#38 let 'em watch

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Warnings: Smut. Dirty kinky smut. Read at your own risk. My innocence had long flew out the window 🙃

*at Smile and Grin club*
The Joker sat in his seat in the VIP lounge, looking like a king himself, the clown kept his eyes on his good little doll, y/n. Tonight was the first night J finally let y/n took her place in the golden cage after him and Harley break up. Not because he still couldn't get over Harls nor that he thought y/n doesn't have what it takes to took the spot in the center of the club, but because he doesn't want another men to look at what was his. He was possessed with her, wanting her all for himself that if any man ever laid eyes on her, they'd got bullet in the head within a heartbeat. Mr. J was completely lost in lust as y/n go down on the gold pole and slowly back up in a very slow motion. Her tight little dress she was wearing left almost nothing to the imagination. Y/n made eye contact with Mr. J for a second, and it was enough for her to see her king was panting hard, his grip on his cane got incredibly tight. God, he wanted to just go in that damn cage, rib her dress off, and fuck her brain out right there, right now. Of cause, Mr. J wasn't the only one who got lost in lust in her beauty, every single man in the club couldn't take their eyes off of her. Though there was one man in particular who seemed to enjoy what he was seeing a bit too much that he was so lost in lust his logical thoughts that this was the Joker's girl had been clouded by the way y/n sway her hips. Once the song finished, y/n got off the cage. The Joker gave an order to her to go to straight to him, but after losing some sweat, y/n decided to go to the bar and get some drink first. Looking up to Mr. J, he seemed to be in a deep discussion with his business partner. As y/n wait for her drink at the bar, the man who seemed to be very interested in her approached her "Hi, I'm Alex" Y/n turned to the side to see a man with brown hair, green eyes took a seat next to her "What's your name, beautiful?" "Y/n" She shortly replied, knowing how much Mr. J hates it when other man talks to her. "That's a very beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you, sweets. Now I must say that was pretty impressive what you did up there. So how about we go somewhere where no one else could interrupt us, and you show me what that pretty body of yours can do hmm?" Alex smirked and for the moment y/n wondered if he was very brave or very stupid. She glanced to the VIP section, and apparently the Joker was gone. Where is he? Y/n really hope J didn't see her talking to the dude, he was dead if J saw him trying to flirt with her. In her last attempt to try to save the idiot's life, y/n thought it'd be best for him if she'd leave the bar now so the dude don't get bullet in his head, but just when she was about to walk away, Alex grabbed her wrist. "Oh c'mon hottie, where do you think you're going? Let's have some fun" "I have a boyfriend. Let me go" Y/n tried to sound confident, but the grip on her wrist that got tighter to the point where it started to hurt made her voice crack. "He wouldn't mind. Not that he needs to know" Y/n saw something in Alex's eyes twisted and it got darker. Before she could react, he pulled her over to him with such force, making her yelp. Y/n was getting real scared at this point. Where was J? She needed him right now.

"Gentleman" The too familiar voice made both y/n and Alex turned to the side. Standing there in all his glory was no other than the king himself. Alex suddenly let go of y/n, his face turned even paler that the Joker. "Are you bothering this young lady hmm" J asked in a calm voice which sent shiver down both Alex and y/n's spines. Y/n knew J was in pure rage, he was even scarier when he was mad, but acted calm. "N-no, sir. Not at all, sir" Alex stuttered. "Are you being disrespectful towards what was mine?" Alex's eyes widened as he just realized whose girl he had just screwed with. "I... I-I didn't know she's your lady, sir. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect" Out of the blue, the Joker laugh his maniac laugh, making Alex flinched. Even y/n was a bit scared of what the Joker's next move would be. He was unpredictable, and capable of everything. It was dangerous to be near him when he was like this. People stopped whatever they were doing, the DJ even turned the music off. Everyone turned towards the three of them. Terrifying look on their faces, knowing blood was about to be shed. J made his way to Alex before wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Y/n saw how Alex almost jumped out of his skin at the Joker's touch. "Oooh you don't know? You don't know you don't know you don't know" J said in a mocking voice. Alex looked like he was going to faint at any second "Then let me show you who did she belong to"

In no time at all, J walked over to y/n. His eyes got darkened, and for a moment she thought he was going to hit her. But instead, the clown pushed her against the bar table. He lifted her dress up, y/n could feel the cold air hit her skin as her panties being cut open by J's blade. And there was nothing she could do to stop the clown since his other hand held her down firmly against the table. Her cheeks turned red, knowing this was so wrong. There were in public! Though she couldn't deny the thrills. Y/n heard J unbuckle his belt.
"Feel free to watch. Enjoy the show if you must" The Joker spoke loudly and clearly so everyone in the club could hear him. Holy shit y/n thought. "Fair warning, she's a screamer"
"Wha- oohhhhhhh" Her sentence was replaced by her scream as J pushed his entire length deep inside her with no warning. Her grip on the table got tighten. The clown shamelessly thrust in and out of her. Y/n bit her lips, tried to contain her scream. It was beyond uncomfortable knowing the whole club were watching them. People wanted to look away, but they found themselves unable to doing so as they all stared at the scene in front of them. The Joker's thrusts only got harder and faster to the point y/n could no longer hold back her scream, and so she let out the loudest scream. Minutes before, she was so embarrassed at the situation, now she couldn't care less if the whole world were watching as she let herself lost in lust. Only J could make her feel like this. Her scream mixed with J's moan echoing through the entire club. She felt the knot building in her stomach, and how his thrust got sloppier. There were both close. After a few more thrusts, they both couldn't hold it any more as J shoot his cum deep inside her. All y/n could do was screaming his name. Her juice and his cum dripped shamelessly down her legs. J took a few more thrusts before pulling out. Both of them were panting hard. Y/n's logical thoughts started to come back, and her face turned incredibly red after realized what she had done... well, what's done is done. The Joker sipped his pants. He looked at the audience, none of them dared to make eye contact with him, but they sure did enjoy the show. "Well thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed our little show" J laughed, while y/n just stood shyly behind him. Alex was still there. The boy should've got out of the club to save his own ass, but no, he was too into the show to leave. He thought the Joker would forgot about him, boy he was wrong. Alex knew he made a big mistake by staying the moment J made his way to him. It was too late now. "Did you enjoy the show?" J fleshed his evil grin at him. Before Alex could answer, he found himself looking at the barrel of J's pistol.
"She is mine"
"Sir, no-"


This time, the screams were coming from the audience as the bullet made its way to Alex's brain. Blood splashed everywhere. There were some parts of his brain on the wall behind him. Once again, the Joker laughed his maniac laugh before turning back to face y/n, and she saw the lust returned on the clown's eyes when he looked at her. "My my sweet little whore. You've been a very bad bad girl, letting me fuck you in front of the entire club? Hmm bad girl needs to be punished" J smirked, and lifted her up in his arms. Y/n couldn't help but blush. "What? Are you waiting for another round?" J said to the crowd, they all seemed not knowing what to do. Should they get the fuck out of the club so they don't have to have their brain blew off, or should they stay in case the Joker and y/n will perform another round. J only laughed at this "Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but I'm afraid this pretty lady here is too shy to pull another show for tonight. Maybe next time, but now, she will have to get her punishment first" J said darkly while he carried her out of the crowd to their private booth, whispering in her ear "Don't think we're done for tonight, princess. After we finished this round in the private booth, there will be the third round waiting at our home for sure"

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