goodbye part three: hoping or mindless dreaming

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After having the DNA test from the body and J's single strand of hair y/n managed to find under his pillow, it was confirmed that the body wasn't Joker.
"It... it doesn't make any sense" Y/n stuttered as she and Frost stood over the mysterious body lying on the table. Of cause they moved the body from her and J's bed to the basement after she was sure it wasn't the Clown Prince. Why would she let some random corpse be in her bed. What y/n and Frost doesn't understand was why all the effort? Why would the government make someone looked like the Joker, all the tattoos on his body. Unless... unless they knew y/n would never stop until she gets the body. Unless they wanted to fool her, but for what? If this wasn't Joker than where is his body? Why would the gov make all the effort unless... unless.
"J is still alive!!" Y/n suddenly said after minutes of silence. Frost looked at her, his expression was hard to read "Miss, you saw the fire reached him, he's-"
"I know Frost, but think about it. The cops and firefighters showed up pretty fast that night. They could've saved him in time, and all they had to do was tell everyone he was dead. They knew I'd come to get the body so they faked this one with J's tattoos, making the face unrecognizable like it was destroyed by the fire so we thought it was J, and I would get over it and leave them alone. Why all the effort to fool us unless he's still alive, and they don't want us to know!" As much as it sounds impossible, Frost had to admit, she had a point. "If J is alive somewhere out there. I need to find him, Frost" Y/n was desperate. Suddenly having some hope, but at the same time worried, angry, and afraid. Worried of what they might do to him. Angry that she gave up on him so easily, that she let herself believed when they announced his death, that she should think maybe he was alive, then she could used these time passed by trying to find him instead of drowning in her sorrow. Afraid that it was just a false hope, and she will ended up getting hurt even more.
Frost saw y/n was about to get another mental breakdown again, so he calmed her down "If he is, we will find him, miss" He reassured her.

Three months passed. Three months of not knowing whether Joker is alive or dead. Y/n found this unknown tortured her even more than when she thought he was dead. It was excruciating. She couldn't eat. Couldn't sleep. She looked beyond exhausted as she stayed up days and nights trying to find her clown lover. She torn the city apart in hope to find him, but all she got was nothing. There was no sign of the Clown Prince. Part of her afraid he was actually dead, however, that little hope inside her heart tell her he was alive, waiting for her to come rescue him. And that was what kept her going. She would never give up on him, not anymore.
"Where are you, baby?" Y/n said while looking at the Joker's side on the bed as if he could hear her. When out of the blue, Frost swung the door open almost making her jump at the sudden action. This was very unlike Frost, he never get in without knocking, but from the look on his face, y/n could tell he had something very important to tell. "You really need to see this, miss"
Y/n followed Frost to Joker's office. Several henchmen were gathered around the table, on the table was some sort of blueprint of a building. Frost handed y/n a fax "We have some informants faxed us this. It's the information of some kind of prison. Unlike Arkham, this place is top secret, used for worst of the worst. It located deep in the mountain in the middle of the wood. Look here, the number of inmates was 56 on the day the incident happens, here, on the next day, the number was 57. All the inmates' informations were given in every detail, name, occupation, abilities, outstanding warrants. But when we look at the 57th inmate, there was nothing, no name, just titled "most dangerous criminally insane" y/n, I don't want you to keep your hope up too high, it could be nothing. But it's worth to find out"
"Get everyone ready. We're going there" She commanded.


