Chapter 14 : ROC

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Bee's POV

I look at the text message from Trey and I can't help but hate myself for even using his number in the first place. I have torn feelings about the situation. I want to be his friend, but then again I know what is most important to me at the end of the day is Shawn and I'm not willing to lose him. Before I can respond back, I get a call from my mother. I decide to answer and get some advice from her about what I should do with my Trey situation.

Bee: Hey momma. How have you been doing lately?

Mama T: I've been doing just fine baby. I haven't heard from you and Shawn in a few days going on a week so I wanted to check up on you. How are the "love birds" doing?

Bee: Well, I'm not going to lie to you. We are good now but we were having a minor problem. It's nothing to concern you with. We are back on track now, just the usual relationship issues.

Mama T: Yeah I know you and Shawn are going to be just fine. Like I told you, he is going to be my son-n-law. Where is he anyway?

Bee: He's asleep. I kind of need to talk to you about something that has been bothering me.

Mama T: Spill it. You know momma's always here to listen.

Bee: Well I'm not going to go into all the details because the story is pretty long and it has pretty much been handled, but I do have one major issue that has just arisen.

Mama T: Have you talked to Shawn about this issue?

Bee: That's kind of a part of the problem. I don't know if I should tell him because I don't know how he will take it.

Mama T: Giselle, what is it?

Bee: you know the new young singer Trey Songz?

Mama T: The one who sings that song "I need a girl" that your father wants to put on one of your singles?

Bee: Yes

Mama T: What about him?

Bee: Well he likes me and he hit on me and gave me his number. I was going to tell Shawn about it but we were having such a great time just talking and spending time together that I didn't want to ruin the moment and then I feel asleep. When I woke up, I was about to throw the number away honest to God momma, but my curiosity got the best of me. I am attracted to this guy but I know that I love Shawn with all my heart and that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Now I'm stuck in between a rock and a hard place because me and Trey have been communicating and although it hasn't crossed the friendship line yet I think it may and I'm scared of what Shawn will have to say because he accused me of cheating and I told him that I didn't use the number at all.

Mama T: Beyonce.

Bee: I know momma. I've messed up in a bad way and now I need advice on what I should do.

Mama T: Well, you need to look a little bit further for the answer because I'm not going to bail you out this time.

Bee: But momma.

Mama T: But momma my behind Beyonce. You need to do what is right on your own. Look into your heart and ask God for help. He will help you. I don't think that being friends with Trey will ruin what you have with Shawn unless you let it. You have the power and you will determine your future.

Bee: You're right momma. I will figure this out.

Mama T: I know you will baby. I have faith in you and I know I raised you right. Don't forget to let me know what you decide. I love you baby. And God will help you through this.

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