chapter 49 - doctors

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harry pov - we hadn't seen any of mine or dougs family since my birthday/christmas so we decided to have everyone round for sunday lunch. Everyone piled into our house slowly and were all in the living room together whilst i was cooking dinner with isaac clutching at my ankles. 'Go into the living room and say hi to everyone.' I said to him. He shook his head violently. I took his hand and walked in with him, but he wouldn't leave my side. 'Isaac i have a present for you." Katherine said which made him sprint over to her. He stopped in front of her and saw her new boyfriend stuart. 'Auntie katherine, who's that?' He asked pointing to the well built man. He was a lot more muscular than me and would look quite scary to a toddler. He hugged isaac immediately without saying anything. Isaac pulled out of his grip and ran into the kitchen in tears. 'Papa.' He said as i walked into the room. I bent down to his level and held him close to my chest, hearing his heart breaking sobs. I didn't even know why he was crying so much, but it was still devastating to see. I picked him up and rested him on my hip as he carried on crying into neck. 'No papa. Not going back.' He said so i kissed his temple. 'No baby, let's go upstairs yeah?' I whispered in his ear and he nodded in response. I carried him into our bedroom and lay on our bed, letting him lie on my chest. I stroked his hair and whispered comforting words into his ear until he calmed down. 'Don't like him.' Isaac whimpered. It was strange for him not to like someone, he was always so friendly when people introduced themselves to him. 'Yeah you do, i'm sure you'll get on really well with him.' I assured isaac. 'No papa, please.' He begged and tears began pouring from his eyes again. 'Okay buddy, don't worry, i won't make you.' Soon enough he fell asleep so i put him in the middle of the bed and made a wall of pillows either side of him so he couldn't roll out. I went back downstairs to apologise and finish cooking dinner.

dougie pov - harry came downstairs and apologised for isaac's behaviour and went back into the kitchen to finish dinner. I decided to follow him and ask what went on. 'Why was isaac so upset?' I asked him. 'I have no idea, he just said he didn't like stuart.' He answered. 'But that's so weird because he has never been like that before.' I said, confused. 'I know i think we should take him to the doctors once everyone has left.' He told me. 'Why?' I asked. 'Because this isn't isaac and i feel like it could be something mental and it's just been triggered.' He explained. I kissed his lips softly and walked back into the living room and watched luna play with aurora as well as join in with the others conversation which was happening. Harry called everyone in for dinner and set a small plate to one side for isaac. 'Where is isaac?' Harry's mum asked. 'He's asleep.' Harry answered. 'Oh well don't you think you should wake him up?' She wondered. 'No. He won't want to eat when he first opens his eyes anyway.' Harry explained. Once everyone had finished lunch isaac came downstairs and waited in the door way. 'Isaac come here baby.' I called. He ran over to me and climbed onto my knee and buried his head into me. After a couple of minutes he got agitated and bored of just sitting on my lap. 'Can i go play with luna?' He asked me. 'Of course.' I said. 'Lu, can you go and play with isaac for a little while please.' I told her. She smiled and nodded before jumping off of jazzie's knee and running into the play room with isaac. Everyone left but my mum and sister were adamant to help tidy which they did. 'Have you got to go now?' I asked her. 'Yeah, why?' She said. 'We're taking isaac to the doctors, but don't worry we'll ask tom.' I told her. 'Doctors?' She wondered. 'Yeah um i'll ring you and explain.' I told her. 'Okay.' She said with a sympathetic smile. Once her and jaz had left i gave tom a ring and he said he'd be over in 15 minutes. 'What's going on?' Tom asked 'We'll explain when we're back.' Harry told him. He gave us a nod before saying bye and hugging isaac tight.

harry pov - isaac's name was called and the three of us all went into the room. The doctor introduced himself to us and was really friendly to isaac which made him feel more comfortable. 'What's the problem?' He asked. 'Well, it might sound stupid, but he was really social and made friends really easily. Although now he's still social, he's a bit more clingy - but his sister is like that as well at the minute. Now when he meets someone he'll say if he likes them or not really quickly like earlier today my sister's new boyfriend hugged him and isaac ran off crying hysterically.' I explained. 'Okay i'm going to do some tests on isaac and i feel like it will be beneficial if the both of you are with him for comfort.' He said. Me and doug nodded in agreement and followed him into a sensory room which would keep isaac easily entertained. He ran all of the tests he wanted to and took us back into his office. 'Okay when your sisters partner met isaac did he introduce himself before he hugged him?' He asked. 'No, he didn't say anything.' I explained. 'Okay. I think that's confirmed what i thought. Isaac has a very mild case of autism. He'll choose whether he likes or doesn't like a person really quickly and it'll be very hard for him to change that opinion, more so if it's negative. He'll have to be introduced to a person or people will have to introduce themselves in order for isaac to have a positive reaction to them. He's always had the autism, but i feel like today has triggered it completely and he's now aware of it, it will happen more often. It quite simply cannot be helped so please do not punish him for it at all, it wouldn't be fair.' He told us. 'Thank you so much.' I said. 'No problem.' He said with a smile. He gave isaac a lollypop, 'But luna won't have one.' Isaac said looking up at dougie. 'Would you like to take one for luna?' The doctor asked. Isaac grinned and nodded and took one for luna. 'Do come again if you have any inquiries or think isaac is acting differently and i'll be more than happy to help.' He told us. 'Thank you so much.' Doug said before the three of us drove home. On the way home, we rang our parents to explain what we had been told. Once we got home, we told everything to Tom who just wanted to have cuddles with isaac once he found out. After tom had left, we let danny know and watched a film with the twins. Isaac was cuddled on doug's chest and i could see the tears in his eyes whilst he was playing with his hair. 'Hey, he's okay. He's still the same little boy. He's our little boy.' I assured him before kissing him sweetly.

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