chapter 23 - christmas

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*1 month later*

harry pov - it was the twins first christmas although they don't know what it is really they're just about old enough to rip off wrapping paper with some help from us. They could both sit up, but me and doug opened our presents from each other. I was praying that dougie would like his present. He opened all the small things i got him, before reaching his main gift. He tore off the wrapping paper to see a pale grey/blue bass. 'Oh my god. Harry thank you so much. I love you.' 'Theres one more thing.' I pulled out a small box and placed it in dougies hand. He opened it and his jaw dropped. 'The cartier bracelet i have been looking at, but you said you liked it.' He told me. 'Yeah it's from the love range. I can get one another time so we can match,' he kissed me, tongues dancing round each others mouths. He pulled away. 'Right your turn.' dougie said hitting my thigh. I opened all of my smaller presents before getting to a present a similar size to the one i just gave dougie. I unwrapped it and opened the box 'Oh my god dougie!' He had bought me the same bracelet. 'I had no idea you were getting me one. It was because we were talking about getting them so i bought you one.' he said. 'I love it and i love you.' i said kissing him. I took the twins out of their play pen. 'Shall we see what santa brought you!' i said to them kissing their heads. They got a lot of toys, some that they could play with now and some for when they got older. They each got a got a small teddy, something we wanted them to keep forever. We got showered and dressed and got the twins dressed in their outfits.

dougie pov - harry was cooking christmas dinner when everyone began piling in. My mum, sister. Harry's parents, brother and sister. Tom and gi. Danny and georgia. Izzy was having an early lunch with her family then came round ours just before we were about to eat. Some of mine and harry's other family were coming round in the evening. The twins were both napping, something which rarely happened, whilst we were eating. By the time we had finished, isaac and luna were awake, but quiet, When they started to get restless, gi and georgia took them out their moses baskets and started singing and dancing around the living room with them. They were laughing at the girls making them 'aww'. When more of our family showed up, we bought out monopoly. The twins were passed around the table, a different person entertaining them every 20 minutes. I went and got them some food from the kitchen and fed them some fruit puree, which they loved. Me and harry fed the twins a bottle at around 10pm to send them off to sleep, it took them a while to go off, but when they did, they were sound asleep. We put them in their moses baskets and went back over to play monopoly again. 'Winners!' tom shouted 'You always win, ya cheater.' danny said sticking out his tongue. We got the x-box kinect out and played a just dance tournament. We were a few rounds in and it got to harry vs my mum. I kept smacking harry's arse knowing that it was being recorded and harry's reaction was my favourite thing. He was laughing but tried to do a serious voice 'mr poynter if you do that one more time and i swear to god.' When the dance finished, i smacked him again, curious to what he was going to do. He jumped on top of me and started tickling my ribs 'no harry!' i yelled trying to fill my lungs with oxygen. He flipped me over and started hitting my arse. All of our family and friends were watching and laughing. He rolled me over so i was on my back and lowered himself down to kiss my lips. 'Merry christmas dougie.' he whispered. 'Merry christmas harry.' i said quietly and kissed his lips again. The night was full of so many laughs and it was so nice having it with the people i cared about most.

harry pov - we woke up the next morning, everyone had left and everywhere was tidy, but i couldn't remember going to bed. Dougie woke up and rested his head on my chest, the twins were asleep and we didn't want to wake them. 'Can we just have a movie day?' He asked me. 'Of course.' i said. 'And cuddle the twins and each other?' he said. 'Sounds like the best way to spend boxing day.' I said into his hair. We were watching friends with benefits, luna was sitting on dougies chest he was holding her hands and talking to her in the adorable baby voice he does and isaac was lying on mine, almost asleep again. Dougie put a pillow on my stomach and lay across the bed, i took a photo whilst we were all together, dougie hadn't noticed i took one so i uploaded it to instagram saying 'best way to spend boxing day'. All of the fans asked how our christmas was along with saying what a perfect family we had. They were so right, i did have the perfect family.

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