#15 joke's on you

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Joker's POV
Y/n screamed the whole Gotham could hear her. Joker, who was working for his plan in his office stopped writing, and lifted his head from the paper. Smirked to himself. Oh she called me Joker. What I did must really impressed her. Joker thought to himself before bursted out his maniac laughing. He walked out of his office to the bedroom upstairs. As he opened the door, there she is, his little kitten with a very unhappy expression, looking at him with murderous stare, and that vibrant green hair of hers. Joker grinned. Amused at what he saw. Of cause the clown thought it would be fun to dyed his girlfriend's hair green while she was asleep. Ugh, how surprising would it be for her to wake up and see herself in the mirror. But how did he manage to do it without waking her up? He put sleeping pills in her drink.
"Good morning, kitten. You look a bit... different. New hair style?" Joker said before laughing. "What the fuck, J. It's not funny. You fucking dyed my hair green while I was asleep? Seriously?!!" Y/n said while pulled her hair out in front of the mirror. From the look of it, it seemed like she had been repeated the action for at least hundreds times, which only amused Joker more. "Oh c'mon, doll" Joker said while walked up to stood behind her and snaked his hand around her waist, slowly moved up to grabbed her breast. "Now everyone will know who you belong to" He kissed the crook of her neck, licked it up to behind her ear. Y/n didn't buy it "You're such a jerk" She hissed before shoved him back and walked out of the room. "Aww little kitten pissed at daddy?" J called after her then bursted out laughing again. Seeing y/n so pissed only amused him even more. He was so proud of his little prank he pulled on her.

Y/n's POV
That damn clown. Y/n thought as she was making her coffee in the kitchen, still pissed. "Boss, we got the man you- ohhh" Frost stopped in his tracks as y/n turned around to face him. "Umm miss y/n, I apologize. Thought you were boss" He only catch a glimpse of green hair, quickly assumed it was Joker since he was the only one with green hair. Not anymore. Frost could tell by the look on y/n's face that she wasn't happy. At all. "Umm nice hair, miss" Frost said in hope to light up her mood. He knows too well who was being this though. However it only pissed y/n even more. "Oh shut up, Frost" Y/n spoke harshly walked her way to the living room. J is so paying for this. Suddenly an evil grin curved up her lips as she thought of the way to get her revenge.

Y/n gathered 10 of Joker's henchmen, and told them what she want them to do. After she told them, there were all shared glaze. There were moment of awkward silence until one of them finally spoke up. "Ugh umm miss y/n, we're really sorry but that would be suicide. The boss would kill us all" "Ugh bullshit, he won't. He won't be seeing any of your face so there's no way he could know which of the henchmen were the 10 of you guys. I won't tell... but if you refused to help... I don't know, I might just tell him you guys called me a bitch, and you know what boss does to anyone who called his queen a bitch. What'd cha say hmm" Y/n smirked, knowing she already won. Yeah, I could be a bitch sometimes.

Joker's POV

It was late at night. Joker was lying in his king size bed. He was happy all day. Really happy. Getting on y/n's nerves entertained him more that he thoughts. Though he couldn't deny she looked even more sexy with green hair. Where is she though? I haven't seen her all day. Was she mad at me that much? Maybe I went too far... Nah, that was hella funny, and she can't stay mad at me forever. I'm such a hot mess. J chuckled to himself when the door opened. Y/n walked in. "Ugh doll here you are. Come to daddy" Y/n walked to the bed and handed over Joker something. "Grape soda, daddy. Your favorite."

"Awww, y/n, you're sooo good. I thought you're still mad at me. Where have you been hmm? Daddy missed ya"

"I couldn't stay mad at you forever. You're too cute. Y/n giggled. "I was at the mall. Just shopped some girl stuff: clothes, shoes, make up you know. Aren't you gonna drink it?" Y/n said, mentioned the grape soda in the Joker's hand.

"Of cause, doll" Joker said before sipped it down his throat. He felt a bit dizzy, but didn't think much of it.


Joker felt something on his wrist so he slowly opened his eyes. He felt lightheaded. He tried to move his arm, only to realized he couldn't. Something was holding his right wrist. Still in his sleepy and exhausted state, he liked at his right to see he was handcuffed to the headboard. What the... Suddenly became more awake, he felt like someone was watching so he looked around the dark room and... "What the fuck?!!" J suddenly screamed as he saw human figures standing in circle around his bed. Each of them hold candle in their hands. Joker could make out now that they were all wearing Batman costume. None of them say anything. They were just stood still around the bed. Even though they were all wearing mask, Joker could tell they were staring at him. Am I dreaming? He reached under his pillow where he usually kept his gun, only to be met with emptiness. Someone took the gun. He couldn't escape since he was handcuffed to the bed. Realized his situation: men dressed up as Batman circling around his bed with candle in their hands. Creepy as fuck. He couldn't fight. Couldn't escape. "What do you want? P-please leave me alone" That word came out a bit harder than he thought, but had to say anyway, in order to save his ass. Suddenly one of  the figure who was standing right across from him bursted out laughing. That voice. "Y/n? What the fuck!" Y/n took out her mask to reveal herself, still couldn't stop laughing. "Oh my God, J. You should have seen your face BAHAHAHA" She managed to say between her laugh. Joker's mouth just hang open. "Well done, boys. You can leave now" Y/n said and the rest of the figures left the room. Still, none of them say anything. They were dying holding their laughs under the Batman mask since they couldn't risk their boss recognized their voice and shoot their asses later for scared the shit out of him. Yes, the Joker was actually scared. The henchmen had to admit, y/n got the boss good. One Batman wouldn't be a problem for Joker, hell he'd love it. But 11 Bats with candle in their hands, circling around the bed in the dark was actually creepy.

Y/n went out to find the thing she'd need for this plan all day: Bats costumes. She put sleeping pills in the Joker's grape soda so she could handcuff him, and take the gun from his pillow so no one get their asses shot.

Once Joker and y/n were alone. "How does it feel saying please hmm? Not too bad" Y/n said in a mocking tone. How Joker wish he could just rip that smile out of her face. "Hahaha very funny, doll. You got me. Now get daddy out of this." "Oh why would I? You look so hot. All sweaty and restrained" Y/n said in a seductive way. J smirked, knowing where she was getting at. "Bad bad kitten. Naughty, aren't we? Didn't I tell you how sexy you look with green hair?" Joker licked his lips. Y/n slowly got in the bed and crawled to him, but J stopped her. "Just one thing, baby, before we go any further. Take the bats suit off. It's... weird if I were to make out with someone in Bats costume." "Why? It'd be thrilling" Y/n teased. "Baby, take the Bats suit off. You freaked daddy out enough" Joker said and y/n giggled before suddenly stripped and jumped on top of him.

Oh how wide the night was.

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