chapter 26 - seeing the twins

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danny pov - I already had two carseats in the back for the twins when we've taken them places before. We pulled up at sam's house and was greeted by her. Isaac and luna came running in from the kitchen 'Uncle danny!' they both said. 'Heeeyyyy.' I said, so happy to see them. I crouched down to their level 'can i have kisses?' i asked them. They jumped on me and kissed my face making me fall onto my back. I tickled them, making them laugh hysterically. 'Uncle danny! Stop tickling us!' isaac said, tears of laughter rolling down his cheek. I let them go and ran upstairs to get their trunkies for the airport. I packed their suitcases and push chairs into the boot, said bye to sam and strapped them into their car seats. Georgia was sitting in the front on her phone, waiting for me to get into the car. The twins slept all the way to the airport where we met up with tom and gi. As soon as we pulled up, the twins woke up and i got them in their pushchairs because they were still a bit sleepy. We waited in costa for tom and gi, me and georgia bought a coffee and we got the twins a fruit shoot each. They both loved georgia, she was so great with kids. I couldn't wait to settle down with her. Tom and gi came in just as we were finished and the twins leapt out of their push chairs to run and hug them. I folded the prams down so we could put them through with the suitcases.

tom pov - i saw isaac and luna running towards us we picked them up and they kissed me and gi. We put them down and went over to see danny and georgia. 'Right shall we go check in?' i asked. Everyone nodded and the twins sat on their trunkies, pushing themselves along until we reached the front of the queue. After that, we got through security pretty quickly and began boarding the plane. Isaac sat in the aisle seat with me and gi. Luna sat in the aisle seat with danny and georgia. They both watched a film on their dvd players. We landed pretty quickly and i couldn't wait to see the twins faces when they saw doug and haz again, this is the longest the four of them have ever been apart. We drove round the island to get to the hotel, it was gorgeous. The blue sea, the white sand, everything. We pulled up at the hotel, it looked amazing we walked into the lobby and saw harry and dougie waiting for us. 'Daddy! Papa!' the twins shouted as soon as they saw them. They ran towards them and jumped up so they would pick them up.

harry pov - i picked up isaac and dougie picked up luna. 'Hey. We've missed you.' i said them kissing them both softly. They both wrapped their arms around our necks and we carried them over to tom and dan so we could say hi to them all. 'Do you want to go up to your rooms to get ready and we'll go out for dinner?' i said. They all nodded in agreement and went upstairs to our rooms. As soon as the twins got into the room, they ran over to the king sized bed and started jumping on it. Me and doug went over to hold their hands whilst they jumped so they didn't fall off. 'Right, come on, let's get you guys ready.' Dougie said to them. I ran a bath for them and we put them in it together. We got them out and dressed them ready for dinner and met the others downstairs. We walked down to the restaurant on the beach. It was a family restaurant and had a play park attached, we sat outside so the twins could play on it before dinner came. The eight of us sat down and ordered our drinks. The twins were content, both playing with their toys. 'Shit.' i muttered. 'What?' dougie mouthed to me. I motioned over to a woman making balloon models at another table. She saw luna and isaac so walked over to our table. The woman didn't say anything but began to pump up a balloon. We all waited anxiously for luna's reaction. 'What would you like me to make you two?' she asked the twins. Luna looked at dougie and shook her head, tears building up in her eyes. 'Hey it's okay. They won't pop.' he told her. 'A sword!' isaac said excitedly. They woman twisted the balloon and it popped in her hands. Luna looked over at me and her breathing quickened. 'Hey it's okay. That wasn't too bad was it?' I said to her. She slowly shook her head. Whilst the woman twisted another balloon into a sword. Dougie asked her what she wanted her to make. 'doggie.' she said to the woman shyly. She made one out of a pink balloon and danny asked if she could make him a sword. She gave him a confused look, but made him one. 'Danny!' georgia said, playfully slapping his arm. 'Wha'? I'm gonna play with the twins.' He said laughing. 'You're such a child.' she said to him giggling. 'Do you wanna go and play in the park?' tom asked them. They both nodded and dougie helped them out of their high chairs so tom and gi could take them to them to play.

