#43 make you proud

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Author's note: if you're the walking dead fan,
I just published Negan x Joker x Reader book!! It called "SURRENDER"
Go check it out :)
Ps. Don't worry loves, I'll still be continuing with this Joker one shots, and remember,
requests are open xo


"Fuck fuck fuck. Stupid. How can I be so stupid" Y/n cursed under her breath as she stumbled to get back home. Mister J is going to be so mad at me. He's gonna think I'm weak. Stupid cop! Her hand holding tight on her shoulder where blood kept gushing through the fresh wound onto her clothes. Her other hand hold onto her thigh where another bullet grazed through her skin too. Hell, she couldn't even get to the car as the cops were blocking all the way. She could barely escaped with two bullet holes on her body. She failed. She failed herself, but most importantly, she failed the Joker. Y/n gritted her teeth, trying to ignore the excruciating pain and get home as fast as possible. Sooner or later, she was going to face the Joker, and she could only hope he won't throw her out of the house. She was broken, and mister J doesn't like broken things.


"Hey, baby, you still working on the plan?" Y/n asked as she walked into his office. The clown was busy with his plan to break into Gotham's most security building. His informant told him the building was where the government kept their top secret USB which contained every important detail of military, weapons secret, politicians stuff, and so on. To short it up, if the clown got that one tiny USB, he will have the upper hand over the cops, and Batman. Though this wasn't an easy task, the building was highly guarded.
"You've been in this office for almost eight hours now, J, you gotta rest. C'mon let your girl take care of ya" Y/n walked behind the chair, and started massaging his shoulders "Not now, princess. Daddy's busy. Go to bed" J roughly replied as he pushed her hands off of him, clearly not in the mood.
"I said not now. Go" And by the look on his face, y/n could tell she'd better not push it anymore. She sighed and walked out the door. As she shut the door behind, an idea popped in her head. What if she got him that damn USB? It'd make her mister J so happy, and he'd be so proud of her. There was nothing y/n loved more than making her Clown Prince happy, and making him proud of her. She wanted to prove herself to him that she has what it takes to be the Joker's queen, and that she wasn't just an innocent little girl. Mister J never let her go on any job with him. This was the chance she could prove herself to him. With that, y/n left the penthouse, taking one of the SUVs

Sighing, the Joker knew he wasn't going anywhere with the plan so might as well quit it for now. He was tired, and right now, there was nothing he wanted more than to fall asleep with y/n in his arms. Joker turned off the light in his office, making his way to the master bedroom where he assumed y/n would be asleep by now. He slowly opened the bedroom door, the light was off and J didn't bother turning it on, afraid he'd wake y/n up. His little angel deserved her good night sleep. Slowly crawling on bed, he fumbled to find y/n. His brows furrowed as his hand only made contact with nothing but air and blankets. He prompted himself up on his elbow, and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. Y/n wasn't in the bed. Where was she? The Joker needed her in his arms because that was the only he could get a good night sleep. Growing, J got out of the bedroom, calling her name.
After fifteen minutes, J was sure y/n wasn't in the penthouse. Panic started to kick in. She shouldn't be out of the penthouse this late at night. Hell, she shouldn't be out the penthouse at all if the clown himself or Frost wasn't with her. Everyone knew who she was, and being out there alone means all of his enemies could take her to use it against him. Y/n had never went anywhere without his permission. What if someone kidnapped her?! He called her only to find her phone ringing in their shared bedroom. Something was wrong. Very wrong. The Joker called his henchmen, ordering them they'd better come back with y/n or else they will all died a very painful way. Clenching his teeth, the clown grabbed his gun and his car key. Ready to kill and destroy anything getting in his way. J stormed to the front door, he swung it open, and...
"Y/n?!" Joker was met with y/n leaning against the doorway. She had just got back. Once y/n saw J, she looked down as if she was ashamed. Joker's expression changed from shock to anger in a matter of seconds "There you are, you bitch. Did I say you could leave without my permission huh?!" His voice raised. But then his eyes got soften as he saw all the blood on her shoulder and tight "What happened to you?" J asked before picked her up in his arms, carrying her inside. He made his way to the bathroom, placed her on the bath tub. Y/n still kept her head down. Joker used his finger titled her chin up, her eyes met his "Answer me" Instead of speaking, y/n reached for her pocket and pulled out a tiny USB in her hand. She handed it to him, watching what his reaction would be. At least, she got the USB, y/n was hoping mister J wouldn't be too mad at her weakness. She saw J's eyes widened. He took the USB from her, and she even hoped maybe he'll rushed to his laptop and forgot about her, so she wouldn't get yelled at, or worse thrown out of the house. Though, what he did took her by surprise, Mr. J tossed the USB to the side as if it meant nothing, as if he didn't spend day after day working on his plan to get it. J saw the confused expression on her face and said "Doll, all I care about right now is to know what happened to you" He sighed as the bleeding won't stop "I'll help you with the wounds, and when I'm done, I expect some explanation" He scoffed, pointing his finger at her like a father would to his child.
The Joker examined the wounds on her shoulder and thigh "The one on your thigh shouldn't be a problem. There's no bullet inside. I can just wrapped cloth around it and you should be fine, you won't be able to walk properly for weeks, but you'll be fine. But the one on your shoulder... I need to take the bullet out, and stitch it. I'm not gonna lie, and tell you it wasn't going to hurt" Y/n's eyes widened. J knew how much she hated needles.

She kept whining and jumping the whole time. Turning her head to the side, she even shut her eyes, not wanting to see anything. Y/n hated herself for showing him even more weakness. You stupid weak ass bitch. The voices inside her head yelled at her and it made hot tears streamed down her face. "It's all done, baby" J said as he wiped away her tears. He sighed "Now, I know this is hard for you, but I need to know who did this to you, and what happened to you. You know I can't let it pass, right?" Y/n could tell he was trying to contain his anger. She sighed and started telling him everything.
The Joker was caught off guard as she finished. His mouth hung open. "I-I'm sorry I'm weak" She said, looking down again. J cupped her cheeks, making her look at him. There was something in his eyes y/n wasn't quite used to, worried? J looked her deep in the eyes "Baby, what makes you think you're weak hmm?" "I... I got myself shot" She said quietly. J sighed "Pumpkin, I want you to listen to me carefully because I'm not going to say it again, you're not weak. You're so strong... stronger than me. You went to that place all by yourself and you got the USB. I can't even go there alone, but you did. You did it. The only reason I'm mad at you isn't because I think you're weak, it's because I'm afraid... afraid something worse might happen to you. For the first time in my life, I'm actually afraid, baby doll" His speech caught her off guard. The Joker was never one to open up, but now he was telling all of this. "Just promise me one thing..." He continued, y/n nodded "You won't doing thing like this again. I can't bare the thoughts of something bad happened to you. Promise me, y/n" Y/n looked him in the eyes, and in that moment, she knew it. She knew it now, the reason he never allowed her to any of his mission wasn't being he thought she was weak, it was because he doesn't want to see her get hurt.
She slowly nodded "promise"
"That's my girl. I'm proud of you, but don't scare me like that again" He said before kissing her forehead. His kiss always made her feel better.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now