#114 every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find

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Warnings: smut, rape, violence.

This is probably one of the most sinful chapters I've ever wrote. So read at your own risk xo

Requested by DudeWheresMyFanfics

It wasn't something mister J took pride of, but the whole world knew about the break up of history between the king and queen of Gotham city. The Joker hated that bitch. He hated how she played him, how she made him look like a love sick fool. He hated that he let himself fell for her spell, for her game. When he wanted her gone, she kept coming back like a pain in the ass. But now that she got his heart, Harley torn it apart like everything they've been through was nothing and ran away with Poison Ivy. Leaving him completely heartbroken and miserable.

Joker sat on his usual in his club, the spot where he could keep an eye on everything and everyone could see behind that glass wall perfectly. Normally, when the night goers looked up, they'd meet with the intimidating clown king. But now that he was broken, everyone could look up and see a lost and lonely man sat absentmindedly in his seat with bottle of whiskey in hand. Silly clown, he was making himself look even more pathetic by showing how weak he was to the world. Alcohol numbed his ability to think logically so he just sat there staring at nothingness. What a perfect opportunity for all of his many enemies to take advantage of the clown's current condition.

"Your drink is here, mister J" A girl's voice brought him back to reality. Joker turned his head to the side and saw a little girl holding a tray with another glass of whiskey. His swinging thought couldn't process the fact that she wasn't one of his bartenders and he didn't order more drink. Joker took her offerings. Instead of making her way out after her business was done, the girl lingered behind his back. None of the clown's men was going to escort her out since, apparently, they were all out cold from the drugs she injected on them. The girl watched his reaction from the reflection on the glass wall in front of him. It wouldn't take too long...

After only a couple sips, the clown started to feel tipsy... numbed. He shook his head trying to clear his mind a little. His already drunk mind kept swirling in his head, making him unable to aware that something was definitely wrong. He didn't even notice the stranger watching him from behind with that slight smirk on the corner of her lips. Poor mister J. She thought with that smirk never left her face. The clown had never been so reckless, so impulsive. If he was in his normal condition, he would've turned around and shot her by now. But, oh well, people got blind when they got their hearts broken that they lost the ability to think straight. The Joker was no exception. He drank more drink from the glass down his throat, and the sudden lack of deprivation of the power of sensation finally made him realize the drink had something in it. That was when Joker felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to the side and saw that girl who offered him the drink, and it hit him. He snarled and made a move to lunge at her. Though he passed out and fell to the ground on her feet just the moment before his hand could grab her neck.

Growling and groaning, mister J started to blink as the senses started to return to his body. The first thing he saw after opened his eyes was the dim light from the neon on the ceiling above his head. The room was dim. Though he could particular made out it was a bedroom... someone's bedroom. Joker felt like his head was going to explode from such strong headache. Where was him? What happened to him? He tried to sit up, but he felt like it was impossible to move a muscle, as if he had no energy left to do anything but to lay here completely still and helpless. He felt numbed. So numbed he couldn't even see clearly "I see you're awake" A girl's voice got his attention. Her voice sounded so far away as it echoed through his head, but it did ignite some memories in his brain. That drink, that girl from the club. Rage started to burn inside Joker now that he started to get the picture. That girl drugged him and took him here. How dared she. He was the Joker! The clown sure never thought someone could have a death wish so strong... or maybe he thought it was a "death wish" it would surely be, if he was in his normal state. But now, he kind of defenseless. The girl didn't even tie him up, yet he still couldn't move
"Who are you?" Mister J turned his head to the side, pretty much the only movement he could make. His voice came out almost like a whisper that it surprised himself how weak he was at the time. The girl walked out of the shadow, revealing her face. She was the same girl who gave him the drink "My name is y/n" She slithered the words out her mouth in a foam of purring as she got to the bed with him. Y/n straddled the clown before seductively ran her long and thin fingers down his chest, through his unbuttoned shirt "Mister J... I have to admit, you look even better from this angle" Y/n licked her lips. Her eyes now filled with lust it didn't go unnoticed by Joker. Joker growled. He never felt so powerless. What did the girl done to him? Why couldn't he move?!

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