dougie pov - we finished our dinner and payed the bill. We had a few more drinks and we were talking about how the honeymoon had been so far. Luna rubbed her eyes and yawned, resting her head on my shoulder. 'Someone's tired.' gi said, stroking her face. 'Can i sit with auntie gi?' she asked me. 'Gi?' i asked. 'Of course!' she lifted luna out of her chair and sat her on her lap, letting her snuggle into her. Isaac was lying in danny's arms asleep and georgia was stroking his head. Luna fell asleep in gi's arms just as we were about to leave. 'What's the time?' tom asked. '11:15. I didn't realise it was so late.' harry said. Me and harry carried the kids back to the hotel, thanked the others for a good night and went back to our room,arm's breaking. We lay the twins in bed and got them changed whilst they were still asleep. We jumped into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. I was woken up by being shaken awake at around 4am by isaac, something i kind of missed last week. Being woken up by the twins was a thing i loved because it meant that they wanted to snuggle with me. 'Daddy can i sleep with you?' he asked me. 'Yeah, come on.' I lifted him next to us. 'Haz can you sleep with lu?' I asked him. He climbed out of bed and lay in the one next to us, luna cuddled up to him and kissed his cheek, making my heart melt. Isaac wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my chest so i kissed his forehead before falling asleep again.
We all slept in until quite late. Well quite late for a couple with toddlers, so 8:30. Harry and luna came and lay with me and isaac and we sat as a family for a bit, letting the twins tell us everything they did with my mum. I hated being away from them, i couldn't imagine my life without them now that we had them. They were so gorgeous and i loved them so much. 'Right come on. Suncream.' harry said, getting out of bed. He got the suncream out of the bag, waiting for one of the twins to go over to him and get ready. They both cuddled into me, i put my arms around them and the 3 of us started giggling as i pulled the covers over our head. I felt harry climb onto the bed and jump on top of us making us all laugh. Harry pulled the covers back and tickled the twins. 'Papa stop. We'll put on suncream.' Luna said, laughs separating each word. We got them ready for going to the pool and ate some breakfast. I was playing with the twins in the shallow end of the pool when tom snuck up behind them making them laugh hysterically. 'Uncle tom you're silly.' isaac said to him and both of them started splashing him with water. We put arm bands and swimming vests on them so we could take them in the deep end. 'Do you want to jump in?' I asked them both. They nodded so i stood them on the side of the pool. I told isaac to jump into toms arms and luna to jump to me. Luna nervously bit her nails. 'I promise i'll catch you.' I said to her. Isaac jumped first and tom caught him. Luna leapt off of the edge of the pool and i caught her before she could touch the water and lowered her so she wouldn't go under.

harry pov - i was sunbathing with danny when isaac came over and curled up on my chest. 'You alright sparkie?' i asked him. I felt him nod on my chest 'I missed you papa. And daddy.' he said before crawling further up my body and wrapping his arms around my neck, giving me small kisses. I wrapped my arms around him enjoying the fact that my son wanted to cuddle with me. It was one of my favourite things. 'We missed you too.' I told him and kissed his lips. Luna came out of the pool and jumped on me. 'Hey princess. What's up?' I said to her. 'Nothing.' She answered simply. They both rested their heads on my shoulder and snuggled into me whilst i stroked their backs. Georgia quickly grabbed her phone to take a photo of the three of us. She sent me the photo so i could put it on instagram and captioned it 'cuddles with my sparkles'. The fans had really been loving our honeymoon photos and i kept getting told that my theme looked good, but i had no clue what that meant so georgia had to explain it to me. My life felt so complete with the twins, it was amazing.

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