Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Naruto was waiting outside the piano room for Hinata when she finally arrived. He grabbed her wrist and started pulling her in another direction, towards the back gate of the university.

"Na-na-Naruto!!!" Hinata stuttered as she tried to keep up with the blonde.

"Let's ditch piano recital Hinata!" Naruto said as he looked back at her with a grin. "I'm taking you to my favourite café!"

Before Hinata could protest Naruto switched on a black Volkswagen with his car remote.

Hinata frowned.

"I didn't know you had a car."

Naruto shrugged.

"I have one. I just don't really drive to school since my apartment is really near. Now get in before someone sees us!" he urged and Hinata quickly opened the door and jumped inside.

She buckled the seatbelt and Naruto started driving..

"Naruto pray do tell me where is this café of yours. At least if we get caught for being outside school grounds without permission during your detention I have some legit answers!" Hinata pressed but Naruto laughed at her panic as he made a right turn.

"Don't worry Princess. I've got this. We won't get caught okay?" Naruto flashed her a bright smile. "I just wanna bring you to my favourite café! They have the most delicious ramen there that you've just got to try!"

Hinata rolled her eyes.

"Is that why you were absent yesterday? So you could go to this favourite café of yours?"

"Yea kinda the reason. Truth is the chef, Mr Teuchi, was my parents' personal chef when they were still alive. He has a daughter called Ayame. Ayame kinda grew up with me. She's like the big sister I never had. Yesterday was Ayame's birthday, or as Ayame nee chan as I call her. I just have to attend her celebration since she is an important part of my life." Naruto explained and Hinata's heart skipped a beat as she wondered whether this Ayame is a special girl in Naruto's life...

"Ano... Erm... Have you... ever you know... Like Ayame..." Hinata asked softly and Naruto's eyes widened as he stepped on the brake smoothly since the traffic light turned red.

"What?! God no Hinata! Haha!" Naruto laughed as he threw his head back. "Ayame Nee chan is just like an elder sister like I said! And she doesn't like me that way! Why the question?"

Hinata shook her head vigorously, feeling stupid for asking such a question.

"Eh... Nothing..." she mumbled to herself.

Naruto grinned as he raised her chin to his eye level.

"Is Princess Hinata jealous of me liking another girl?"

Hinata's face flushed a dark red.

They were staring at each other as Naruto inched his face closer to Hinata...


"Fuck..." Naruto cursed as both of them quickly pulled apart.

Hinata was blushing hard as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt.

Naruto quickly looked at the traffic light and realised the light is already green. No wonder the car behind them honked...

Naruto cleared his throat as Hinata looked away and focused on the scenery outside...

The whole ride to the café was in silence and Hinata didn't realised they've already reached when Naruto killed the engine.

"Come on Hinata. We're here." Naruto broke the silence as he went over to Hinata's side to open the door.

Hinata was about to protest when she realised she couldn't open the door.

Naruto quickly opened it and held his hand out.

"Why can't I open the door from inside?"

"I activated the child lock."


"Because I was afraid you might jump out and run off after that awkward moment..." Naruto mumbled and Hinata laughed at the blonde.

"Silly you! I won't run off for something as silly as that! Besides, we're just friends! Something as awkward as that should be easy to overlook right?" Hinata smiled at him.

Inside though, it was killing for the bluenette to say those words... She wanted to tell him... To hug him... To drill it into his head on how much she loves him...

But she knows Naruto only sees her as a pleasant company to be around with...

"Y-yea... Yea! It's easy for friends to overlook such an issue!" Naruto agreed with a bright smile as he locked his car and they headed for the café.

"Mr Teuchi! One extra large bowl of miso pork ramen and..." Naruto yelled out as he entered and turned to Hinata.

"Ehhhh... What do you want?" he grinned as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Hinata giggled.

"Do they have kani ramen? I love crabmeat with ramen." she answered shyly.

"Why of course we do!" a brunette who looked to be a few years older than them stepped in front of the couple. "Naruto, is this your special girl?"

Hinata's eyes widened as Naruto waved his arms frantically in front of him.

"What are you talking about Ayame Nee chan?!?"

"Well you've been smiling and daydreaming a lot yesterday during my celebration so my dad and I figured you have a new girl who is special to you this time." Ayame winked at a clueless Hinata as Naruto blushed furiously.

"N-n-n-no!!! Ayame nee chan please don't embarrass me like that! Hinata chan here is just my friend!"

"Hinata chan eh? So you're on first name basis with a chan some more? Even you don't call other girls chan Naruto. Seems she's really special to you." Ayame laughed as Naruto and Hinata just stood there awkwardly.

"Alright-alright I'll stop teasing you two! I'll show you two to your table." Ayame wiped a tear away as Naruto and Hinata sighed a breath of relief...

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