Gunshots echoed through the hall as Joker's henchmen busted in. Y/n walked in through big hole on the wall. Nothing could stop her now. Frost, and some henchmen led her way to underground section. They finally came to a stop in front of the metal door with high security lock, it took them a solid minute to get the door open. Inside was yet another metal door. The government wouldn't put such high security if whoever inside wasn't someone very dangerous. Y/n's heart was pounding fast inside her chest. Once the henchmen finally get the door open, revealing nothing but darkness making it impossible to see what was inside. Y/n told the henchmen to back off, she will go in there all by herself to find out whoever was in there. Just before she could step inside, Frost stopped her "Are you sure about this, miss? We don't even know if it's actually him inside" Without hesitation, y/n replied "Yes, I'm sure" She had a feeling that it was him. Something inside her told her J was just couple feet away, waiting for her. Y/n walked inside, once her eyes adjusted to the dark, she could see a man figure sitting in the corner of the room, she could tell he was in a straitjacket. His legs curled up against his chest, face pressed against his knees. He didn't even seemed to acknowledge someone was in the room with him. Though y/n could made out the messy green hair fell over his face. She froze in place. Afraid that if she made one more step closer, he'd just vanished into thin air.
"J?" Y/n spoke, her voice cracked it came our more like a whisper since she couldn't find the energy to make her voice loud. The man didn't respond so y/n said his name again "J" This time her voice was louder. The man finally lifted his head up. Even in the darkness, y/n could see there was a little burn marks on his face. But his eyes, thirst blue orbs were still the same. It was the same blue orbs she fell for. Y/n stood still, tears ran down her cheeks, but this time, it wasn't from sadness. "J. Oh my God you... it's you. You're alive" Y/n let out something between laugh and sob. She rushed to him, and kneeled down in front of him so they were at the same level. However, J wasn't even look at her, he was just staring at nothingness. It was like he was completely lost in his mind "J, what's wrong? Baby, it's me" She cupped his cheeks, tried to get him to look at her. "J...J!!" After a couple tried, his eyes finally met hers "Oooooh, it's you" J smiled, but it was still wasn't like him "My lovely, lovely y/n... so lovely"

Y/n knew this wasn't like him

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Y/n knew this wasn't like him. It was like he was on drug or something. He looked completely broken, but not on the outside "J, what did they gave you" Suddenly, J's smile got frozen in place, and his eyes got shades darker "They were mean to me" He pouted. For some reasons, seeing him like this broke her even more than thinking he was dead. In front of her was not the most feared criminal, he was just a little lost boy "They shocked me, hit me, and they said rude things to me" J looked at y/n with puppy eyes, and y/n wanted nothing more than to hold him "J, what did they gave to you hmm?" She needed to know what makes him so not himself "Oooh just a happy little pill here and happy little pill there" Suddenly he smiled that "five-year-old" smile at her again "You're so pretty" J said with a baby voice. Whatever they gave him, it made him not himself. Y/n knew they don't have much time until more people arrived, they needed to get out of here as soon as possible, but how will she drag J out of here when he was in such drug state. It was like trying to babysit a five year old who stuck in a criminal body out the long corridors with bullets flying through the air.
Y/n raised her hand, hesitated for a few seconds before *slap* the impact made J turned to the side. "J... ?" She asked. He looked back at her, and then she saw something in his eyes twisted. He suddenly looked so shock to see her in front of him "Y/n?!" "Baby, yes. It's me" And for the first time in what felt like forever, her smile was real. Before J could say anything, y/n thrown herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I missed you so much. I... I thought you were..." Y/n stuttered through her sobs. J could felt her tears on the crook of his neck, and y/n could felt him struggling through his straitjacket, trying to hug her back. God, she never wanted to let go of him ever again "Miss" Frost's voice interrupted them "We should get going now. More cops are heading our way" Frost said, and y/n pulled away, getting J out of the straitjacket. He had nothing underneath, and once the straitjacket was off of his body, y/n could see a few burn marks, and bruises, no doubt from the asshole guards here. Yet, the Joker still looked intimidating as ever. "Boss" Frost nodded to him as a welcome back. "Frost" J nodded back. Y/n helped him stand up since it seemed like the wound on his leg he got from the incident was still hurt. She wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and Frost came to wrapped J's other arm around his shoulder and walked out the door.


Y/n was finally be able to sleep since she wasn't getting any real sleep after the incident, but now that she got him back, the nightmares were finally over. J watched as her body go limb in his arms. Gotham will burn. Everyone who had anything to do with this will pay for what they did, but for now, nothing mattered more than the Joker and y/n being in each other's arms. They got each other back.

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