#73 fangirl

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Requested by  heyitsalyssa210  & jokersqueen3   So I decided to combine the two different requests because I had the idea the story would fit well together. Hope you will like it as much as I do xx

Five Common Traits of Serial Offenders
1. Serial offenders tend to score 'bright-normal' on IQ tests, yet perform poorly at school and rarely earn qualifications beyond high school.
2. Serial offenders tend to come from homes with absent/distant fathers and emotionally domineering mothers. Since they often suffer abuse at the hands of their caregivers, many grow up with a profound resentment of authority.
3. Serial offenders develop abnormal and intense sexual paraphilias at a very early age. Many masturbate well before the onset of adolescence, and offenders often become fixated on sado-masochistic violence, voyeurism, and necrophilia.
4. Serial offenders often have a history of psychiatric problems, or at least a history of mental/emotional problems in their family. Many abuse drugs and/or alcohol, or seek out increasingly intense experiences in order to alleviate chronic feelings of boredom.
5. Serial offenders have an unhealthy obsession with death/violence; they will avidly watch gory slasher films, seek out sexually violent imagery, collect knives and guns, and express an interest in martial arts.
(Via https://txdbundy.tumblr.com/post/161386148157/five-common-traits-of-serial-offenders )

Y/n chewed on her gum as she read the topic on her laptop, serial killer by Lana Del Rey playing in the background, Ted Bundy biography book laying on the bed next to her. Most people thought she was just a typical 20 year old girl, little did they know, y/n had and still has a thing for bad boys. Not just the type of bad boys that smoke weed, but the type of bad boys that labored serial killers. The Joker was her all time favorite, but for some reason, y/n ended up dating Harvey Dent's son. Not many people knew the dude was the son of the infamous Two-Face, for everyone else, he was just the asshole y/n dated. It was a toxic relationship, but after all, it was what y/n wanted. She was sick, she found pain pleasurable, she never minded the broken bones or bruises her dickhead lover gave her. Y/n never knew if what she felt towards her boyfriend was love, she just loved the pain he gave her. Her father had been mentally abused her since she was just a child, which was the reason why y/n craved other form of pain to numb away the pain in her heart. Her boyfriend could provide her that, the pain she so longed for, the pain that would distract her from the voices inside her head: physical pain. That was what y/n's boyfriend had been giving her every day. Even though y/n's father was long gone from her life, his cruel words never left her head. The only time she was able to forget the harsh words was when she was too busy with the cuts on her body from her lover. So that was why she choose to stay with him. Still, deep down, somewhere deep in her heart, she was still a girl who wanted to be loved and to be in love, to be cherished, to be protected, to be treated the right way. Silly. Silly was always the one word y/n told herself every time she caught her mind wandered in the fantasy of romantic time with her imaginary knight in shining armor. She didn't need that... did she? All her life, she had been treated like trash she never knew how it felt to be treated with love. So she conviced herself to believe that kind of stuff was just a stupid fairy tail for kid. Glanced at the time on the bottom of her laptop, it read 18:56 Y/n rolled over to the other side of the bed, grapping remote control and turned on the TV, she was met with a lady reporter

The Joker continues with his rampage. The infamous clown was recently seen near 56th ave. street. Police are trying to bring him down. Don't go out, if not necessery. Please stay inside and make sure your house is locked.

