chapter 36 - fireworks

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harry pov - tour finished on november 4th and we traveled back to essex once the the last gig was over. After the second birmingham show, we only had 3 shows until tour finished so sam took the twins back to her house for those days. We pulled up at her house at around 1am and let ourselves in, trying our best not to wake anyone. We crept up the stairs and jumped straight into bed together. We left our bags downstairs so if sam woke up before us she would see that we arrived. Me and doug both fell asleep without even cuddling each other thats how tired we were. 'Papa. Daddy wake up!' Was what we woke up to. Both of our eyes slowly opened to see the twins jumping on our bed urging us to get out. Once they saw we were awake, they threw themselves onto us, hugging us both tightly. 'Are we going to see the fireworks tonight?' Isaac asked us. Neither of us were sure because of how luna reacted with balloons, but if they both wanted to go, it would be fine. 'Maybe sparkie. Luna, do you want to go?' I asked. She nodded enthusiastically, i looked over at dougie who nodded at me. 'Yeah we can all go together. Do you want to ask nanny if and auntie jazzie if they want to come as well?' I said they both leapt off of the bed and ran downstairs to ask them. Me and dougie climbed out of bed and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. 'Hi boys!' Sam said before getting up to hug us. 'Hi sam, how are you?' I asked and kissed her cheek. I started making me and doug breakfast while sam asked us how the rest of the tour went. 'Were the twins good for you?' Dougie asked his mum. 'God yeah. Didn't even know they were here half of the time.' She told him. We ate our breakfast then went into the living room to see isaac and luna cuddled on the sofa with flea, one of sam's dogs. 'Nellie, where are the twins? Where's luna and isaac?' I heard jazzie say upstairs. Sam's other dog, nellie, came hurtling down the stairs and jumped up on to the sofa with the twins jaz shortly followed. 'Hey sis.' Dougie said and hugged her and i hugged her after. 'How come you're here?' Dougie asked her. 'Paul's away with work so i told mum i'd help with the twins.' She explained. 'We didn't realise paul was away, we could have asked my mum and dad to look after them.' I said. 'No, no. It's been such good fun. I especially loved my bed being jumped on at 7:30 every morning.' Jaz said laughing. 'Part of the super cool auntie role I'm afraid.' Dougie told her. 'We're taking the twins to a firework display in chelmsford tonight, do guys want to come?' I asked sam and jazzie. 'Yeah, that sounds good.' Jaz said and sam nodded in agreement. 'Shall we go and buy some sparklers from tesco?' Doug asked. 'No i have to do my food shop in a few hours so i'll pick some up.' Sam told him. 'Okay, cool.' He said back. 'Shall we go and get ready then sparkles?' I asked them. They both humphed and sighed. 'We can walk the dogs.' I told them, which made them jump to their feet and run up the stairs. Me and doug quickly showered and got ourselves ready. 'Mum did the twins have a bath last night?' Dougie called downstairs. 'Yeah.' She shouted back. That meant all we had to do was get their teeth brushed, hair done and get them dressed. Dougie went through to the kitchen to get the dog's leads out and clipped them to their collars. Dougie handed me nellie's lead and luna helped me walk her. 'Papa, i can do it myself.' She told me, but nellie was a brown labrador and would pull luna off of her feet in seconds. 'No princess, nellie's too big for you to walk her yourself.' I told her. She sighed, but accepted what i said and grabbed the lead again. Dougie and isaac were walking flea together. 'He's too strong, my arm's tired.' Isaac whined to dougie. 'Okay i'll walk him by myself for a minute then.' Doug told him. 'No daddy.' He argued. Dougie just laughed, unsure of what our son wanted. Soon enough we reached the field where we could let the dogs off of their leads to run about. The dog's we're pelting round the field with each other and the twins chasing them. The dog's were so good with the twins, they never knocked them off of their feet and anytime they were about to crash with one of them, they would stop before they could reach one another. I would normally be scared if the twins were around big dogs, but flea and nellie were different, they loved them like they were their owners. After a long walk, we headed back to the house to have a late lunch. Before we knew it, it was 4:45 and we were leaving to see the fireworks. We made sure the twins would be warm enough, layering their clothes and ensuring they had a hat, scarf and gloves on. We drove in sam's 7 seat car to save us from taking two cars and we arrived 35 minutes later.

