Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


Hinata kept quiet as she stared at Naruto's fingers moving gracefully across the keys...

"Neh, Hinata. Why are you extra quiet?" Naruto finally broke the silence as he turned to smile at his girlfriend.

Hinata blinked once before concentrating on the blue eyes that she has grown to be familiar with.

"Nothing... Just enjoying the serenity of your playing... You've really improved your tempo and rhythm..."

Naruto gave a small smile as he turned back to look at the piano keys..

"It's all thanks to you coaching me Hinata... I thought I was an excellent player until I met you... My only coach was my parents... They left me a few tutorial videos to guide me in piano playing... My mum wasn't very good at it but she tried and appeared in the video a few times..."

Hinata felt her heart clenched. How painful must it be for Naruto to keep watching his parents' videos to learn his hobby? Furthermore over and over again?

"Do you... Do you still watch... the videos?" Hinata asked quietly as she stared at the hem of her skirt.

"Ever since you started coaching me, no. I spend a lot of time with you that I don't feel the need to watch the tutorial videos anymore." Naruto answered with a bright smile on his face.

"But do tell me Hinata, what's the secret to your playing?"

Hinata looked up at her boyfriend.


"I mean I know your dad surely hires the best piano tutors for you. But the way you play it is just... different. You have a certain aura and sparkle that exudes out of you which I've never seen in other pianists before."

Hinata thought over Naruto's words before she bit her lip and let her hand glide over the side of the piano.

"Well... I guess... This piano... belongs to my mother when she was pregnant with me..."

Naruto's eyes bulged as he stopped playing and turned to her.

"And why in the world is it here?"

"After my father won the title of the best pianist here, she decided to gift this piano to the school so that anyone who wants to play it will be able to feel the love and warmth she has for me... But my father being my father, he only allows Hyuga members to use the piano..." Hinata answered with a sadness in her voice. "I just wish my father is more open-minded so others can feel and understand what my mother was trying to convey..."

Naruto smiled as he lifted her chin up.

"I'm glad I met you. I'm glad I was a troublemaker. If not, I wouldn't have you as my parole supervisor..." Naruto whispered as he neared their lips for a passionate kiss...


Naruto just finished wearing his clothes after shower and felt like talking to Hinata on the phone. He was about to speed dial her number when a Facetime call flashed, cutting him off.

Naruto sighed as he picked up the call.

"Guys look I said I'm sorry for not updating you two. I'm really busy with uni..." Naruto began before he was cut off.

"Naruto look this is an emergency! I even have Nagato on the line! This is a conference call!" Karin said in a high pitched voice as she changed the settings such that the screen split into 3 sections; one showing Naruto's face, the second Karin's and the third Nagato's.

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