chapter 42 - isaac's ill

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harry pov - it was 3am and i was woken up by small footsteps walking into our room. 'Papa.' Isaac said, he had tears running down his face and looked really pale. 'Are you alright mate?' I asked him. He shook his head, 'My tummy feels icky.' He told me. I lifted him into our bed and lay him next to me before waking doug up. 'Doug can you go stay with luna so she doesn't get scared by herself.' I asked him, i felt bad, his medication had meant he had a lot of trouble sleeping and i really didn't want to disturb the only bit of peaceful sleep he had. He nodded, 'Why? What's happened?' He asked with concern. 'Isaac feels sick so he's staying in here so i can help him if he's sick, i don't want him waking you up either.' I explained to him. 'Okay.' He said simply then kissed me and isaac before getting into isaac's bed. About an hour passed before i was woken up again by isaac. 'Papa, i feel sick.' He said and covered his mouth with his hands. Before i could get him to the bathroom, he was being sick over the side of our bed, onto the floor. I rubbed circles on his back to comfort him and kept telling him it was alright. He was sick 5 times and when he was done, he began to sob and hugged me tight. I grabbed his drink from the bedside table and gave it to him, so some of the flavour of sick was gone. 'It's okay, you'll be better soon. Now get some more sleep otherwise you'll be really tired.' I told him. He nodded and lay only chest sucking his thumb. I rubbed my hand up and down his back and the other one played with his hair until he was asleep again.

dougie pov - i got into isaac's bed, after an hour of tossing and turning i decided to give up on sleep and just lay there until it was a suitable hour to get up. Luna woke up at 6am and realised i was in the bed next to her so launched herself in top of me. 'Where's isaac?' She asked me. 'He's poorly so papa is looking after him.' I explained. 'Shall we go somewhere today so isaac can get some rest?' I asked her. She nodded enthusiastically as i began to think of idea's i could do with her. I played on the floor with her and her barbies for about an hour before luna complained about her hunger. I walked past our bedroom and checked if isaac was okay. He was lying on harry's chest sound asleep, i didn't want to wake them up so i closed the door over making sure isaac got all the rest he needed. I made luna coco pops for breakfast which she ate really quickly before asking for seconds. Once she had finished her breakfast, i made myself a coffee and went into the living room with her. 'Daddy, peppa pig.' She demanded, handing me the remote. I took it off of her and pressed the channel for nick jr so she cold watch it. The theme song came on and she started dancing around the room, singing it. We watched it until luna got bored and started playing with her baby dolls. Before long, harry came down the stairs with isaac in his arms. 'How are you feeling isaac?' I asked him. 'Icky.' He told me. Harry put him down on the sofa and he crawled onto my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck, snuggling into me. 'I want to snuggle with daddy.' Luna began to argue. 'No luna, isaac's poorly, you can snuggle with papa.' I told her. A huge smile took over her face and she ran and jumped onto harry. 'Are you hungry?' I asked isaac. He shook his head. 'My tummy hurts.' He told me. 'Okay, shall we get you some medicine?' I said. He nodded and i carried him into the kitchen. I grabbed the calpol and gave him enough to try and make him feel better. 'More!' He said, clearly liking the taste. 'No, you can't have anymore now, but you can later.' I told him. He nodded and stretched his arms out so i would carry him again. Peppa pig was still playing, i lay with isaac on the sofa opposite harry and luna, the 4 of us watched it, me and harry were getting far to engrossed in the show made for toddlers. Once isaac fell asleep, i carried him over to harry so he could cuddle him and help him if he was sick. I took luna upstairs to get ready for the day whilst harry stayed down, having a sofa day with a poorly isaac.

harry pov - whilst isaac was sleeping, i put on spiderman so i didn't have to watch another 2 hours of peppa pig. Dougie had already gotten isaac a bowl and a drink just incase he was sick again. Dougie went out to an indoor play area with luna so isaac could rest. He was really hot, but shivering in his sleep, he snuggled up closer to me, trying to get warmer. He woke up quickly, he had gone even paler than before. 'Papa my tummy.' He said crying. I hugged him tight and kissed his head. 'Do you need to be sick again?' I asked him and grabbed the bowl which was next to the sofa. He started being sick into it, but not a lot because he hadn't eaten anything for him to bring back up. I gave him a drink afterwards and hugged him. 'Tastes yucky.' Isaac told me. 'Come on shall we brush you teeth so it doesn't taste yucky anymore?' I asked him. He nodded and reached his arms up so i would carry him. I took him into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. 'Better?' I wondered. 'Yep.' He answered. 'Tummy still sore?' I asked him. 'A little bit.' He told me. 'You've been a really brave boy. It's not very nice being sick.' He smiled and hugged me tight. 'Papa, i'm hungry.' Isaac told me. 'Do you want some toast?' I asked him, not wanting to make him sick again. 'Yes please.' He answered before he ran into the kitchen and sat at the table. I made him his toast and got him and drink of blackcurrant to have with it. He wasn't as hot anymore and he seemed to be better, but i wanted to make sure he stayed better. It had been 4 hours since he last had calpol so i got it out of the cupboard and gave him some more. We went back into the living room and put arthur christmas on. I got a duvet from upstairs and wrapped it around us, letting isaac snuggle into my chest. I did like it when the kids were ill, it means they want more cuddles which is my favourite thing.

dougie pov - me and luna had a hectic day, she had me climbing up every bit of apparatus in that play area, i was knackered. We got home and saw isaac and harry lying on the sofa together watching nick jr. Isaac was tracing shapes on harry's arms, he didn't seem as pale anymore, which was a good sign. 'Are you feeling better isaac?' I asked him. 'Hmhmm.' He answered, with a nod. 'He was sick again, but then he ate some toast and i gave him some calpol, his temperature has come down a lot and he hasn't been sick again.' Harry explained. 'That's good then.' I said with a smile. 'Is isaac better now?' Luna said. 'He is feeling better, but he's still a little bit poorly.' Harry said to her. She walked over to them and climbed on top of harry, lying on his shoulder. Isaac perked up a bit and was playing with his mario kart figures whilst luna played with her baby annabelle. Me and harry sat watching a film and watched the twins play before giving them dinner. Isaac didn't eat a huge amount but he ate something. We took them upstairs to bath them and put them in their pyjamas. 'Are you going to sleep with daddy and papa again tonight mate?' I asked isaac. He nodded and walked into our bedroom, holding his blue blanket and teddy he got when he was a baby. 'I want to sleep in your bed.' Luna insisted. 'Okay princess, come on.' Harry said. She ran into her bedroom and grabbed her pink blanket and the teddy she got when she was born as well. Harry held her hand and took her into our room whilst i was drying the floor of all the water that was splashed onto it. I found the three of them all snuggled up to each other in our bed, i climbed in next to isaac. We said our love you's and gave each other kisses and cuddles before going to sleep, one day closer to christmas.

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