Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Naruto opened his locker and groaned as he saw hordes of letters in it.

"You too huh?" Sai asked curiously as he tried to peep into his friend's locker.

"Stop whining and just throw them out." Sasuke stated bluntly as he compiled all the letters into one stack and went to the trash bin to get rid of them.

"Even by the slots of our locker, they still try their luck and push their love letters in..." Naruto grumbled as he too compiled all the envelopes.

"Well desperate girls will do desperate things." Sai chuckled as Sasuke closed his locker and the three of them walked together to class after Naruto threw the letters.

"I don't get it. At least I'm still single. You guys are attached yet girls still try their luck." Naruto commented and Sasuke buried one hand in his pocket as his other hand held his lecture notes.

"They can try all they want but they'll just be wasting their time." the Uchiha answered.

"I don't get why they're even trying though." Sai clicked his tongue as he shook his head. "It's not like they're gonna sway us from our girlfriends."

"Yea if we still wanna sleep around we would have remained single. There's no point in troubling ourselves to make up lies." Sasuke agreed.

"Well what about you Naruto? Aren't you at least a bit interested in getting yourself a girlfriend?" Sai asked the blonde guy.

Naruto's eyes widened a bit but he shrugged his shoulders.

"I just haven't found anyone that I'm interested in."

"Really?" Sai pressed and Naruto frowned.

"Yea really."


"Guys really!"

"Yea whatever you say~~~" Sai said in a sing song voice.

"Oh come on! What do I get by lying?!"

"Whatever floats your boat then." Sasuke smirked as a girl with long purple hair suddenly stopped in front of them.

"S... Sa... Sas.... Sasuke kun!" the girl blurted out with her head down as Sasuke's sharp eyes registered her friends who were hiding and watching from just around the corner.

"Yea?" Sasuke answered in a bored voice.

Sai sighed.

"Girl you're just wasting your time..." he told her gently as Naruto just watched patiently for Sasuke's reply.

This has been a common situation for them since they're known to be bad boys since high school...

"Would... Would... You... go... go... on a date with... me?" the girl squeaked.

Sasuke closed his eyes as he walked past her.

"No." the girl's eyes flew open as she stared hard at the floor, eyes brimming with tears.

"Come on Sasuke. I always tell you to be nicer to girls who confess to you! They gathered the courage to do that and you just trample on them like that!" Naruto scolded his friend.

"But what else can Sasuke answer? He obviously is in a serious relationship with Sakura already. There's no point." Sai pointed out.

"If you're so bothered then you go out on a date with her then dobe." Sasuke suddenly spoke up without turning around as he continued walking.

"W-what? What kind of nonsense is that Sasuke?!" Naruto demanded. "I just told you to be nicer to others!"

"Well being nice to a girl who is not Sakura or my female friends is just gonna waste my time." Sasuke answered coldly.

Naruto sighed as Sai and him looked at the girl with apologetic looks.

"Sorry about our friend." Sai said as he went to catch up with Sasuke.

Naruto was about to do the same when the girl, who has been holding back her tears, suddenly broke down in front of him.

Now this situation hasn't happened before since the girls they choose to reject has never cried in front of them...

But Sasuke and Sai just ignored the girl and kept walking.

Naruto was torn between comforting her or going after his friends but he finally decided to choose the latter.

He was about to sprint off when the girl suddenly pulled the hem of his shirt from behind.

"T-thank... Thank you... F-f-f-for... you-your... kind words..." the girl whispered through her sobs.

Naruto looked back at the girl and gave her a small smile.

"Hey look don't cry. Sasuke teme may be harsh but there's always other guys out there that will treat you way nicer than he did. So don't let this affect you okay?" Naruto told her gently but the girl suddenly threw herself into his arms.

"I was... was so stupid... trying to confess to... Sasuke..." she sobbed as Naruto was caught off guard and just awkwardly pat her back.

"Oi dobe hurry up! If you're not following I'll just see you at class!" Naruto heard Sasuke's voice but he continued walking and didn't even turn back once.

"Erm... Err..." Naruto stuttered as he looked at his watch.

Shit he needs to get to class... No he wants to get to class so he can see Hinata...

"Hey I need to get to class..." Naruto informed the girl as she slowly let go of him.

"So... Sorry about that..." she whispered as she looked up at him with a smile. "You seem to be way sweeter than Sasuke... And-and... I-I-I owe you for trying to stand up for me..."

She suddenly tiptoed and kissed Naruto's cheek.

"That's my thanks to you. See you around Naruto kun!" the girl's voice now sounded more cheery as she wiped away her tears and skipped off in the opposite direction to her friends who were still hiding behind the pillars.

They quickly ran off with her, giggling and pressing her for details.

Naruto sighed and looked up... and the side of his eye caught someone standing in the corner.

His ocean blue eyes widened in surprise.

"Hey Hinata chan!" he greeted happily. "I didn't see you there!"

Naruto bounded to her but she suddenly took a step back as she hugged her lecture notes tightly to her chest.

"Naruto kun huh..." Hinata suddenly whispered as she stared hard at the floor.

Naruto froze and tried to piece together Hinata's reaction and what she just said...

"Wait-wait Hinata chan! It isn't what you think!" Naruto blurted out as Hinata closed her eyes.

But her emotions betrayed her as tears slipped out at each side...

"I knew yesterday was too good to be true..." Hinata whispered as she ran off.

"Wait Hinata chan!" Naruto shouted as he gave chase to her...

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