Chapter 41; Coma.

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Queenly looked around, seeing if no one was following her. It was already dark out, so there was no way people could have looked through the windows. Lynch made it so that it was dark and cold inside. After looking around for a bit, Queenly decided that it was safe to go in. She pushed herself inside, and lighted a torch that was close to the entrance. As expected, Gladia was laying in a puddle of her own blood. Her hands were cauterized, but her mouth was still bleeding. Gladia heard her come in, and tried to speak. But she couldn't. All she did was open her mouth, and show her bloody teeth. 'I like you a bit more this way.' Queenly got closer, and patted Gladiaon her head. But what she didn't realise was that her mother was standing in the doorway. 'H-how can you say such thing? She has been mutilated!' Queenly's eyes widen, as she turned around to face Gladia's mother. 'No, that's not what I meant!' Gladia's mother dropped the plate with food that she had just prepared for her mutilated daughter. 'It was you.' 'Careful, lady. IF I did this, than I could do it easily to you as well.' Queenly grabbed the hilst of her lance, ready to strike if necessary. 'I lost my husband, and I lost my daughter mentally. You have no idea how dangerous a mother can be.' Gladia aimed her gaze at the talk that she could hear. She tried to warn her mother, but it was of no use. 'In name of the King of Pannack, I Queenly..' 'We should overthrow the king. Your kingdom has nothing but crooks, you should all burn in hell!' 'Looks like your daughter was right, huh? Too bad she can't tell what happened to you in anyway. Doesn't the smell of her burning flesh bring you defeat? You lost!' 'We already lost! All you did tonight was kick us deeper in our graves! We were always royal to your king, It seems like that was a stupid decission to make. HAIL DERNUDIST!' Gladia's mom grabbed the sword of one of the dead guards laying around. Queenly had no other option but to kill her, she knew too much. 'You should've been glad, even feel honoured that we took you in!' Gladia's mom never fought before, her moves were slow and rusty, but she was filled with rage. Ready to die for the mutilation of her daughter. She swung her sword fiercely around, but she was not match to an experienced lance wielder like Queenly. With one block, and a low sweep, Gladia's mother was floored. 'Anything you regret?' Queenly asked when she stepped on Gladia's mother her stomach, and pointed her lance at her throat. Despertion could be seen in her eyes, but she shook her head, and spat in Queenly's face. Her face got red with anger, and with one quick thrust, she slit Gladia's mother her throat. She wiped her lance clean, and continued with her plan. 'Help! Someone has killed the entire royal family! Can someone assist me?!'

February was staring her eyes out of her head. She never saw this many magical objects in her life. 'Gizma, if I may..' Mex tried to talk with Gizma, but he clearly wasn't interested in what he had to say. 'Say, dearie, February, what happened up there?' 'Ah, well. I sadly do not know, Gizma. All I have is this letter that March left me.' 'If it's not too much of a hassle, wouldya mind showing it to me dearie?' February felt that she could trust him. 'Yes, ofcourse. Mex?' Mex was frowning at Gizma, but he knew that his disliking towards Gizma was less important than his quest with February. 'Here.' He pulled the letter out of his pouch, and gave it to Gizma. Gizma didn't even bother to look at Mex, and snatched the letter right out of his hands. 'Let's see.. Hmm.. Yes. February, dearie, would you follow me to my work bench? I'm afraid it's for magical beings only.' Gizma glared at Mex with a displeasing look. 'February, are you sure you can trust this guy?' February nodded, and gave Mex a gentle smile. 'I think so, if he knows the language of my people, he must have had some deeper connection with the fairies. This is my only shot.' 'Please, be safe. I'll be waiting for you outside.' 'And remember kid, Everything is magically sealed off. No browsing until I be back!' Mex didn't even dignify that with an answer, and just stood there with his back turned against them. Gizma opened a small door, and bowed. 'Deariers first!' February giggled, and kindly accepted his offer. Once inside, the room started to spin around. It was now impossible to use the door to get inside. 'Dearie, will you take a seat? I will try to recreate the creation of this magical letter!' Gizma spread the letter on the table, and sprinkled a bit of grim looking stardust on top of it. It started to rise, and create a mirror. February could see her younger sister in her room, brushing her short red hair. 'Please know that she can't hear you, or see you.' Suddenly the room started to shake, and all March's stuff was knocked over. Their father entered the room, looking heavilly wounded. He would shout inaudible at her. March nodded, and cried. She quickly fathered her belongings, and tried to flee. But when she knocked over a family photo, she couldn't leave without telling February first. She had barely finished the note, and was all ready to get away.. But a large black hand entered her room, and took her away. The grim dust shattered, and fell down to the ground again. February had tears rolling down her cheek, and her hands reaching out to March. 'N-no.. This can't be.. I have never seen anything like that.. These are not known enemies to us. I can't imagine how strong they are.. My poor father seemed torn to bits.. Gizma, do you have any idea what these creatures could be?' Gizma shook his head. 'No, dearie. These monsters appear to be out of this world.' 'So, they are from other worlds?' 'Yes, I think so. But ya can't be too sure.' 'Mex is from another world, do you think he would know?' 'No, Mex's world is  like ours, dearie.'

'If only Garlox were here to explain this riddle to us.' Gantius was pacing back and forth inside the lab. 'You don't understand, kid. If you only put faith in god, you won't be able to stand on your own feet.' 'The reason why I am on my own feet, is because I know I have a purpouse that was given to me by this god' 'If that's so, you should be able to solve this yourself.' 'Let me ask you, inspector. You're on your own feet, why don't you solve it for me?' 'Guys, p-please!' Dhulim tried to create peace between the inspector and Gantius. 'Atleast we know a bit more, right?' 'He's right, inspector. I'm sorry.' 'It's okay kid. I just feel so bad that we can't do anything.' 'Perhaps not!' The inspector looked at Gantius. 'What do you mean?' 'Perhaps is the answer we seek inside the Youkan realm. After all Mex was born there.' 'And how did you plan on going there? We might as well shut it down right now.' 'No, there must be a way. I have the strange feeling that his birth is somehow related to this other universe. Garlox spoke too us right before he disappeared. Mex was born in the Youkan realm, and his mother had a vision. A vision of a woman holding a dead baby. She felt like she had to had this baby.' 'You think that this message came from another world?' 'I think so. Inspector, may I entrust you with a secret?' Dhulim was excitingly listening to the two. 'Yeah, but I think we should go somewhere a bit more private.' The dissapointment in Dhulim's eyes was big, but he understood. He put his labcoat on, and left the lab. 'I have never told anyone this, but there is a crack in the temple. When it was build, we heard a babies crying coming out of it. We didn't know what it was, but it stopped after a while. No one bothered to check it out anymore, except for me. Various noises could be heard from that crack. Horses galloping, storm brewing, childeren laughing. I once tried to repair it by stuffing it with cotton, but the cotton got sucked in. The strange part was that the sounds adjusted to whatever I put in the wall. One day I decided to write the story of creation down on on scrolls, and toss it down. Passing the legacy to somewhere else.' 

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