Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"How dare he disrespect the Hyuga family this way!" Hiashi shouted in anger as he slammed his fist onto his office table.

"If I hadn't come in to fetch Hinata home, god knows what he'll have done to her. Thank god I heard everything from outside." Neji informed as Hinata looked down at her father's lush carpet.

"Come-come on Neji... It's not like he's going to-to hurt me physically..." Hinata whispered.

"He will not disrespect my daughter! He outright challenged your position to be the only pianist at University of Konoha!" Hiashi boomed.

"Father, he has-has a-a right to challenge me..." Hinata answered back meekly and Neji's and Hiashi's eyes widened in anger.

"Hinata!!!" both men yelled but Hiashi continued his sentence. "Says who?!?"

Hinata swallowed her saliva.

"Says Principal Tsunade..." she answered timidly.

"Oooohhhhh..." Hiashi said in a much calmer tone.

"If that's the case then there's nothing we can do. Besides, I have full faith in Hinata." Neji assured his uncle who also nodded in agreement.

"Yes. I believe Hinata can still carry on the family's reputation. I'm going to put you on extra lessons for piano. You need to uphold the Hyuga's pride."

"But-but... But I'm-I'm already caught up with a lot of work and-and assignments from my module and-and also being president of the student council..." Hinata voiced out but Hiashi leaned back in his luxurious office chair.

"Then I'll just talk to Principal Tsunade to take you out from student council. It'll be replaced with just piano lessons!" Hiashi insisted.

"Then how will I see Naruto kun??? The only way I can see him is if I have the authority to give him his punishments..." Hinata thought desperately but she wouldn't dare speak that out loud.

"P-p-please father!" Hinata pleaded as she bowed slightly. "I-I-I want to be on the-the student council!"

Hiashi's eyebrow raised.

"Why? You don't really go against me unless there's really something you want."

Hinata quickly composed herself.

"There-there will-will be extra cre-credit for my overall grades since I'm in a club with a high-high position..." she reasoned and Hiashi relaxed in his chair.

"Hmm..." he hummed out.

"She has a point Hiashi sama. Hinata's grades must be on par with her piano performance." Neji spoke and Hinata threw him a grateful smile to which he returned with a slight nod.

"Well... Since you put it that way... Then fine. I'll allow you to continue your curricular activities. But!" he boomed as Hinata flinched from his voice. "Be warned! If your student council club so much as affects your piano performance then I'm taking you out from it!"

Hinata gulped nervously as she nodded once.

"Hinata nee chan!" Hanabi called as she pushed open the door to her father's home office. "I need help with my homework!"

"Hanabi! How many times must I tell you to knock on the door first!" Hiashi bellowed out but Hanabi is never afraid of her father.

The brunette just shrugged her shoulders.

"This is the 500th time you've told me since I was 5 years old? Heh!" Hanabi grinned as Hiashi sighed and Neji shook his head.

"Hinata, you're dismissed. Go and help your sister in her studies. Remember our agreement." Hiashi finished as he went back to his laptop.

Hinata quickly ran out of the room with her sister, up the stairs and into Hanabi's bedroom.

"Jeez, what was that all about?" Hanabi asked as she gestured to her elder sister to sit on the bed where there was an open textbook.

Hinata sighed as she sat cross legged, picked up the book and placed it on her lap.

"He wants me to maintain the Hyuga's reputation for being musically inclined..." Hinata dropped a hint and Hanabi rolled her eyes.

"That again! Didn't one of the Hyuga members already won it for him last year?"

"Y-yea... But you know what our family tradition is like. It has to be consistent..." Hinata sighed.

"Okay so what's the issue? Your club activities bearing down on you?" Hanabi asked.

"No-no..." Hinata answered as she bit her lip.

Should she tell her sister?

"Nee chan?" Hanabi pressed on and Hinata looked into the same lavender eyes...

"Is there something you wanna tell me?" Hanabi asked gently.

Hinata thought for a few more seconds... Oh to heck with it, they're sisters right? And Hanabi has always kept all of her secrets and vice versa.

"You-you know the rival that father has always talked about?" Hinata got straight to the point.

"Hmm yea how can I forget. His name is Minato Namikaze. Why?"

"His-his son is my old classmate..." Hinata began but Hanabi's eyes widened.

"Let me guess! He wants to fufill what his father failed to do?!" Hanabi gasped and Hinata nodded her head sadly.

"Wow..." Hanabi whistled out. "To challenge a Hyuga for a piano trophy at University of Konoha when we are well known to be musically inclined... Is just..."

"An insane idea I know..." Hinata sighed.

"Okay now that we got that out of the way. So what's the big issue? Is this Namikaze's son more talented than you or what?"

"I-I honestly don't-don't know... I have yet to hear him play the piano..." Hinata admitted. "But-but I'm just uncomfortable to be competing with him... Because-because... Because..." Hinata stuttered and Hanabi frowned.

"Because of what?!?"

"Because I-I... I... I... like him..." Hinata whispered the last two words as she bent forward and buried her face in Hanabi's textbook.

"Oh my! What a mess you've gotten yourself into nee chan! For how long?!?" Hanabi sighed out.

"Since I was..." Hinata held up her 5 fingers.

Hanabi frowned.

"15 years old?"

"No Hanabi! Since I was 5! 5 years old! 5 okay!" Hinata screamed out and Hanabi's jaw dropped.

"What?!? For that long?!? How old are you now? Like 30?!?"

Hinata frowned as she looked up and threw the textbook onto Hanabi's lap.

"I'm 25 Hanabi!"

"Does he even know?!?"

Hinata's cheeks reddened.

"Erm-erm... No-no... He has a reputation for being a bad boy and I'm-I'm always trying to-to punish him so I can keep an eye on him but-but truth be told... I want to-to be near him..." Hinata whispered.

Hanabi sighed as she shook her head.

"Good luck Nee chan... I have a feeling you'll need it."

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