Chapter 21

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(Her look^^ 😉 No glasses! Hair curled and down!)


There Leo was, in front of Pennie's window, hesitating about knocking. Leo closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, knocking on the window, loud enough for her to hear. Leo opened his eyes when he quickly heard her curtains being drawn and was met with a glare. He watched as she unlocked her window, opening it, but letting him in at first.

"What do you want Leo?" She asked in an irritated tone.

Leo sighed "Please... Pennie let me explain..."

Pennie stood there for a moment, she don't move and kept glaring at him.

Leo looked at her with a pleasing look in his eyes "Pennie... Look I know I messed up big time, but please let me in so I can make this right..."

Pennie sighed and looked down at her floor for a second, then moved to the side holding out her arm. Leo smiled and climbed in through her window, that's when he saw her attire.

"Why are you all dressed up?"

Pennie rolled her eyes "Well I am going on that date my mom set me up with."

Leo frowned "O-Oh."

Leo watched as she went over to her bed, sitting down on it, putting on her black heels she had on her end already. Once Pennie finished putting on her shoes, she side and slapped her hands if he sides.

"Well start talking. I gotta go in a few minutes."

Pennie walked out of her room to fetch her purse in the kitchen and Leo followed her.

"I wanted to say sorry and I know what is said was really dumb-"

"Mhmm..." Pennie said, looking through her purse to see if she had anything.

"But I also wanted to tell you the reason why I told you not to join our ranks."

Pennie seemed to not care and didn't pay attention, irritating Leo.

"Pennie will you just stop!"

Leo walked over to her and grabbed her purse, throwing it on her kitchen table. Pennie huffed and glared at him.

"Leo! Listen I need-"

Leo growled "No you listen!"

Pennie froze and looked up at Leo, keeping her mouth closed. Holy shit... Holy shit... Pennie thought, trembling slightly. His tone... Now Pennie fought with her head, but she loved it when he used that tone sometimes. Like when he orders his brother around or when he is serious, he used that time and she couldn't help the shiver that ran down her spine.

Leo spoke in a stern voice "Now listen and listen closely. If I ever, EVER, see you get hurt or worse I would never be able to live with myself. Every time I see your fucking smile it makes my day so much better. Every time I hear you fucking laugh I almost loose my shit, because your so fucking adorable. And when you have that glint in your eye when your really happy, gosh it makes ME feel so fucking happy even if I'm really pissed off. Every time I look at you, I feel like I can take on the whole world for you. Holy shit Pennie you make me so happy, I can't even explain it in specific words. You alone bring me joy! Your so nice, caring, sweet, you always looks gorgeous in whatever you wear it amazes me so much!"

Pennie listened closely as her eyes watered and a single tear fell down her cheek. Then she heard those three words, she thought she would never hear.

"I love you Penelope Jones." He said.

Pennie watched as he looked at her, with all seriousness. Pennie wiped her single tear away, as he spoke again.

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