#121 where do broken hearts go?

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Requested by JeromexThexBoss

The doubts were always the loudest at night when y/n laid in bed, eyes wide awake. Turning her head to the side just to look at the emptiness where he was supposed to be made her heart ached. She never thought emptiness would weigh the most. The state of the unknown whether her man was still hers was slowly killing her more and more. He changed. He didn't even take her to his club anymore. The way he looked at her wasn't the same anymore. Rumors started spreading around: the Joker found his new queen. Y/n tried to get it out of her head, tried to convince herself she was overthinking, but deep down, she knew she was losing him more and more. She knew this was coming. She just didn't want to believe it. Another proofs of her worst fear came in the foams of woman's hair on his jacket, mysterious hickeys around his neck. He thought she was blind?! Y/n wished she was though. So she didn't have to see all those ugly truth. Still, she pretended to be. Like she didn't see the love marks from other woman, like the purple bruises didn't exist. The worst part for y/n was how he talked to her: he acted like nothing happened, but y/n could still notice the changes in the way his voice sounded. It wasn't her sweet mister J anymore. Y/n didn't understand. If he wanted her gone, why wouldn't he just say it in her face. It'd hurt like hell, but at least, it wouldn't hurt as much as what he was doing to her: pretending like everything was fine when it fact, it wasn't. His heart wasn't hers anymore.

Fuck! She couldn't take it anymore. She needed the answer even though she knew getting the confirmation would break her heart into million pieces. It needed to be done. Living like this was killing her. Y/n kicked the blanket out of her body and jumped out the king size bed she didn't remember when was the last them she felt his body sleeping on the other side. Y/n grabbed just her hoodie and stormed out the door.

Mister J wouldn't expect a surprise visit. That's how she was going to find the answer herself. Y/n parked the car and walked through the back door with the key J gave her long ago. She kept the hoodie on, didn't want to be recognized. Y/n walked with her head down past the sea of people until his VIP lounge came to the view. There he was: her green haired lover. Y/n looked at the booth from distance. What she saw confirmed her fear: the Joker sat there in his usual spot on the big, purple couch. Though what made tears stream down y/n's face was a girl, in little piece of clothes barely covered anything, straddling his lap in a passionate kiss. Her hands roamed over his chest. Her hips bucked against his crotch. His hands on her butts. Though what hurt the most was the way he looked at that girl, it was the same way he used to look at y/n. Even though y/n always had her suspicions, seeing it in all its glory ugly truth broke her in a way she never thought it'd hurt this bad. Part of her wished she'd have stayed home so she could pretend like it was still the same, that mister J was still hers. So she could pretend that she believed him when he told her he had to stay the night at his club because he had important plan to discuss with his business partners. Y/n suddenly became clueless of what to do next. She felt like the whole world stopped turning: just like when mister J kissed her. Though this time, the feeling turned upside down. Suddenly, she couldn't hear the music blasting through the atmosphere, couldn't feel hundred of sweating bodies bumped against hers. Everything became numb. He was her whole world and she knew it all along, after he started to change, that her world was slowly falling apart, but now that she saw the painful scenes in front of her, it all came crashing down. All at once.

Y/n wiped away her tears and, as much as it pained her, she took her phone out and snapped the picture of the king and his affair before turned around and slowly walked through the sea of drunk souls towards the exit.

Three in the morning: the Joker stumbled a few times as his legs carried his body through the front door. The clown felt so dizzy after countless amount of drinks and a bit of "fun" at his club he didn't even notice something was missing as he entered the bedroom, something very important. He thrown himself on the king size bed, face down and fast asleep right there and then.

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