#138 pain in the ass

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Being the Joker, everyone believed he could control every single thing to be the way he wanted it to be, that he wouldn't have any burden in his life since people assumed if there were to be any problem, he would pull of his pistol and shoot the trouble away before laugh at it all. Which was true... in some part. What no one knew was there was this one pain in the ass mister J found himself unable to get rid off, no matter how hard he tried. This pain in the ass had a name, it was y/n.

It frustrated the Joker to the maximum how y/n always got on his nerve and how no matter what she did, he couldn't bring himself into leaving her. There was something about her, something he couldn't describe, but it made him feel things again, things mister J wasn't supposed to be capable of experiencing.

List of the things y/n has done - that made mister J want to cry (and he was the Joker!) could go on and on forever. The clown found himself laying wide awake in bed, thinking of all the things y/n have done. She was such a pain in the ass!

Always questioning him.

J claimed himself as a responsible person. Of course, he was the Joker, he knew he had it in him (or that was what he told himself) The clown was having "fun" his "friend" in his playroom where y/n busted through the door "Baby, did you forget to feed the dogs again?" Joker rolled his eyes. His hand froze in the air. He was about to slam that baseball bat down on his friend's head, but once again, his fun time got interrupted by his little problem. Joker turned around to face her and there she was, his little y/n standing there, crossing her arms and giving him pouty face "Baby, daddy is very busy right now. Why don't you do play somewhere else?" "Did you feed the dogs yet, J?" She squinted her eyes at him. Joker sighed "Who do you think I am, pumpkin?" "Did you?" The clown actually had to think for a few seconds before he sighed "Alright, fine! I forgot" He bitterly admitted. Y/n shook her head in disapproval and walked away to give their pets some food "That pain in the ass" J mumbled to himself after she was gone. He only forgot to feed the doggies six times this week. Why'd she have to be so mad?


Embarrassing him.

The Joker sensed something was wrong when all the henchmen he walked pass kept giggling and whispering something. They looked at their phones and at him, then back at their phones again and again. Eric ( the Panda dude) tried to keep a stern face on when mister J walked up to him with murderous look on his face. Eric's face turned red from trying so hard, still, he wasn't able to stop that small chuckle escaping his lips "What is it?" Joker narrowed his eyes "N-nothing, sir" *small giggle left Eric's mouth. Damn! Y/n is going to get home killed Eric thought But this shit is too hilarious* Joker snarled at the dude. The clown inspected the situation for a while before he yanked the phone from Eric's hand to see what the fuck was going on "Gimme that!" Then, J's jaw dropped when he saw what y/n posted on her Instagram with caption: bae is a natural

 The clown inspected the situation for a while before he yanked the phone from Eric's hand to see what the fuck was going on "Gimme that!" Then, J's jaw dropped when he saw what y/n posted on her Instagram with caption: bae is a natural

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My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now