chapter 17 - ice cream

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harry pov - we went over to waitrose because dougie wanted ice cream even though it was freezing cold out. 'I don't know what flavour i want.' Dougie told me. 'You're so indecisive.' I said poking his sides. 'Just get every flavour.' I said to him. Dougie broke out into a fit of laughter. It was the type of laughter i could listen to forever. 'You're so stupid.' dougie told me and kissed my lips. He pressed against me so i felt the cold tip of his nose against mine. He was in his trackies and his hair was still messy from us lying in bed all day. He had it in a half up, half down bun, it was my favourite style on him. At that exact moment i knew that i loved him more than i ever loved anybody. I knew that he was my once in a lifetime and yet all we were doing was looking for ice-cream.

dougie pov - we went to the till with our basket full of every flavour ice-cream. We unpacked the basket and i started laughing uncontrollably again. The woman behind the till gave us a weird look at the amount of ice cream we unloaded. We took the ice cream back to the house and took it upstairs to the bedroom. We put on the walking dead and harry opened the chocolate ice-cream. He took out a large spoon and hit me on the nose covering it in ice-cream. 'I've got nose freeze.' I said to him laughing. He kissed my nose to get rid of it and fed me the rest from the spoon. A large smile grew onto my face and harry pulled the spoon from my mouth. 'Want a taste?" i asked him, smirking. He leant in to kiss me and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

harry pov - we got half way through the chocolate ice cream before we got bored of the flavour and opened the cookie dough. We ate the whole tub without realising and had a major ice-cream hangover. We fell asleep together and had a 2 hour nap because of the amount of ice-cream we ate. Me and doug were both woken up by a loud knock. I ran down the stairs and opened the door to be greeted by danny and tom. 'What are you two doing here?' i asked them. 'Well it's nice to see you too.' tom said to me. 'No sorry, come in. But why are you here?' i questioned them. 'Just thought it would be nice to pop in and see our best friends.' Tom said. 'Who is it?' dougie called down. 'Ey up doug.' danny shouted upstairs. Dougie came running down. 'Oh hey!' dougie said. 'Wanna go out with gi and georgia?' Tom asked. 'Or invite them round here and i'll invite iz and we can have a chill night.' I said to them. 'Yeah, sounds good.' tom said.

dougie pov - georgia, gi and izzy all came round in their pyjamas. Danny and tom borrowed some of ours. Me and doug took a photo with izzy, we made a heart with our hands and put it on her stomach. I put it on instagram and captioned it 'baby pudd'. Harry did the same thing and our comments were flooded by our fans. We spent the night eating pizza and ice cream and watched spiderman. When spiderman finished georgia said she wanted to choose the next film. 'Right close your eyes.' We looked at her confused then shut them. She chose a film. 'Right, open.' We opened our eyes and danny laughed out loud. 'No georgia turn it off!' Tom pleaded, covering his eyes in embarrassment. 'Haha. Brilliant!' Gi said. Georgia had put on just my luck. 'Lets just watch it for a laugh.' Harry said. We got to the first scene we were in 'Look how cute you and your greasy hair was.' harry said, pinching my cheek. 'Um it was gel and you had side burns, so shut up.' i said to him. Izzy started to laugh at me and harry bickering. 'I wouldn't worry lads, look at dannys hair.' Georgia said laughing. 'Oi, i was still classed as the fit one.' Dan said to georgia. 'Um don't get ahead of yourself dan, doug has always been the fit one.' Gi said. 'I'd say so.' harry said, kissing me softly. 'Awwww.' Georgia, gi and izzy all said in sync. 'Are you actually going to do that every time we kiss?' i asked the 3 of them, laughing. 'It's just so cute.' izzy said. 'You've always been so perfect for each other.' georgia said to us. We showed georgia and gi the scan photos. 'Oh yeah, i have the video in my bag.' izzy said. She pulled out the disk and put it in the dvd player. You could see both of our amazing children and you could hear both of their rapid heart beats. Harry kissed my cheek started playing with my hair. 'I'm so happy for you guys.' Tom told us 'Thanks t bag.' I said. 'So what did you 4 get up to the other week?' Gi asked. 'What?' Izzy asked confused. 'Yeah danny and tom rang us both asking if it was alright to have some fun with each other the other week.' Georgia told her. 'Oh my god.' Izzy said. 'I can't believe doug and harry were up for it.' Gi said. 'Well doug were a bit borin' danny said. 'Hey!' i said defensively. 'Me and doug gave these two a bloody hour porno.' harry told the girls. 'Oh my god harry. Let's stop talking about this now.' Izzy said. 'I wouldn't mind watchin' that.' georgia said. 'Georgia!' danny shrieked. 'I'm jokin' oh my god dan!' she said laughing. 'No you're not.' Gi said to her laughing. 'Shhh!' gerogia said before winking at danny. The girls stayed up for a bit longer gossiping whilst us 4 wrote a new song. By 4am, we all ended up crashing on the living room floor with a load of duvets and blankets.

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