Chapter 9

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(Same look^^ No glasses!)


"Alright good luck. You'll be fine!" Finn said, giving Pennie a quick hug before leaving her on the side walk.

Then she heard a voice through the earpiece "Remember we can see and hear everything. We got camera's good luck Pepper." Said her boss.

Pennie rolled her eyes, but slowly went towards the club, showing the security officer her I.D. The officer nodded and she walked inside, colorful lights were shown around in the room. It was dark and packed with people. Loud music was all that filled her ears and the smell of smoke and alcohol was everywhere she walked.

"Alright Mike Benson is at the bar... On your right"

She heard Donnie say in the ear piece and she immediately looked right, seeing a man with slick back hair and a suit in.

"He is the one with the suit on."

Pennie nodded and muttered an. "Ok," then began walking towards Mike Benson, the drug dealer.

She got closer to him, putting a little sway in her hips. Till she was next to him she gave a smile to the bartender.

"What can I get you to drink sweetheart?"

"The dirty margarita please."

The bartender nodded and went to go make her the drink. Then Pennie glanced at Mike who was already staring at her, and smiled at him.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing here?"

Pennie gave him a teasing smirk "What? A pretty girl like me can't enjoy nigh out in the club?"

"Good work Pepper. Keep going."

She heard the Chief say, but left it behind her and kept smirking at Mike.

"Well not just every girl just comes here..." The man Mike, says with a smirk of his own.

"Well I am not just 'every girl' The name is Amanda Willis. And you are?"

Pennie said, thanking the bartender for the drink when he came by. She took a small sip from her drink and waited for him to answer.

"Awww so you are Amanda Willis? The girl wanting some of my special drugs. You must be a tough girl."

Pennie gave him another smirk "Ah and you must be Mike Benson. The famous dealer everyone talks about."

Mike nodded and smiled "That would be me sweetheart. You got the Money?"

Pennie nodded and pulled out over 300 dollars from her hand bag, money from the Chief and handbag from Finn.

"Good girl. Hey, how about we get out of here. You and me." Mike said.

"Hmm sounds exciting, but I do have other business to take care of."

"What kind of business, may I ask."

Pennie only sighed "Private business, if I tell I might get my ass kicked."

Mike gave out a low whistle "Damn, never expected someone like yourself to roll with the bad crowd."

"Let's just say, I like to have an adventure..."

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