn smiled "Well if your mom kept her legs closed, I might not be sitting here with you today."

Pennie laughed lightly "Thanks Finn."

Finn only smiled and nodded and continued to eat his food, Pennie doing the same. After a few minutes Pennie sighed.

"I really don't want to go back to work..." She groaned.

Finn sighed "Me neither..." Then he had this idea and his his eyes shined a little brighter, "Maybe we could-"

Pennie glared at Finn "No."

Finn rolled his eyes "Come on! I bet you she won't even notice we are gone!"

Pennie shook her head quickly "No Finn, we can't just leave work."

Finn rolled his eyes again and started cleaning up his trash, Pennie following. The turtles all stood up waiting for their two human friends to finished cleaning up. Then Mikey spoke...

"Hey Pennie you free Friday night?"

Pennie snapped her head up and looked at Mikey weirdly "Yea... Why?"

Mikey only smiled "Well Donnie, Raph and I are going out to work on a new technique with our dad. That means Leo is gonna be alone and we don't want him to be alone..."

Pennie blushed as Leo cut in "Mikey!"

Pennie could see Leo was flustered and smiled lightly "W-We can hang out... I-If that's ok..."

Leo looked at her like he was seeing a ghost "Wh-What?"

Pennie nodded and smiled "W-well we can hang... If y-you want... Y-You know while they work on a new technique."

She could see the smile forming on Leo's lips "Uh yea, yea sure. That would be nice."

Pennie nodded "F-Friday it is then..."

Leo nodded with a smile on his face "See you then..."

Then he and his brothers left, Pennie smiled and looked down at the floor, though her head snapped up when she heard Finn chuckle.

"Well tell me how your date goes!"

Pennie gasped "I-Its not a date! W-We are j-just hanging out!"

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