hold on to this lullaby even when the music's gone - part 2 ; parasite

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The distant indistinct talking brought more and more senses back to the young man's body

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The distant indistinct talking brought more and more senses back to the young man's body. He started to move around a little and blink. Everything felt like a one big blurry picture to him. Where was he? All he saw was white before his eyes started to slowly focus on things after a couple seconds passed. He saw a fluorescent light on the white ceiling above his head, turning his face to the side, he was met with white plastic curtains. When he turned to the other direction, he saw a heart monitor and an IV pole in which he had just noticed a mask - a breathing mask - on his face and a needle buried in the vein in the back of his hand, the needle was connected to a tiny, transparent tube and that tube led to the IV bag.

"Mister Jack, good to see you're awake. How are you feeling?" A glass door slid open and a middle - aged man entered the ward and toward his bed. Jack just looked up at him, confusion written on his face. Of course, he couldn't talk. The breathing mask prevented him from doing so, but despite how numb he felt and how lost he was, Jack guessed he was in a good hand so he just nodded. The man gave him a soft smile in return "That's good. Do you remember anything?" The blank expression on Jack's face answered it for him. The man nodded in understanding before he spoke up "That's to be expected. The anesthetic's still in your bloodstream. It would take a couple hours for it to completely wear off. Anyway, I'm doctor Connor Rhodes. You've been brought to Gotham general hospital. You were found unconscious in your house after you called 911. We took some tests and it yielded evidence of left ventricular non-compaction. A heart condition. You were in a non-ischemic heart failure and with your tachycardia - in which we've found - we couldn't increase inotropic support without risking cardiogentic shock. That gave us - at best - a few more days to find you a new heart. Which I am glad to tell you that we've found just the right one and that the transplant was a success. You just need some rest and you'll be good to go" Doctor Rhodes placed a hand on his patient's shoulder and gave him a smile before walking away, allowing Jack some personal time.

The heart recipient just laid there. Trying to take in all the news he was informed. He woke up in a hospital, learned he had a heart condition and that he had just been given a new heart. Of course, this would have left anyone in shock. But besides all those overwhelming, Jack wondered one thing;

whose heart was beating inside his body?

Jack was sent home at last after he was strong enough. Though if there was one thing, no one in the hospital ever willing to tell him who was the donor. When he asked 'Sorry, we are not allowed to give out the information. It's the hospital protocol' was always the same answer with the exact same words he got from every doctor and nurse. Were they given the same script or something? It wouldn't have bothered Jack so much, if he hadn't been sensing something was off inside his body, not physically but mentally. It felt as if his thoughts weren't his own and there was something so evil dwelling within him and it screamed at him to let it go. Jack knew it sounded crazy and if he were to discuss about this with anyone, they would advise him to find a shrink 'you've just got a heart transplant. Your mind needs time to get used to it. If you really feel like it's too much, maybe you should talk to a psychiatrist' they would say. So Jack didn't tell them anything about how that weird feeling only getting stronger and stronger.

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