Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"And so if you take the marketing and gross profit, you will be able to calculate..." Hinata listened to Asuma sensei's lecture when her phone vibrated.

She lost focus when she took out her iPhone and saw the person who Whatsapped her.

Naruto: hey hinata. sorry but i can't make it for today's piano recital. i have something on.

Hinata frowned as she began typing back.

Hinata: it's fine but please let me know the reason why.

She was about to put her iPhone away when her phone vibrated again.

Naruto: why? do you miss me? 😜

Hinata blushed madly as she hurriedly answered him.

Hinata: what?!? No! I need to know because I have to sign your report sheet remember? If you're missing a day I will have to fill under the remark section.

Naruto: haha. i was just kidding hinata. i have something on. it's really personal. i already explained to principal tsunade regarding my absence for tomorrow. don't worry, you won't be held responsible, 😉

Hinata sighed as she just sent an 'okay'.

She was so disappointed. She has looked forward to coming to school everyday just so she can sit beside Naruto. She also can't wait for school to end so Naruto will accompany her piano recitals. Today is the first time since she and Naruto became friends that he won't be in that piano room...

"Hinata." Asuma sensei's voice broke her out of her thoughts as she quickly looked up and discreetly slipped her phone into her skirt pocket.

"Yes Asuma sensei?"

"Will you come up front and solve this equation?" he asked and the bluenette nodded as she went to the whiteboard and easily solved the question.

The rest of the day went as per normal and Hinata decided to do her piano recital at home since Naruto isn't coming anyway. The moment she reached home, she went to take a shower and played for an hour on the piano in her living room.

Around 9 pm she then went to her room to do a bit of her assignments on her laptop. She was engrossed in her readings when her phone beeped.

Neji: I heard about what happened...

Hinata gasped as she quickly replied her cousin back.

Hinata: eh... what?

"Maybe if I act dumb he will drop the subject?" Hinata thought to herself.

Neji: I'm not born yesterday Hinata.

Hinata bit her lips in irritation. Neji is always like this! He likes to give vague but intimidating answer such that slowly, he will pry the answer out of you...

Hinata: I honestly don't know what you're talking about Neji nii san.

Neji: okay.

Hinata was tearing her hair out in frustration. What the hell is 'okay' after all that?!? Hinata chanted to herself not to cave in to Neji and decided not to reply to him to not aggravate the matter further.

Neji: by the way from tomorrow onwards I'll be sitting beside Naruto. I've already spoken to your father and principal Tsunade regarding about what happened yesterday.

Hinata gritted her teeth as she typed back angrily.

Hinata: why would you want me to change seats with you?!? I told you nothing happened yesterday so why the sudden decision?!?

Neji: I didn't ask whether anything happened yesterday Hinata. I just said I heard about what happened. Initially you said you don't know anything that happened then now you're saying nothing happened. Make up your mind Hinata.

Hinata sighed and scratched her head.

This is how Neji traps people...

Hinata: since you already know what happened, fine I'll tell you. But it's not naruto's fault! That girl comes in being all clingy over him and then she started insulting me when she found out Naruto has to report to me at all times!

Neji: that's why I said I'm sitting beside Naruto. In that way she won't have a reason to attack you since Naruto is not constantly with you. Only after school regarding whatever detention you give him then he'll be with you.

Hinata: why do you want my seat so much?!? Do you have a secret crush on naruto or what?!?

Neji: believe me Hinata I do NOT want to be seated with that Uzumaki guy but I will do anything to protect you and Hanabi. And me having a crush on Naruto? Is that supposed to be a blow to my pride or something?

Hinata: neji nii san! I do not want to sit with rock lee! It's awkward for me to sit beside a guy wearing tights!!!

Neji: don't worry you'll get used to him. He's a nice guy actually. Just a bit over enthusiastic if you ask me.

Hinata: neji nii san! Please! You just said somewhere above that you will do anything to protect me! So help me out now!

Neji: Hinata, being with Rock Lee is much safer than being with Naruto. To put it bluntly, Naruto screws anything wearing a skirt. You don't know how many times I was tempted to ask you to be removed as his supervisor. If this is the least I can do to separate you guys then I will do it.

Hinata sighed and decided not to reply her elder cousin anymore. It's only going to make her more stress!

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