"Stay safe, mister J. Don't let them catch you" Y/n let the words came out of her mouth unconsciously. There was nothing she wanted more than to see her king at his highest. She admired the Joker. She had a very strong feeling for him even if she never met him in person, she secretly had a crush on the Clown Prince of Crime. Twenty seconds later, it hit her, 56th ave was very near her house! She didn't even realize but her cheeks turned pink at the fact her and her favorite serial killer were so close. How she wish she could meet him. It was her life goal, to see those beautiful blue eyes up close, to be so close to him. She knew he'd probably kill her, but it was a heavenly way to die. She may asked him for a hug before he put a bullet through her head, hoping he'd full fill her last wish, and if he did, she'd die happily.
Her internal reverie got broke by the siren sound of police cars outside her house. Y/n got out of her bed and made her way to the window. What she saw completely had her forgot how to breath for a moment: mister J was there on his feet, chased by bunch of cops firing at him. Y/n could see everything from her window, his shoulder was bleeding, the clown turned around from time to time at the cops that only getting closer, he fired at them but it didn't slow them down much due to the fact he was on his own compared to them. She could see his gun clicked empty as he ran out of bullets. The clown tossed the now useless pistol to the ground as he ducked the bullet flew inches away from his head. He was making his way closer and closer to her house! There was moment when he took a turn and and police couldn't see him, without thinking, y/n used that moment opened her door for the most wanted criminal "This way!" She whispered-shouted just for the clown to hear. The Joker wasted no time ran pass her through the door and he was in her house!
Y/n closed the door and locked it behind. As she turned around, she still couldn't believe what had just happened: standing right in front of her in her own house was the Joker! She had just helped the Joker escaped from the cops! Y/n peeked through the window again, she could see those police looking confused as to how could the Clown Prince just disappear. She turned back and almost had a heart attack when her face was only an inch away from J. Those blue eyes she had been dreaming about for so long were actually now staring deep into her brown orbs. It was so surreal. Mister J was flashing her his infamous grin "My my what do we have here. What should I call you my little savior" Mister J said as he looked down at her due to the high different between the two of them. His face was so close she could feel his hot breath. The clown then cupped her cheek with his tattooed hand before pushed a strand of hair out of her face. Her shock expression didn't go unnoticed as she was now holding her breath without even knowing it. It all happened in a flash and y/n still couldn't believe this was actually happening. She had been a big fan of this hot clown for so long, she was daydreaming about his touch and his breath on her since forever and now this was just like a dream. "Cat got your tongue, kitten?" The Joker snapped her back to reality "Oh umm I'm y/n"She spoke as her mind was now trapped inside the blue in his eyes, she was completely lost in them. Y/n had no idea those blue orbs would be so beautiful up close, even more beautiful than she had ever imagined "I saw you... on the news and I heard the sound outside... and I thought you could use my place to hide from those cops" She continued though her voice was as if she was hypnotized "Well I had to admit, y/n. You surprised me. Don't you know who I am?" The clown spoke as he now circling her, taking in every detail of her little body "I know very well who you are" Y/n spoke without turning her head as J was now behind her "Aren't you afraid of me, little one?" J leaned to whisper in a raspy voice in her ear. Y/n could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck it sent shivers down her spine and also turned her on "No, mister J" She answered and she whined when the clown bit down on her earlobe "I can make you be very afraid" He seductively whispered. Everything was just so dangerous yet thrilling. This man was dangerous and right in the moment, all y/n wanted was more of him. She craved him. She had never been so turned on. Y/n finally couldn't hold the intense feeling this clown was giving her. She turned around to face him, their lips were only inches apart "Make me" Y/n said barely a whisper without even realizing what had just came out of her mouth. The clown purred. They both slowly leaned in, closing the space between the two of them. Y/n's eyes slowly drifted close as she looked at his kissable red lips. Just when their lips were only a centimeter apart, mister J suddenly pulled away, leaving y/n hanging there. Joker clapped right in front of her face and cracked his infamous laugh. Y/n's cheeks got heated up and she knew he could see how red her cheeks were. Of cause this was the Joker! What was she expected? That he would just kiss her?! She had learned about him well enough to know what he was doing: he was toying with her, playing his mind game with her, he was getting into her mind and will soon break her from the inside for sure. Y/n knew it, yet she let him. She knew since day one she'd let this psychopath do whatever he pleased with her. "Ooh I like you, kid" Mister J dramatically threw his hands in the air, not a hint that the fresh wound on his shoulder bothered him "You... you're bleeding" Y/n pointed out the obvious fact. She cared about him, after she had just saved him from GCPD, the last thing she wanted was to see him bleed to death "I'm fine" J scoffed. Y/n ignored his stubbornness and pushed his good shoulder down so he was now sitting on the couch "I can help you" Just as she was about to reach her hand for his open wound so she could assess it, J grabbed her hand tightly it made her flinch "I don't need help from a little girl" His voice for darker. Of cause, his reputation would be ruined if words spread out the Joker got help from a girl. "I won't tell anyone, I promise" Much to the clown's surprise, she still had the nerve to push it. He wanted to break her neck with his bare hands, it was a piece of cake to do so. This way, she couldn't tell a living soul about her so called brave action saving the Joker. This way, no one would find out the Joker had to hind behind a girl's protection, had to use a girl's help with his wound. But for some reason, he quite enjoyed her company, he wanted to have more fun with her.
Y/n walked away and came back minute later with first aid kit "I need to take your shirt off" She stated. J let her. He growled at the sudden sharp pain during the progress. Y/n mouthed sorry. Now that she got the bloody shirt out of his body, y/n found herself staring at those perfect sculpted muscular and those black inks littered his pale body. He was the most beautiful piece of art "Like what you see?" J snickered and y/n knew her cheeks turned as red as a tomato. She tried to play it cool and turned her attention at his wound, though there was no denying, his abs couldn't be more distracting.
"It's done" Y/n finally said. She was prepared, prepared for her death. She had nothing she could give him anymore, she already gave him place to hide, first aid kit. Now he had no reason to keep her alive. Still, she'd embrace whatever the clown had in store for her. This was what she always wanted, to die by his hand. All her wishes had been full filled, she would die happily. Joker stood up from the couch and now towering tall above her, his shadow landed on her making her body looked smaller, more fragile "Question" The clown broke the silence "Why did you help me?" J leaned his face closer until his face was once again inches away from hers "I... umm... I" Y/n stuttered. She couldn't just tell him it was because she always had a huge crush on him, could she? "Because you don't deserve to be locked up at Arkham" Y/n said "Or... is there other reason?" J teased. He knew, he knew the real reason the first time he saw her opened that door for him. It was as if he could read people's mind. Her expression only amused him more, a little fangirl of his. He actually wanted to see how far she could take.
Before y/n could say anything else, Joker violently crashed his lips on her. It was unexpected and rough, yet it set her heart on fire. No one ever made her feel the way he was making her feel before. Y/n found herself deepened the kiss as he eyes drifted close, her hands found their places at the back of his head, pulling him even closer, running her fingers through his bright green lock. This felt like a dream, yes, she had dreamt about this uncountable times but she never thought it'd come true! The kiss quickly got heated up. J bit down on her bottom lips, y/n took the hint and allowed him to slide his tongue inside her mouth, letting him devour her. Once J had enough of her mouth, he kissed his way down her neck, bit down on the sensitive spot it made her moan in pure pleasure. The Joker sucked hard, making sure it'd leave mark. Seemed like he couldn't keep his hands at home any longer. Y/n's eyes rolled back in ecstasy when J snaked his hand up her leg to her thigh. And her little lacy nightgown soon ripped apart by the hungry animal as he tossed it to the ground. Joker used his weight pushing her down on the couch so he was on top of her. Y/n was sure her whole neighborhood could hear her scream the Joker's name as the lunatic clown deepened himself inside her, but neither of them cared.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now