Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Why do we have to sit with him?" Kiba scowled as the whole table went quiet and looked at Naruto.

"Erm-erm... I've already explained to you guys over Whatsapp didn't I..." Hinata whispered nervously as Naruto propped his head on a hand lazily.

"I should be the one asking why do I have to tolerate you guys. Oh wait, I don't mind Sasuke and Sai. It's the rest of you guys that are the problem. No offense Sakura and Ino." Naruto answered as Sakura raised an eyebrow and Ino threw her hands up in surrender.

"None taken." they both answered in unison.

"Hinata, what did your dad say about this?" Shino asked.

"He-he was ex-extremely furious but then he-he said if Principal Tsunade keeps her word and-and promises to write this off as extra credit to-to my grades he's fine with-with it..."

"Ahh there we go again. Lady Hinata getting more credit because she got me into trouble again. I'm really your lucky charm aren't I, Princess?" Naruto drawled in a lazy tone as Hinata's cheeks flushed a light pink.

"Oh you have no idea~~~" Ino sang as Sai looked at his girl with a confused expression.

"I get the idea. But please try to leave me and my girlfriend out of this." Sasuke rolled his eyes as Sakura laughed and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Huh? What?" Kiba asked stupidly as even Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Beats me. What's going on Sasuke?" he pressed but Hinata's phone suddenly beeped.

She looked at her phone and sighed a breath of relief.

"Thank god for alarms..." she thought to herself.

"Guys I have a piano recital. I have to go now." Hinata stated briskly as she stood up and her friends nodded.

Naruto stood up and followed Hinata and within two steps, the bluenette stopped and turned around.

"What-what are-are you doing Na-Naruto?" Hinata stuttered as the blonde boy rolled his eyes.

"Following you that's what I'm doing. You're my parole officer now Princess. Have you forgotten already?"

Hinata's eyes swept over her friends who were giving her confused looks too.

"Hinata, you told us everything remember?" Ino said slowly.

Hinata mentally smacked her head.

"Oh... S-s-sorr-sorry..." she stammered as she walked on ahead to the piano room.

Naruto sighed and followed after her.


Naruto just stared at Hinata's delicate fingers pushing down each ivory key...

He was mesmerized by the beautiful music that Hinata could produce with her fingers...

She was playing "Always With Me" which is a piece from the movie "Spirited Away"..

Almost too soon, Hinata stopped playing and Naruto's blue eyes widened as he stared at her in panic.

"Again!" he blurted and Hinata stifled a giggle.

"That's the third time you asked me to play! Now it's going to be the fourth!" she smiled warmly and Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"Well you're good. Count it as a compliment that I'm asking you to play on repeat." he said and Hinata blushed a bit.

"Fine... One more time... Just for you..." Hinata whispered, not knowing whether Naruto heard her or not.

And so the piece, which is around 4 minutes 51 seconds, ended for the fourth time.

"How about your turn now?" Hinata asked quickly before Naruto opened his mouth to ask for an encore.

"Huh? What? Me?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes. I don't see anyone else here other than us." Hinata answered with a small smile and Naruto smirked at her.

"Just a few continuous minutes with me and you're not stuttering huh Hinata."

Hinata ignored him as she pushed her piano book in his direction.

"Choose a song." she urged as Naruto's eyes widened.

"Wouldn't you want me to play an original piece? Seeing the notes of another pianist when we're supposedly rivals... That's like cheating isn't it?"

"No..." Hinata shook her head slowly. "I may have improvise the notes here and there but a different pianist will exude a different sparkle when playing them."

Naruto hesitantly took the book as he flipped its pages trying to choose a song. He finally settled on a song called "Yumetorou" from the newly famous movie "Your Name"...

"How... How did you manage to figure out the notes for the song when the soundtrack CDs are not even out yet?" Naruto asked in amazement but Hinata shrugged her shoulders.

"I-I honestly don't-don't know... Since young whenever I listened to songs, I manage to memorise their tune and lullaby..."

"You really are a musical genius aren't you Princess." Naruto smirked as he cracked his fingers and began playing the piece...

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