#126 tickle war

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Guys, I just published Niander Wallace x Reader fanfic. It called Lab Rat!! Go check it out xo

P.s. I'm still writing Joker x Reader. Don't worry :)

Mister J was in his office, having a meeting with his men about the next heist plan whatsoever. The rendezvous lasted for almost five hours now, y/n didn't know if it'd ever going to end. She was bored out of her mind, and she could tell by the look on each henchman's face they wanted nothing more than for this gathering to be over so they could finally have some rest after a long day. Y/n turned her gaze out the huge glass wall, looking out the city from 30th floor of the penthouse to see Gotham looked as alive as ever with city lights shining so bright as if in competition with the many stars scattering the dark skies. She sighed in boredom, and returned her head to the crook of J's neck. Her only task was to sit on the clown's lap like a good little girl as Joker was doing the talk. Y/n knew by how tensed his muscles got and the way his voice sounded that her mister J was just as exhausted. The meeting lasted longer than expected, and she determined she'd do something to relax her sunshine a little. Y/n sneaked her arms around his shoulders, and started putting weight on the grip, massaging him. Mister J let out a soft purr in response, signaling y/n to go on. Joker then returned his attention back to the subject that was being discussed with his goons as y/n continued pleasuring him. After she was done with his shoulder, her hand slid down his side to his waist. Her mind already traveled to somewhere else as she absentmindedly eased up his muscles. It wasn't the reaction y/n expected at all, but out of the blue, mister J jumped under her touch. His body twitched and the laugh escaped his lips, but it wasn't that evil, signature laugh of his. This laugh, it was so boyish, so sincere, so innocent. Y/n had never heard it before. She didn't even think there was a living soul ever heard this laugh of the Clown Prince. Her hand stopped and so was the laugh. Y/n looked at him with a bit of confusion and surprise. Joker tried to keep it cool and pretended like that didn't just happen, but it was too late: all the henchmen's heads turned towards him. They all looked surprised and confused as well. Awkward silence suddenly took over the atmosphere. It took y/n a few more seconds for it to click, and she slightly gasped in silent without realizing: the Joker was ticklish! This was a monumental discovery! Who would have thought the great Joker was ticklish! Both J and y/n stayed in the exact same position with her hand still around his waist. He looked at her, and their eyes locked. Though that murderous glare burning hole through her soul couldn't freeze y/n in fear, not this time. She was too thrilled to be intimidated.

Y/n knew her next action would cost her dearly, but she just couldn't hold herself! Mister J didn't see it coming. He didn't think she would have the nerve, but the joke was on him. Before he knew it, in a flash, y/n tickled him again and he was unable to stop that laugh, he so wished no one could hear, from coming out of his mouth. It took the henchmen all they had got not to laugh as they watched their boss being emasculated by his feisty little kitten "Sto- stop. HA!" He tried to fathom the words, but it was proven to be difficult when there were tears rolled down his cheeks, and he was incapable of controlling his own child-like giggle he, himself, didn't even know he could make such sound. However, as mister J remembered his own hands were free, he tried to defend himself from her assault, but before he could grab her, she already leaped out of his lap and out the room in a heartbeat, leaving the Clown Prince of Crime sitting there with tears stained face.

J looked left and right at his henchmen, and they all averted their eyes, pretended they didn't experience what had just happened. Of course, no one dared making eyes contact, afraid if they did, they'd burst out laughing because their faces already turned red from trying so hard not to make a sound. The look on J's face, he looked so vulnerable and helpless that they never thought the Joker could look so weak and could be defeated by a girl.
Not really knowing what to do, J stood up and ran his hand through his disheveled green locks, fixing it back in place "Gentlemen... the meeting is over" The clown announced, his voice still sounded a bit out of breath as he was trying to catch some air after laughing so hard his side hurt. Then he walked out the door, mumbling something not very nice for sure. The moment that mahogany door closed behind, the room instantly filled with laughter. Some of the henchmen had to clench on their friends in order not to fall down the chair.

