#166 kill me like you used to. love me like you never did

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Warnings: violence, abuse, rape, suicide attempt

fuck me like I'm never coming back home.

"No no no no no no, baby, come on. Wake up, wake up. WAKE UP!!" Y/n watched as the Joker crashed down on his knees, frantically shaking her bloody corpse like a maniac. Her eyes opened, blankly stared at the ceiling. The slit on her neck still bled a little, and so were the many cuts littered all over her skin, they were still bled, but not pouring out blood like moment earlier. Her torn apart dress landed next to her naked form as she lied on the ground. She wouldn't respond to mister J's desperately call.

Y/n stood still, looking down at the scene on the floor. His expensive rug covered in dark, crimson blood. Her own blood. What was this? Was the Joker really... crying? Was he broken? Had he eventually realized the culprit action he have committed, the life he took that could never be brought back? He may have killed countless amount of innocent souls, but it could never come close to hers: the only soul that was completely, utterly in love with a damaged monster, the only soul that was there for him when he was on his knees. He destroyed her. He killed the only person that loved him. And he could never find another y/n in anyone else.

What have he done?


"No! You're hurting me!" Y/n cried out in pain, but that didn't stop mister J from throwing her bloody body across the room. Her back hit the hard ground hard she felt as if her spine was broken in half. The torment knocked the breath out of her for a second as she laid there on the floor with her mouth grasping for air. Her limbs and stomach were covered in deep cuts, pouring out crimson liquid. Her vision got so blurry, but she could still see mister J stomping towards her with the blood smeared knife still in his hands. In the past, when he hurt her, y/n could at least still see pleasure in his ocean blue eyes. But not tonight. He wasn't even smiling nor grinning his sinister grin at her. There was no humor in his eyes. Nothing but pure hate and anger as he kicked her legs apart before getting on top of her, crawling in between her legs. His face now only a few inches away from hers as his hot breaths landed on her lips. That strong scent of alcohol entered her nostrils made her feel so sick. Mister J got mad at how the heist didn't turn out as planned and took it out on his little toy, even though y/n had nothing to do with it. To make things worse, he consumed such strong alcohol that it completely shut his ability to think straight. He was killing her and he didn't even know it.

"P-please, you're hurting me" y/n pleaded with cracked voice it was almost like a whisper as tears rolled down her bruised up cheeks. She looked him in the eyes and the man looking down at her wasn't her sweet mister J she fell in love with, it was the Joker. The clown still wasn't smiling. Though she could already feel the bulge through his pants as he positioned himself at her sex. Using the same knife - he have just cut her with - Joker dragged the sharp blade down her already torn apart dress until the fabric was completely torn away from her injured body. The knife soon found its way right at her throat, it stopped her from crying, stopped her from squirming completely. Y/n tried to stay as still as she could since the slightest movement would make the sharp blade bite into her neck. Though to stay still was hard considered she was trembling out of control and was unable to control her sob. Y/n looked up at her mister J, praying he would wake up soon. What a shame, she couldn't see any sign of recognition in his blue orbs, only darkness and homicidal intention.

Joker gave her a sinister grin as - with one hand still holding the knife to her throat - the other started unzipping his pants "Oh, baby, look at you all bloody and ready to use. You have no idea what you're doing to daddy right now" His voice low and dark as he slowly twisted the knife, pushing it down, making the blade cut deep into her throat. Crimson blood gushing out as y/n tried to keep her eyes open for as long as she still could, so she could take in the detail of his face for as much as possible, knowing this was the last time she was able to admire the two beautiful ocean blue orbs mister J held. The pain was unbearable. Even more intense when his hard member slipped inside her. Y/n's back instinctively arched when his dick penetrated her walls. Joker's thrust was hard the repeatedly violent lunge he made only made the knife bite deeper into her skin y/n could feel the life draining out of her as she locked eyes with him. He kept slamming in and out. And y/n knew she wasn't going to last long. The life threatening cut on her neck was taking her life and also her ability to speak. Though if there was one thing, y/n refused to let go without addressing her last words. Even though she told mister J this every day, she still needed him to hear her say it for one last time "I love... you" Y/n forced the words out of her mouth before she felt herself fading away. Her vision got so blurry and she felt as if she weighted a feather. Soon enough, she could no longer feel the pain, could no longer feel anything as darkness consumed everything, even though her eyes remained opened. The last thing y/n acknowledged was the animalistic growls escaped his lips as he finished inside her. Then, her heart decided to free all these torment and stopped beating.

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