#36 normal

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Requested by Leaneapea123

He married me.
It all felt so surreal. Y/n was lying on the couch, holding her left hand up in front of her face to examine the big diamond ring on her finger. Her right hand placing on her baby bump. Eight months of the most beautiful moments in her life of carrying his baby in her stomach. Y/n still couldn't believe he choose her. He could have any woman in the world, but for some reason, he choose her. The Joker chooses her to be his partner in crime, and in life.
"Y/n, I'm home" The voice on the door, and sound of footsteps walking into the house told y/n her husband was back. Another night of him coming home safe and sound. Thanks, God. Y/n had been a bit worried every time he walked out the door. She was his wife, it was her job to be worried when her husband went for a dangerous mission or deal with another crime mob, right? Anyway y/n never asked him to give up his job, and be with his pregnant wife. She knew it was what he loved, it was what makes him, him, the Clown Prince of Crime. "How was your day, baby?" She asked as she walked up to him, putting her lips on his. The Joker gently bit her bottom lip, not too hate that it hurts, he was always so gentle with her like he was a porcelain doll that needs to be touched with care. He pulled back after awhile and answered her "I missed you, my love. I couldn't wait to get home to you" The Joker never fail to make her cheeks turned red. "Aww I missed you too" She said. "How was my two beautiful girls been up to today hmm" He asked as he placed a hand on her stomach "We're glad you came back safe, daddy" Y/n said with a baby voice before placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "And you don't have to be worried anymore" Joker said, and y/n raise her brows "No more killing, no more going out at night, baby. From now on, it will be just me, you, and our daughter" Y/n couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. She could never imagine the Joker could say something like this! He was willing to give up everything for her. "J... I... I... Oh my God!" She was speechless. Tears of joy ran down her cheeks as she reached for his lips. Giving him another loving kiss. The Joker's hand found her stomach and gently rubbing on it, just in that moment both him and y/n could felt a little kick of a little life inside her body. They both pulled away from the kiss, looking at each other with nothing but happiness "Did... did you feel that?" Y/n asked with a huge smile on her face "Yes, baby. Our daughter is kicking!" He chuckled before looking down at the baby bump. The clown got down on his knees, and continued to rub the baby bump "Hi, little girl. It's daddy" The sign of Joker, the most feared man doing this to y/n and their unborn baby was the most perfect thing ever. This man was the complete opposite of the Joker everyone knows and afraid off, this man was nothing but the loving father and husband. She never knew the Joker got a soft side in him "Daddy will protect you and your mother. No one will ever lay a hand on my girls" He looked up at y/n at the last sentence, making another tears of joy ran down her face. They were going to start a normal family. She was going to have a normal life with the Joker! J stood back up to met her face, their faces only inch apart when suddenly "I love you" Y/n was caught off guard by those three words left his mouth. He had never said it before "I... I love you too" Y/n said before closed the space between the two of them. She could felt him smirk in the kiss "Now baby just wake up. It's time to go now... y/n wake up, wake up"
"Wake up"
The voice started to felt more harsh, more... real. Y/n frowned and pulled away from the kiss. Why does her husband suddenly looked so far away? Why does everything felt so blurred.
"Wake up wake up" The sing song voice beside her got her to more and more sense as the image of her husband finally vanished to thin air.
Y/n opened her eyes to found herself in her and Joker's shared bed. "Finally decided to awake hmm, sleepyhead?" She looked to the side and was met with blue orbs of her green haired lover. Y/n was a bit confused. Where is the wedding ring? Where... where is the baby bump? Looking even more confused when she looked down on her stomach. "Baby, you okay?" J asked. So was it all a dream. Of cause another dream again. "Yeah, I'm... I'm fine" She gave him a smile. "Good. Frosty spotted the Bat in town. We gotta go pissing him off. Go get dressed baby. I want you to look absolutely sexy out there so the Bat will knows Joker got a bad bitch. I'll be waiting at the Lambo. And when we come back, daddy will play with ya" J pulled her into a passionate kiss and left the room. Y/n slightly smiled at herself thinking of her sweet dream she had just had. Of cause they could never be normal. She knew it the moment she choose this life with him, but still she had no regrets choosing it. She choose to gave up her normal life to be with this man, and even though the man she loved with all her heart could never say he loved her, he had his way to tell her. Her showed it through his actions, and action was always better than words. He loved her, and she knew it. Maybe she will meet with her another J again in her dream, but now, time to piss off Batsy!

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