chapter 25 - honeymoon

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harry pov - we pulled up to dougie's mums house to drop off the twins. 'Be good for nanny please.' dougie told them. 'They always are.' Sam said. We hugged them and they wrapped their arms tightly around us then started attacking us with kisses. 'We'll see you next week with uncle tom and uncle danny.' i told them, as they were joining us for our second week of the honeymoon. 'Is auntie gi and auntie georgia coming too?' luna asked. 'Sure are sparkie.' I answered. Me and doug said bye to his mum and walked out to the car blowing kisses to the twins as they blew them back. We pulled up at the airport, checked in, went through security and boarded the plane. Doug took a photo of us showing our wedding rings and put it on instagram saying 'en route honeymoon'. I pecked his lips gently and we started chatting before the pilot announced that we would be taking off soon.
 On the flight, dougie kept kissing my neck and nibbling my earlobe. Dougie was turning me on bad and fast. 'Babe, stop please. Until we get to our room at least.' He smirked, he knew exactly how he was making me feel. He kissed me, slowly and pulled my bottom lip as we pulled away. Even after being with him for so long, i still get butterflies when we're together and he kisses me. We got to the hotel, we checked in, our bags were taken into our room and finally, we were alone. Doug jumped at me and wrapped his legs around my waist, i started kissing him, my tongue dancing around his mouth. We took off each others clothes whilst kissing until the both of us were in our boxers. I lay him on the bed and crawled up so our eyes were level. I lowered myself down so i was lying on top of him and started sucking on his neck. He wrapped his legs around my waist and he tangled his hands in my hair. I rubbed my thumb over the mark i had just made on dougie's pale skin and rested my head against his, lips only centimetres apart. Doug flipped me over so i was underneath him and he gently sucked on my collarbone, moaning into it softly, sending shivers down my spine. I rubbed my hands up and down his sides, slightly gripping his hips every now and then. He kissed down my chest and above my boxers. He trailed his finger under the waist band to tease me. He kissed my inner thigh and slowly pushed my boxers up to get closer to my cock. He wrapped his hand around my length, my boxers still on and breathed on me, his hot breath seeping through my boxers. I needed dougie to take my boxers off, the restriction i felt was unbearable.

dougie pov - i slowly took harry's boxers off of him and slipped mine off at them same time. Harry sat up and sat me on his lap so i was facing him. He pulled me so i was close to him, our chest touching and he started kissing behind my ear and down my jaw. I scraped my blunt nails down harry's back and back up clinging onto his hair, tugging it as he rubbed his hands up and down my thighs, my boner poking hard into harry's hips. We rolled over so i was lying on my back and harry looked for lube. 'Condom?' he asked. 'No.' I said swallowing quickly, trying to control my breathing. Harry gave me such a thrill, being with him was always so exiting. I loved being this in love with someone. Harry covered his fingers in lube and put them inside of me, one by one. I was kind of used to it now, but i felt pleasure pain every time. Harry slammed himself into me hard making me flinch and my eyes tightly close as well as shout his name. Once i had gotten use to the pain, harry trusted in and out of me a few times before hitting my prostate. I moaned every time he hit it and wrapped my hand around my length to start pumping it, in sync with harry's thrusts. I could feel like orgasm forming deep in my stomach. 'Do you want me in your mouth or inside of you?' harry asked. 'Inside please.' i answered and felt harry unload into me. Cum flew out of me covering our chests and stomachs. Harry fell on top of me and covered me with tiny kisses. 'I love you.' he whispered. 'I love you baby.' I said to him, my voice still weak from my adrenaline rush. 'Come on, let's shower.' Harry said pulling me into the bathroom, but i felt like my legs couldn't function. We washed each other and kissed constantly, the hot water running down our faces and bodies. The water droplets look so gorgeous in harry's hair and i couldn't stop staring into his gorgeous eyes. We got out of the shower, dried off and put some clean boxers on, we jumped back into bed. Harry was my big spoon, he nuzzled his face into my neck and planted small kisses down it, pulling my earlobe every now and then. 'Harry.' I said. 'Hmm.' He answered. 'I love you, like i'm so in love with you.' I confessed. 'I'm so in love with you doug. Head over heels in love with you.' He replied. He pulled me on top of him and and gave me small kisses on my lips over and over. My phone started ringing, i reached over and grabbed it to see it was danny. 'How was ya first day? Well night, you were travelling all day.' he asked. 'Yeah it was incredible.' he laughed when i answered him. 'Oh my god you little fuckers.' He said laughing. I put him on speaker so harry could hear the conversation. 'Hey dan.' harry said. 'Did you not go and see the island when you got there?' he asked. 'No i had already told dougie what we were going to be doing on the plane.' Harry said with a smirk. 'Fucking hell. Alright, well when you decide to get out of bed and see the island, tell us what it's like.' He said. 'Ok danny, see you soon.' I said, then hung up the phone. 'it's late babe, shall we go to sleep?' harry asked me. I nodded and lay next to him, wrapping my arms around him before getting comfortable.