The door to the master bedroom swung open. Mister J was met with nothing. He couldn't see his naughty little princess, but he knew she was in here. Like a predator, he could smell that scene of fear lingered in the air "Come out come out wherever you are" Joker said in a sing song voice as he shut the door behind and entered the room "Ahh hide and seek! Daddy's favorite game" He licked his lips as his voice came out in a purr-like tone. His eyes got shades darker as he thought of all the things he'd do to teach y/n a lesson for such affront. It didn't take him long at all to catch that slight movement under the king size bed with the corner of his eyes. Joker's lips curved into a sinister grin "Oooh, I wonder where is my naughty little minx been hiding..." He pretended to be looking around, his feet slowly approached her so called hiding spot until "Gotcha!" Mister J didn't give her time to prepare as he crouched down to the ground, grabbed her ankle and yanked her out. Y/n screamed and let out an oops once she found his face inches away from hers. Joker was flashing her his silver grin "Oops, that's right, princess" The clown mocked. With no warning, he roughly thrown her body onto the bed, not giving her a single second to escape, he was on top of her before she could do anything "Ooh, you naughty naughty little girl. Daddy have so many things he can't wait to do to you he don't know where to start" J leaned his face closer to hers, his grin widened "Any last word?" Y/n gulped. She knew it was a bad idea if she were to push this even further, but still in her playful mode, her glare so happened to find his ribs wide open under the fabric of that Armani suit, and she could've sworn it was calling her name. The temptation was irresistible that y/n couldn't hold herself back from shooting her arm out. She grabbed his ribs, and another round of assaulting-the-Joker began. Poor mister J. He shouldn't have underestimated y/n, but oh well. The unexpected sensation made him lose his balance and fell down to the side. Y/n didn't take such opportunity for granted. She flipped herself over, and was on top of him in no time at all. Her hand never left him, she brought the other one to help her with the other side of his body. And he was once again laughing that innocent, boyish laugh of his uncontrollably. Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the infamous Joker underneath her. He looked so adorable squirming and giggling like a little child "Sto- stop! I'm serious. Stop- HA!" J pleaded, but no, even if y/n was going to pay for it later, she was in too much fun to show any mercy. The sinister plan in Joker's head, of what he was going to do to y/n at first, was all but a distant memory. It had been replaced by something else that snapped inside him, something that had been asleep for so long since he was a kid, and it had just been awoken: he wasn't going to lay there as y/n abused him, no, mister J decided to return the favor. He reached his hand for her waist, and started tickling her back. It caught her off guard, and she jumped. This, y/n didn't prepare herself for a tickle war. She didn't think mister J would be into such silly child's activity. The unexpectation and the feeling send her to her side, and J was back on top of her again "You ask for it, princess" He said with that sincere smile on his face as he tickled her. Both of them were laughing like two kids, reaching around each other's arms, trying to get to each other's sensitive spots. The moment was very rare and precious. Very personal and tender. Joker had never shown this side of him to y/n so strongly before. Tears of happiness streamed down their faces as they caught their breath. His forehead resting on hers. Their eyes met, and in that moment, he allowed her to see something in those ocean blue orbs, something he was scared to let it surface at first, but as time passed, he started to let her see it more and more. This time, that something got more vivid than y/n had ever seen before "I love you" Y/n said in a soft voice as her small hand pressed to his cheek. She got mesmerized by how beautiful those shades of blue were. His eyes held the whole world, and she got so lost in them. Though it was the kind of lost that felt exactly like being found "I know, boo" J reassured, and gave the tip of her nose a quick kiss. He wouldn't say it back directly, but he gave her, and only her, the permission to look into his eyes and see love in them. The unconditional love y/n gave him which he returned. J leaned back down to give her yet another kiss on her cheek before letting himself fall to her side with his arms wrapped around her. Their eyes still glued on each other's. Soft, sincere smiles still plastered on their faces. Y/n charged and nipped his waist one more time to make him jump a little. He giggled then pulled her to his chest, and she wasted no time snuggling to his firm chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat as their eyes closed, feeling so peaceful and at ease in each other's arms.

Y/n knew the Joker had soft side in him, she just didn't know it'd be this... cute. The fact she was the only one who could bring that little boy out of him made her feel so special, and she made a mental note to see the innocent soul more often. Yes, innocent Joker was the sweetest.

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