#139 I'm not a little kid now. watch me get big now

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So I'm working on new book about someone which I don't even know if I'll publish it in the end lol
(don't worry. I'll still be writing J x reader)

Requested by unicornnnni

"Don't you dare walking away!" Mister J caught up with y/n. His hand shot out to grab her arm only for her to yank it away "Careful" The Joker growled, wasn't so pleased with her little attitude. Y/n's pouty face facing him. Her tiny hand clenched into tight fists. Mister J usually liked it when y/n was pissed, when she was so wild. But not like this, not when she was disrespecting him, not when she was putting herself in danger. The little one needed to listen to him. She could've been drugged or worse! Joker didn't want to imagine what'd happen if he didn't find her and step in just in time.

They were at Smile and Grin club. Y/n was sick of how overprotective J was towards her. She was sick of how his eyes were always on her, how his arm was always around her shoulders, how he never allowed her out of his sight and how he shot any man whose crime was just looking at her until she didn't have any friend left in this world since no one dared to even talk to her, afraid Joker would snap and kill them. This was so uncalled for, or so y/n thought. The clown gave her no freedom at all sometimes it made y/n feel like she couldn't breathe. Y/n didn't need him to be her babysitter. She could take care of herself! So y/n used the opportunity Joker was too busy negotiating with other crime lord to pay attention to her sneaked out of the VIP lounge. It was just a minute mister J wasn't looking, and when he turned back, y/n was nowhere to be seen. Fuck! This wasn't good. Not at all. How could she be wandering all by herself in a place fulled of hungry predators ready to jump at lost little gazelle like her?! Needless to say, the rendezvous had to end abruptly. Mister J almost lose his mind for the second time as he found himself in the sea of sweaty bodies, looking around and he still couldn't find y/n anywhere. The blasting music and flashing light weren't helping it almost made him pull out his pistol and shot everyone in his line of vision. J was so close to actually doing it, until his eyes landed at the bar. Here she was: his runaway kitten sitting there in her tiny dress. Though what made Joker's blood boil was a boy sitting next to her, laughing with her. His dirty hand on her shoulder. The Joker lost it. He stormed towards the both of them and with no warning, pulled out his gun and shot the boy right between his eyes the dude didn't even see it coming. His blood splattered all over y/n. People screamed and moved away. Though y/n just sat there, mouth hung open as she looked down at her favorite dress now being ruined by mister J's short temper. Then, she looked at the body of her new friend on the floor. And something snapped inside y/n. This was so unnecessary. Why wouldn't J let her have any friend?! It wasn't that she tried to make him jealous. She just wanted to have friends like a normal person. The fire of anger was fast to ignite in her eyes. Y/n turned to Joker's direction, and the clown's face was already a few inches away from hers. The grin on his red painted lips didn't go together with the rage in his blue orbs that got shades darker. But fuck it! Y/n was also in too much frustration to be intimidated by the maniac clown "Hi, princess..." Joker trailed off. Y/n knew the tone, it meant hell was about to break loose "Having a little fun?" J added. Y/n snarled at him. She have had put up with this bullshit enough. Her patience had reached its limits. There were so many things y/n kept to herself all these times, so many thing she wanted to get it out, to yell at his face, but with that lump in her throat, she couldn't fathom the words out "Fuck you" was all y/n could spat out after moment of silence. The grin disappeared from mister J's face, but y/n didn't give him time to react. Using the moment J was dumbfounded as her advantage, she pushed him away as she jumped down from the stool and walked pass him.

And here they were: him catching up with her "What the fuck were you thinking? Haven't I told you to stay close? What'd happen if I didn't find you in time. You ever thing about that, huh?!" Joker hissed at y/n's face.
"What? I just want to have some friends, J. Why can't you let me have any friends?" Her voice louder than she expected it to be.
Joker gritted his teeth "Friend? Haven't you seen the way that prick was looking at you?"
"What are you talking about? He was being nothing but a gentleman toward me until you killed him just like how you killed everything else for talking to me!" Y/n's voice cracked. She was so mad at the whole things. It wasn't just about this now-dead man in particular. It was about everyone J had killed because of his possession towards her. Y/n stayed silent for long enough. She had her limits and she had reached it - like a time bomb, she was exploding. Joker rolled his eyes "Ooh, honey, you're too naive. Too naive for this world. I know exactly just what that man was thinking the first second I saw the way he looked at you like you're some kind of a fucking fresh meat. I'm a man, I know. So stop with the attitude!"
"No! You stop with all these shit. Stop controlling me! I'm not a little kid, J. I can take care of myself. I... I don't need you"
"What?..." J's voice barely a whisper like he didn't believe what he had just heard. His expression softened. The anger in his eyes slowly turned into something else, something he rarely shown, especially in public. But for once, Joker was unable to hide all these emotions flooded through him. What was it even meant she didn't need him? She always counted on him. Y/n's face softened too. She never meant to hurt her mister J. She was just too pissed about all of this. No, she wouldn't go easy on him now. Y/n needed to prove mister J she could survive on her own without his protection "I don't need you..." Y/n repeated a bit louder before she turned around and walked away. This time, J didn't chase after her. He just stood there, completely lost and broken.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now