dougie pov - we all got out of the car and walked into the field with a huge bonfire in the middle of it. 'Do you want to do your sparklers now?' I asked the twins. They both nodded and jumped up and down in excitement. It was their first proper bonfire night, last year we didn't know if they'd like it so we stayed at home and watched a display from our bedroom window, but kept the tv on so the bangs weren't too loud for them. We were still pretty anxious about how they would react this year, but the only way to find out is to try. I crouched behind luna, helping her hold the sparkler whilst harry did the same with isaac, making sure they didn't burn themselves. My mum lit the sparklers and jaz took photo's of us. 'More nanny. More!' Isaac shouted. She gave them another sparkler and me and harry taught them how to write their names in the air with them, which they thought was incredible. The sparkler burnt out and the twins asked for another one. 'The fireworks are about to start, we'll do some more after.' I told them. I lifted isaac up and harry held luna. The first 2 minutes were silent fireworks, filling the sky with colour and the twins were mesmerised. Jaz stood behind us and got a photo of the 4 of us and the fireworks in the sky. Fireworks flew up in the air and made a bang each time one exploded. 'Daddy, i don't like it.' Isaac said, covering his ears and crying. 'Hey it's alright.' I told him, pulling him tighter to me. 'No daddy, it's too loud.' He said sobbing. 'Come on then. We'll go back to the car and watch them from in there so it isn't so loud.' I said. He nodded and snuggled into my chest. I told harry isaac was scared and i was taking him back to the car. We were about to walk off when a load of fireworks went off at once. Isaac wriggled in my arms, trying his hardest to get closer to me for his own comfort. 'Papa, i don't like it anymore. It's too loud.' Luna told harry, covering her ears, but not crying. I quickly carried isaac back to the car, not wanting him to hear anymore than he had to. Harry got in the car with luna about 2 minutes later. 'Luna was a bit scared and was worried about isaac.' He told me. We watched the display from the car, the twins sitting on our knee's. Isaac was fine sitting, but every time there was louder bang, he would grab my hands and cover his ears with them. My mum and jazzie came back to the car once it had finished, i felt bad for leaving them by themselves, but i didn't want to cut their night short if they wanted to watch it. Also, it was probably quite nice for them to spend some time together. 'Are you okay now isaac?' Jaz asked him. He nodded, but still looked sad. 'I didn't like it auntie jazzie.' He said starting to cry. 'Hey, it's okay now. Don't cry.' I told him, pulling him close to my chest. 'I know you didn't, but don't worry.' She told him. He stopped crying and smiled. We clipped the twins into their car seats and drove back to sam's house. 'Papa, can we do sparklers?' Isaac asked harry. 'Yeah, come on.' He said and took the twins into the back garden. I took photo's of the 3 of them, just looking at them made me realise how grateful i was for them. Just the 3 of them, my family, they were so incredibly perfect. We used up all of the sparklers and got the twins ready for bed. Harry told them a bedtime story and 10 minutes later, he got into bed with me. 'Do you think he'll be scared forever?' I asked harry. 'No babe. Loads of kids are scared of fireworks, he's just a bit young yet, that's all.' He reassured me. 'Okay.' I said and snuggled into his chest. 'I was scared of them until i was about 4, so he will probably be the same as me. Don't worry.' He said kissing my head. I nodded into his chest and isaac crept into our room. 'Daddy, i-i can't sleep be-because of the bangs.' He said. I lifted up the covers and he lay in-between me and harry. He lay with one of his ears pressed against my chest, blocking out some of the sound. Not long after, luna came into our room. 'Where's isaac?' She asked. 'In here sparkie. Do you want to sleep with us?' I said. She nodded and jumped in with us, next to isaac. She found a comfort in isaac, he was always the one looking after her and when he was scared or upset she felt she had to be there for him, it was so beautiful. It was like they were lost without each other. I couldn't be prouder to call them my children. 'We did good didn't we.' I said to harry. 'Yeah. We really did.' He said, sharing the same thought about how incredible our children were.

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