#30 brainwashed

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"She's all ready ma'am" Rick Flagg spoke to the woman in charge. "Good. She is the only person who can kill him" Amanda Waller said as she looked at the girl in glass cell. The girl stood still, emotionless. Opening the door, Amanda stepped inside. She handed over the girl a photo in her hand. "This is your mission, soldier"

The Joker sat absentminded in his club

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The Joker sat absentminded in his club. Everything felt empty without y/n beside him. All the chaos he caused were no fun without her. The Joker used to have her on his lap every time when he was meeting with other crime lords, to show off his girl, so everyone knows she was all his. Now, y/n wasn't by his side, and he knows she will never be again. J sighed. What a king without a queen. He misses y/n. He wouldn't admit it, but he misses his queen. If there was anything he could do to bring her back, he'd god damn to it no matter what it takes. Too bad death can never be brought back. How could he let this happen? He could've protected her. She was his girl, it was his job to protect her. He failed. Which was his biggest fail.
It all happened so fast. The burst destroyed everything. He didn't even have her body. The sound of her scream his name, and those terrified look in her eyes were still haunting J. He tried to save her, but the impact was so strong it sent him flying against the wall.
The clown lives everyday with shame. Shame that he failed to save her. He tried to convince himself y/n was just another toy, that he could replace her with any girl, though he knew he was lying to himself. No one could make J felt like y/n do. No one could ever replace her.

"J!" Y/n screamed in disbelief and relief the moment she saw J made it out alive from the massive car crash. He had bruises and cuts, but still okay. The clown pushed y/n out of the car to safety the moment he knew things were getting out of hand. Y/n watched in shock as J drove the car with Batman on the roof and crashed it into the old building. However, the jerk Bat used his toy from his utility belt to jump away. Living J in the car. There was no way to put it in words how happy and relieved y/n was when she saw him stumbled out of smoke and dust. She ran into his arms "I thought I lost you" Tears of joy ran down her face. J pulled away, and hold her face, making her look him in the eyes "Hey, hey, listen to me. I'll always be here, right here, beside you" y/n nodded and buried her face in the crook of his neck.


The knock on the door brought J out of his thought. Frost escorted Monster T into the room. "He doesn't shake hand" Frost said as Monster T tried to shake hand with J. This dude should've learned before meeting with the Joker. Didn't he know one wrong move, and his head being blown out? Frost thought to himself as Monster T went to sit across from J. "Sup, J hey can I ask you something?" Without even waiting for the Joker's approval, Monster T continued "Where's that bitch of yours? I noticed I haven't seen her around you for awhile now. You got bored of her? Man, she's hot. Look, if you didn't kill her yet, can I have her? I mean, you doesn't want her anymore, right? I'm surprised you haven't replaced her with another bitches yet. This is so unlike you, J" Something in the Joker's eyes twisted. Frost was sure he had just heard the most stupid thing being said by mankind. He tried to signal Monster T from behind the Joker to cut it off. Poor (or stupid) Monster T didn't take the hint as he continued "What's her name again? Y/n... right? Damn I want that bitch in my bed" Annndddd... he's fucked. Frost had come to a conclusion. Then the right hand man made his way out of the room to get a body beg J kept in occasion of someone made the wrong move. Frost knows too well how this will end.
The Joker was shaking with rage "Oh you want that bitch in your bed hmm? You want my queen in your bed, being touched by the lowest of the low like you?" J stood up, and hovering over Monster T, making him suddenly looked so small. Monster T knew in that moment he fucked up. He gulped "Your... your queen? Yo J, look I didn't mean any disrespect. I didn't know-" *Bang* Part of Monster T's brain splashed to the wall. However, the Joker didn't even reach for his gun yet. All the henchmen that were in the room suddenly circling themselves around J, guarding him. All guns pointing toward the direction the mysterious bullet came from, but before they could react, bullets hit each of them in the head, leaving them no time to prepare as they were all dropped to the floor, dead. Living Joker stood there in the middle of dead bodies. The clown gritted his teeth. Who. Who would dare? In my own club?! J took out his gun and laughed his maniac laughing "Come out come out wherever you are. I promise I won't bite... hard" Suddenly a figure walked out of the shadow. Once her face was revealed, the Joker felt like he got hit by a ton of bricks, knocking the breath right out of him. In front of him was y/n!! But... how? She's... dead. The Joker just stood still, too shock to move a muscle. His eyes widen, mouth hung open. His gun dropped to the ground. Y/n took her steps toward J without any hesitation until she was right in front of him. She pressed her gun against his forehead, but all J could focus on was y/n. That she was alive, and actually stood right in front of him. The Joker didn't even feel the cold metal of the gun on his skin. "Any last words, clown" Y/n spat. Joker was at a loss of words, all he could stuttered out was "H- How... how did you?"

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