chapter 12 - terrors and twins

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*a few weeks later*

dougie pov - i was running with a shadow chasing behind me. 8 shadow figures came at me, front on, i turned quickly to see more coming towards me in every direction. I was enclosed they were getting closer and closer.I was claustrophobic and anxious. I screamed. 'Doug. DOUGIE!' i was shaken awake my harry, my body dripping with sweat and lungs struggling to fill with oxygen. It took me a while to come to my senses and realise who was shouting my name. 'H-Harry' i said, finding it hard to catch my breath. 'Are you okay? Why were you screaming like you were being murdered?' harry asked me confused. 'Oh um, nothing. I don't know.' i said trying to get off of the subject. 'Don't you dare lie to me poynter.' Harry said looking me in the eye. 'No, you'll laugh.' i said curling myself into a ball. 'I promise i won't. I want to help you.' Harry replied in a comforting tone. 'Well i had this nightmare and they were chasing me and then surrounded me and i felt so claustrophobic haz, it was horrible.' I said hugging into him. 'What was chasing you baby?' he said kissing my head. 'I don't know they were like shadows. It seems like nothing i know. I'm sorry for waking you.' I said to him. 'Don't be stupid, i don't want you going to sleep scared every night. I'm glad you woke me up. I'm glad i can help you. But do you think this has anything to do with izzy's treatment tomorrow?' He asked me whilst running his hand up and down my back. 'i don't know, maybe. I feel like the shadows could represent my fears and responsibilities. I'm scared harry.' I confessed to him. 'Yeah most likely! But doug, i'm scared too, we can be scared together. I won't let you be scared alone.' He reassured me. We lay there for a while, i was too scared to sleep again so i just watched harry sleep.

harry pov - 'Doug' i said knowing dougie thought i was asleep. 'Harry? You're awake? Yeah, what?'he said confused and startled. 'Are you okay?' I asked him. 'No.' he said curling into me. 'We don't have to do this you know.' i said to him. 'I know harry but i want to, i really, really want to.' he said to me in a sad tone. 'Then why are you feeling like this?' i asked him. 'Because what if one of us do what my dad did. Walk out. Walk out on our children. Say we don't love them anymore. They will never forgive themselves, i know i never have.' He said to me, head still buried in my chest. 'We won't. You will never, ever put your children in that position. You know how it feels, you would never want them to experience that. And me, this is all i have wanted for so long, being a dad with you. Our children deserve so much happiness, and thats what they'll get, from the both of us.' I felt a smile grow on his face, after i said that. 'I love you harry.' he said to me, kissing my chest. 'I love you too doug. Forever.' I said stroking his thigh. 'Forever.' he said to me and wrapped my arms around him.

doug pov - i woke up the next morning to harry's arms still wrapped around me. I broke into a smile, looking at my gorgeous boyfriend sleeping. I couldn't believe today we would find out if the ivf worked and if we were able to have twins. Our alarm went off, and a wave of nerves came over me. Before i could say anything, harry pulled me into him closer, tightening his grip so i felt safe. 'Today is going to be great, okay.' he assured me knowing how nervous i was without opening his eyes. He opened his eyes and kissed me on the lips. We both got up and went to get ready to meet izzy. 'I'll be down in a minute babe.' Harry called down stairs to me while i anxiously bit the skin around my nails, sitting on the bottom step. Harry came running down the stairs, grabbed my hand and pulled me up to kiss me. We went to my car and drove to the clinic where we were meeting iz. When we pulled up, izzy was waiting for us outside, we got out of the car and hugged her. I walked in holding harrys hand and i put my arm round izzy. Both of them had a way of calming my nerves. I have known izzy since i was 15 and harry introduced us all to her when we moved into the band house and we just clicked.

harry pov - we filled out a lot of paper work then sat down in the waiting room. We waited for about 15 minutes before izzy's name was called. 'Miss johnston you and your partner can come through now.' the doctor said. 'Um well, it's us three.' Harry told him. 'Okay that's fine.' The doctor said with a smile on his face. We all walked through into a smallish room. We all sat down with the doctor who confirmed that everything went to plan and izzy could have our twins. Dougie and i both cried, tears of joy. Izzy got changed into a hospital gown and sat on the bed in the room. The doctor asked if we wanted to stay in the room with iz, dougie is too squeamish when it comes to blood, or anything like that so he waited outside. I stayed with izzy, but stayed at the head end at all times. 'Okay miss johnston, we have inserted both embryos and everything is fine. We will see you again in a few weeks for your first ultrasound.' I wrapped my arms around izzy and kissed her cheek. 'Thanks so much for doing this for us iz, you don't know how grateful we are.' i said to her, still hugging. We walked outside to doug 'We're gonna be dads in 9 months poynter.' Dougie let out a squeal and ran over to me wrapping his arms around my neck. 'Izzy you're the best, thank you for this.' he said to izzy genuinely. 'Anything for you two. Well go on then!' Izzy said to us 'What?' we said at the same time. 'Go and tell tom and danny! And i'll speak to you soon.' She kissed us both and we ran to the car to ring our parents on the drive over to danny's. Our parents were happy for the both of us and couldn't wait 9 months to see their grandchildren.

dougie pov - We walked up to danny front door hand in hand. 'Coming' a strong bolton voice called. We had already told tom to go over to dannys as we wanted to tell them both together. 'Alright love birds' danny said with a grin on his face. Harry and i walked through to the living room and sat on one of the sofas together. 'Is everything okay? Have you broken up? Do you want to leave the band?' Tom questioned us. 'Don't be stupid tom.' i said to him laughing at him getting flustered. 'We actually wanted to tell you that well umm.. in 9 months you're going to be uncle danny and uncle tom to our twins.' harry said to them, waiting for their reaction. They both leaped up and hugged us. 'You are gonna be such great dads! And i get to be an uncle. Tha's great!' danny said to us. 'Oh my god i cannot believe it, you're going to have such amazing, loveable children.' tom said. Harry and i exchanged a smile. 'Yeah we've kinda been going behind your back for a few months because izzy's the mum and well everything went to plan today and her first scan is in a couple of months.' i told them both. 'I can't wait to teach 'em guitar and spoil them!' Danny said with a lot of excitement. Once the buzz had died down a bit, we ordered some pizza's and watched all 3 toy story's. Danny and tom were trying to get us to tell them baby names we liked, but we wanted to keep it a surprise for them. Once toy story 3 finished, me and haz left at around 1am and went straight to bed when we got home. We spoke about how happy we were with each other and how our lives couldn't get any better, before finally going to sleep.

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