chapter 38 - the interview

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dougie pov - i woke up like i would any other day, harry's arms wrapped safely around me. Then i remembered what was happening today, my breathing got caught in my throat as i stated thinking the worst case scenario. Harry kissed me gently, making all of my muscles relax and fears fade away. 'I promise everything will be okay. It's a live interview. Nothing can be changed. We can tell the public exactly what we want them to hear and it won't be edited to make it sound any different. Okay.' He assured me and pulled me closer to him, giving me a sense of comfort. We got out of bed, hoping that doing something would distract my mind. We sat at the kitchen table and ate our breakfast before the twins woke and came stumbling down the stairs. 'Daddy what's the matter?' Luna asked me. It's crazy how aware she is of things. 'Nothing, i'm just a bit tired.' I lied. She came over to where i was sitting to hug me and i kissed the top of her head. 'What do you two want for breakfast?' Harry asked the twins. 'Coco pops please.' Luna said politely. 'Can i have coco pops as well please papa?' Isaac asked. 'Of course you can.' Harry said to him and picked him up to kiss his forehead. He made them their cereal and set it out on the kitchen table. They ate it quickly and once they were done they ran upstairs to get ready. I loved bathing the twins, singing and splashing with them, it was always so much fun. Isaac and luna's laughter would fill up the room, making me and harry laugh with them. We got them out and dried off their tiny bodies before getting them dressed, brushing their teeth and doing their hair. Me and harry were already ready for the interview. Oh my god, the interview, i wave anxiety came over me and i nervously tangled my fingers (i habit i had every time i got anxious). 'Sparkles, go and play whilst we wait for auntie jazzie.' Harry said and the twins ran downstairs to play with their toys. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple. 'It's going to be alright.' He told me. I nodded into his chest in response. He rubbed my back and kissed my hair, holding his lips on my scalp for a while. Our embrace was interrupted my jazzie knocking on the door. The twins were at the bottom of the stairs shouting jaz's name. I ran down and unlocked the door she came into the hallway and the twins ran around in excitement. 'See you later sparkles.' I said to luna and isaac as they hugged and kissed me and harry. 'Thanks for watching them, see you in a bit.' I said to jaz. 'No worries, see you in a few hours. Good luck.' She said as we walked out of the door and into the car, all of my fears came flooding back. Harry grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently, knowing i was scared about the question i would be asked.

harry pov - i could tell how nervous dougie was, i held his hand for majority of the car journey, wanting him to feel slightly comforted by me. We parked about a 10 minute walk from bbc studios, hoping the walk would clear dougie's thoughts a bit. We walked into the studio and was met by danny and tom. Dougie was being noticeably quiet and i knew he was feeling anxious. I didn't want him having a panic attack, it wasn't worth it. 'Do you want to go home?' I asked him. 'No, we have to clear this up.' He said with a lot of worry in his voice. I took a hold of his hand as we all piled into the lift and went up to the floor where radio 1 was recorded. It started with basic questions asking how we were, what each of us where up to. 'Dougie, harry. How are the twins?' We were asked. I knew this was coming, what we were dreading the whole interview, they'll start with the twins then go straight into the article. 'Yeah, they're great.' I told them. 'They're so cute, especially in tom's tour vlogs. They way they call you uncle danny and uncle tom is really sweet.' The interviewer said. Danny and tom both laughed slightly. 'Yeah, we love them, they are our family.' Danny explained. 'Okay, i can't ignore the elephant in the room. That article. What's happening with you two?' She asked. 'Nothing is happening. We are so happy, honestly i don't know where any of this came from.' I said, we were happy, but i did make a huge mistake and leave. 'Are you sure? I mean it's awfully detailed. Like harry running away and dougie self harming again.' The interviewer insisted. I felt dougie search around for my hand before grabbing it. I squeezed it tight, trying to tell him that this all would be okay. 'I never ran away and dougie never self harmed again.' I said sternly. 'Hmm, okay. Dougie we haven't heard much from you. Did harry get jealous because someone was flirting with you?' She asked dougie. I felt his grip tighten around my hand and he took a deep breath. I ran my thumb up and down his hand, trying to soothe him. 'No not at all, we went to starbucks after our tattoo's, but then went straight home to cuddle on the sofa with the twins and watched a film.' He explained. When he added the part about the film, i knew that that was his plan, what he wanted to do if i hadn't been such an idiot. 'Oh right. Well we really don't know who to believe.' She said. I could feel my blood boiling, i was getting so angry. Dougie could see the anger in me and started rubbing my thigh to try and calm me down. It wasn't working. I was so beyond anger right now. She wrapped up the interview and i was the first out of the door i could hear dougie shouting my name but i couldn't turn around i had to get out of there. I went out the back entrance where i knew no fans would be. I kicked open the door and dougie, danny and tom chased after me. 'What the fuck was that shit.' I screamed. 'Harry, it's fine.' Dougie said quietly. 'No it's not fucking fine dougie, i'm so pissed off.' I yelled.

dougie pov - i could feel myself getting anxious again, i started to pull on the stand of hair behind my ear and i felt all of my feelings churn in my stomach. 'Harry, stop shouting. You're scaring me.' I told him, hoping he would listen. 'Dougie i don't care. That was so stupid and for them to turn around and say they don't know who to believe. It's a load of bullshit.' He screamed and punched the door we ran out of. I lost control of my breathing and slid down the wall. Tom came rushing over to help calm me down. I covered my ears as best i could to block out all of the shouting harry was doing. 'For fuck sake dougie. Again really? You're having another fucking panic attack? Grow up.' He half-shouted. 'I'm-I'm sorry.' I whispered, knowing he couldn't hear me. 'No doug, it's fine don't be sorry. He's angry, he doesn't mean it.' Tom tried to tell me, but i was having none of it. He meant it and he was right, i was pathetic. Constant panic attacks, it wasn't natural. I wasn't natural.

harry pov - i didn't even think about the words coming out of my mouth, they were all lost in anger. 'Are you being fucking serious.' Danny yelled at me. I didn't say anything, i regretted the words that came out of my mouth and i didn't mean them, i really didn't. I started to calm down and realised what i said. I knew my words would have dragged dougie down, but i didn't mean to say them. I had to show him how sorry i was. I had to. I went over to where he was sitting against the wall and sat down in front of him, trying my hardest to make the eye contact he was trying to avoid. 'Baby, i'm so sorry. You know i didn't mean them words. It was the anger, it wasn't me.' I said.

dougie pov - i knew he was telling the truth, he had so much meaning behind his voice, i couldn't not believe him. I nodded. 'I love you.' He told me and pulled me closed to him. 'I love you too.' I said. He leant towards me and gave me a loving kiss. We went back into the studio so we could go out the main entrance and meet our fans. Our interviewer saw us and harry rolled his eyes in response. 'Is everything okay boys?' She asked. 'Yeah, we were just leaving.' Harry said and barged past her, not wanting to give her anymore of our time. We went and met some fans before walking to our car, we got in. 'Hey, are you okay?' He asked me. 'Yeah i just want to get home and do something with the twins.' I told him. 'Okay.' He said with a smile and kissed me again before starting the car and driving home.

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