Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Hey pops,what's up? I haven't heard from you for quite a while..." Naruto said happily after he picked up Jiraiya's call.

"Hey brat, I was informed by your cousins who are currently with you, that you thought I wrote porno huh?" Jiraiya chuckled as Naruto gave an embarrassed laugh.

"Yea sorry pops! It's just that you're always ogling at girls and talking about your sex escapades so I thought 'hey, maybe Jiraiya writes porno for a living' or something like that you know?"

"Sheesh. You and your silly thoughts! By the way, I called you because I have some news regarding the Otsutsuki family." Jiraiya's tone turned serious. "I retrieved some important documents and I talked to Obito, you remember Obito Uchiha right?"

Naruto nodded his head even though Jiraiya can't see him.

"Hm yea, what about him?"

"Obito allowed me to reopen the murder cases of yours and Sasuke's parents on the condition that he is involved in the investigations too."

Naruto inhaled his breath sharply.

"Why the sudden decision?"

"It seems the Otsutsuki might have something to do with those murders that night. Momoshiki and Toneri were too young to carry out such an elaborate plan but their mother on the other hand, Kaguya Otsutsuki, wanted to actually do business with your dad but Minato never approved."

"Wait-wait. What business does the Otsutsuki family do?"

"They... do science experiment and research... They wanted Minato's cooperation to allow them to fund their projects... Minato never approved the bank loans because their experiments were... actually... how do I say this... beyond humanity..."

Naruto's eyes bulged.

"How did they even get approval to run their business???"

"They do experiments on humans who agreed to be their guinea pigs. I know Karin's parents before they handed the business over to her few years back, conducted experiments on humans too but nothing that is frowned upon by the society."

"Explain pops, I'm confused here."

"Okay Otsutsuki family, they... inject drugs that are not even tested on animals or plants into humans. Some humans bleed from their organs, be it internally or externally. Some of their experiments involve dunking people into a tub of water and electrocute them with live wires at a low voltage. If they can handle it, they increase the voltage."

"Huh?!? Whatever for??? How does these sick experiments benefit anyone?!?"

"I'm getting there Naruto. Kaguya Otsutsuki's medical business is signed under the military. And you know whose parents among anyone you know is in charge of military?"

Naruto thought hard before his jaw clenched.


"That's right. Shizuka's dad is the general for the male soldiers and her mum is the general for the female soldiers. As of now, her dad passed away due to a civil war overseas few years back so it's only her and her mum..."

"Does Karin's and Nagato's parents deaths have anything to do with the Otsutsuki or Shizuka too?"

"Fortunately, no. Karin's parents died while providing medical aid in the Middle Eastern area. Guerillas killed them. Nagato's parents were also on that mission as they were assigned to protect Karin's parents. So only yours and Sasuke's parents' deaths were connected."

"So... just because my dad didn't approve of their bank loans... They killed my parents? How does Sasuke's parents even fit into this???"

"Remember Naruto, all these are just speculations. I've yet to uncover more. So back to the Otsutsuki family, they were actually going into bankruptcy so Kaguya must have been pretty pissed with Minato's decision. And as for Fugaku Uchiha and his wife, the Uchiha police department were going to file a report regarding Kaguya's inhumane way of experiments and how the military has been keeping mum about it for so long. Minato confided in Fugaku and they discussed about what to do. I don't know how Kaguya and Shizuka's mum know about the possibility of their companies are going to be royally sued and investigated but the next thing the world knows... The Namikaze, or Uzumaki couple as well as the Uchiha couple, got into an accident..."

Naruto was eerily silent on the line as Jiraiya let him digest everything that has been informed...

"So... what's their next possible plan?"

"As you know, Shizuka is trying to sink her claws into you. From what I recently heard, Kaguya is trying to get Hiashi Hyuga to agree for Hinata to marry either one of her sons and Hanabi will marry whichever brother is left."

Naruto clenched his fists... Hard.

"If you didn't know pops, I'm dating Hinata now since you've been gone. Hiashi Hyuga knows about my relationship with his daughter and he's actually fine with it. So I don't understand what Kaguya is trying to do..."

"She wants Hinata and Hanabi to be in her grasps so you will be forced to marry Shizuka. In the end, she wants Minato's banking business to fund her company because only Minato has that much money. This is just my take, if she marries off both her sons to Hiashi's daughters, then they will be under constant watch by her. I'll inform Hiashi Hyuga about this news. Tell your friends involved this news for me too because I don't wanna waste anymore time."

"Huh? Wha..."

"I have to catch my flight already brat. I'm continuing my investigation. Please Naruto, tell everyone involved to just... stay safe for me... Okay?"

Naruto took in a deep breath as he reassured his godfather with a 'yes'.

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