Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"So did you enjoy the movie?" Naruto asked with a bright smile as Hinata fastened her seatbelt.

"Yes. Yes I did, thank you Naruto kun. I thought the ending was a bit sad though." Hinata replied as Naruto started the engine and began reversing out of the carpark.

"Yea... Say, what time do you have to be home?"

Hinata looked at her wrist watch.

"Hmm... Now is only 8 pm. Today is Friday so I have my curfew extended till midnight. Why?"

"I wanna go to the peak of the hill where we had our first kiss." Naruto spoke and Hinata brightened with embarrassment.

"Erm... Whatever for Naruto?"

"There's... Something... I want to tell you..." Naruto said slowly and Hinata's heart skipped a beat.

"Is he going to propose? No that can't be it. We've only been dating for a few months... Or isit... Is he... breaking up... with... me...?" Hinata thought to herself.

The rest of the drive was in silence. Even the walk to the peak was in silence. But all the while, Naruto never let go of Hinata's hand. Only to get out of the car and open the door for her did he then let go of her hand...

They finally reached the peak... This time, the atmosphere was different. It's more peaceful and serene, compared to the first time they were here. There was a gentle breeze blowing and Hinata's long hair flowed away from her face, making Naruto gasp and thank god for her existence... He loves her so much and he doesn't know what he did to deserve her... But Hinata's gaze was overlooking the city instead... She refused to face him in case she breaks down when he dishes out the news to her...

"Hinata..." Naruto spoke gently. "Look at me Hinata chan... I can tell that you're avoiding me..."

Hinata swallowed nervously before pasting on a huge smile for him.

"Whatever you're talking about Naruto kun..."

"Don't say my name like that when you're telling a lie." Naruto's voice cut through the air firmly. "I love it when you say my name that way but please don't use it to hide behind your façade."

Hinata bit her lower lip and she grabbed the hem of her skirt...

"Say what you wanted to say..."


"Say it! Say it Naruto kun!"

"Hinata chan what are you..."

"You want to break up with me don't you?! Because you find me boring since we don't have sex and all we ever do is kiss! You have other girls don't you?!?"

Naruto's blue eyes widened as he lunged forward and grabbed Hinata tightly to his chest.

"Don't... DON'T ever say things like that Hinata chan! I love you! Too much to do what you have just mentioned!"

Hinata's eyes betrayed her as a few drop of tears escaped...

"Then... Then why... did you... bring me..."

"I wanted to tell you something else. You are so silly Hinata chan... You thought I was going to break up with you?" Naruto chuckled gently as he pulled her away and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "I love you Hinata. I've said it many times before but I'll say it again. I love you too much to hurt you..."

"Then... Then why..."

Naruto sighed as he clutched Hinata tighter.

"I... I'll cut to the chase for you... One of my ex fling wants to use a marriage plus business contract against me... I signed the papers when I was drunk on one of the nights I slept with her..."

Only the sound of the leaves swaying could be heard as there was silence... Hinata digested what Naruto had just told her...

"So... What are you going to do?"

"Erm... I don't know... My first step to this problem was to tell you... I don't know where to go from there..."

"Do you really have to marry her?"

Naruto was taken aback by the calmness in Hinata's voice.

"Erm... No... I can just hire a lawyer to say that I wasn't conscious enough to make a huge decision such as choosing my life partner and handing over my dad's business to a fling..."

"Then that settles it doesn't it?" Hinata gave a soft smile as she tilted her head a bit.

"Yea kinda... EH?!? WAIT, you're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad Naruto kun? It was your past and you didn't intentionally want to marry her... Did you?"

Naruto shook his head vigorously.

"No No NO!!! I just thought... You would be upset..."

"Naruto kun... You're not leaving me and I think what you said makes strong sense. A person under the influence of alcohol can't make a sound choice. The only problem we face now is how do we prove you're under alcohol, you don't have any witnesses do you?"

Naruto sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"Eh... It was only me and that fling... But my cousins are flying here tonight to discuss about this matter with me. They will reach the airport at midnight..."

"Cousins? As in Nagato and Karin?"

"Yea... They're the only cousins I have..."

Hinata blushed at her forgetfulness.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. Well you still have to send me home and go and fetch them. So we better get going now."

Naruto held Hinata's face in his hands.

"Princess, you sure you're not mad? At all?"

Hinata smiled, a genuine smile.

"Naruto kun... I am a bit jealous she got to share something intimate with you but... I'm sure we'll be able to make a memory more special compared to anything you've ever experienced with your flings..."

It was Naruto's turn to blush a bit as he kissed the top of Hinata's head.

"Since when did you learn to flirt with me?" he chuckled as Hinata blushed slightly.

"And there's something else Hinata chan..." Naruto said softly.

The bluenette looked up at her blonde boyfriend.


"My ex fling... She knows about us... She mentioned something to my cousins about the Otsutsuki family too..."

Hinata's eyes widened in panic.

"If she knows... And she tells that family... Means my father... knows?" she said weakly and Naruto frowned before clasping her hands tightly in his.

"That's where I need your help Hinata chan... Help me get information whether your family or even the Hyuga council know anything about our relationship. Can you do that?"

Hinata's eyes tightened with confidence and she nodded her head as she hugged Naruto tightly.

"I'll do anything in my power to protect our relationship... I'll find it out for you and let's say they're against it... I'm willing to even leave my family for you... Naruto kun..."

Naruto's blue eyes widened and he held back his tears as he hugged Hinata back...

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