harry pov - i watched tv whilst whilst dougie slowly drifted off to sleep. I rubbed his arm and kissed his head knowing it made him sleepy. I wanted to show dougie so much love and make sure he knew how much i loved him. He tightened his arms around me and i pulled him tighter before we both fell asleep.
I was woken up at 3am by doug tossing and turning so i pulled him tight to my chest. 'Sorry, did i wake you?' dougie said softly. 'No baby, it's fine. What's the matter?' I asked him. 'Do you think the twins are okay? I miss them.' He confessed. 'They're fine baby. I miss them too, but they'll be here next week.' I told him. 'Yeah, i know. Can we FaceTime them in the morning?' he asked. 'Of course we can.' i said and kissed behind his ear. 'Harry, i love you.' dougie said. 'I love you too doug.' i told him. He turned around so he was facing me and kissed my lips gently. He lay his head on my chest and i played with his hair before he fell asleep again. His breathing became heavier so i moved his head off of me so i could fall asleep. He lay next to me, clung onto my arm and buried his head in my bicep.

dougie pov - when i woke up, harry was still asleep, but all i wanted to do was FaceTime the twins. I started tossing and turning, kind of trying to wake harry up, but i didn't want to make it to obvious. I wrapped my arms around harry's 'I'm awake.' he mumbled. A smile crept onto my face. 'Okay, get your phone.' Harry said to me. I jumped up and pulled it off of charge and ran back over to the bed. I started ringing my mum and she answered pretty much straight away. We were chatting to her when she shouted the twins down and we heard little footsteps running towards the phone. 'Yes nanny?' We heard isaac say. 'Look who it is.' my mum showed the twins the phone. 'Papa! Daddy!' they both said. 'Hey sparkles.' i said. We chatted them for a while, they told us all about the new toys my mum had bought them and my mum told us how they keep napping with the dogs, she said she would send us a photo later on. 'Are they alright with the dogs?' i asked my mum 'Yeah, god, they love them!' She told me. I raised my eyebrows at harry and he raised one eyebrow and gave me a confused look. 'Are you being good for nanny?' Harry asked them. 'Yes papa.' isaac said. 'Luna?' he asked. She nodded eagerly. 'Are we being good nanny?' she asked my mum. 'Of course you are!' she answered. 'Daddy when are we going on holiday?' isaac asked me. 'Uncle tom and uncle danny are picking you up in 5 more sleeps!' i said excitedly. Luna took the phone and walked over to nellie, one of my mums dogs. 'Papa. Daddy. Look, i love nellie.' she said kissing and stroking her head. 'Awww.' me and harry said at the same time. 'Okay, we have to go now sparkles.' harry told them. 'Oh, okay.' Isaac said sounding disappointed. 'We'll speak to you soon! Love you.' I said. 'Love you so so much more than all the stars.' luna said. 'More than one hundred thousand million billion times.' isaac added. 'Byeeeee.' We both said waving and blowing kisses to them as they did it back. 'Want to explore the island?' I asked harry. 'Can i explore your mouth first.' He said smirking. I burst out laughing. 'Oh my god. You're so cringey.' I said to him, still laughing, only centimetres away from his face. 'I know.' he giggle. I slowly leant in to kiss him letting our tongues glide over each other. Harry pulled away after a while. 'Right, come on. Let's get ready.' He said and slapped my arse which made me laugh again. It was so great being this in love with somebody. 

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