chapter 41 - student and teacher

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harry pov - me and dougie hadn't had any alone time recently, the twins had both been so clingy. We didn't really mind, we both loved the voluntary hugs, cuddles and kisses they gave us. Tom wanted to go and watch inside out in the cinema and asked if he could take the twins so he didn't look like a 30 year old disney freak (which he was). It was the perfect time to talk to dougie and have sometime to ourselves. Tom arrived about 30 minutes later, luna and isaac both cried when they said goodbye to us. We both assured them that they would would be fine with tom and have great fun with him. After a solid 10 minutes of both of them sobbing, they agreed to go to the cinema with tom. Me and doug both went into the living room and sat on the sofa together, i didn't know how to start the conversation, i didn't want to make him feel awkward or anything but i felt it was probably best just to come out with it instead of tiptoeing around the subject. 'Doug, we haven't had sex in weeks.' I told him. His eyes widened and turned a light shade of red. 'I know, but the kids have been so clingy we've had no time.' He said. 'We have to make time.' I spoke. 'How? The twins always have our attention and you saw how hard it was for them to go with tom today.' He said calmly. 'Well it seems like you haven't wanted it much recently.' I told him. 'I have harry, really i have, but-' He said and i cut him off. 'But what dougie? There are no buts.' I argued. 'Fuck off then harry, i'm not talking to you if you're going to cut in.' He told me. 'Well sorry if i just want to show you that i love you and give you affection.' I almost shouted. 'I know you love me harry and i love you! And i do want affection, but we haven't had time for it recently.' He said. 'Yes doug, i have noticed that.' I yelled. 'Well i'm so sorry that being a parent means our children being clingy for a short amount of time and we can't have sex for a bit.' He said. I could see him getting angry, but he wasn't yelling yet. 'You just don't get it do you.' I raised my voice again. 'Don't get what harry?' He said shouting a little. 'Oh just fuck off dougie.' I said, storming out of the house and slamming the door behind me.

dougie pov - this was my fault, i had wound him up, i knew exactly why he was annoyed and i guess i could have listened to what he was saying a bit more because i did know where he was coming from. He made it out like i didn't want sex either, it had been a while but it was hard whilst the twins didn't want to be away from us. I had to make it up to harry and i knew exactly how to do it. I had to give him the one thing he wanted, the thing he was asking for, but give him something he'd enjoy and remember. I knew he wouldn't be mad for long, he just had to go outside and let off some of his anger, its how all of our arguments go. I went up to our bedroom and stripped down and changed into harry's favourite boxers on me, they were black calvin kleins, that showed pretty much everything. I pulled on a white shirt and left the top two buttons undone. I grabbed a tie that looked similar to a school one and had it hanging loosely around my neck, i grabbed a pair of black trousers and put them on so i looked like a school boy. Once danny bought harry a cane for his birthday as a joke gift, we never used it but i always knew he wanted to and today would be the perfect time. I quickly text tom telling him to keep the twins a little longer so me and harry could have some time to ourselves. I lay on the bed with the cane in one of my hands, waiting for harry to come back. 10 minutes later, the door slammed shut, 'Dougie.' Harry called round the house, i stayed quiet, waiting for him to find me in our room. 'Dougs?' He called again, his voice was closer and i his footsteps were coming towards our bedroom door.

harry pov - i opened the door to our bedroom to see dougie lying on our bed, on his side, dressed as a school boy with the cane danny bought me ages ago in his hand. 'I've been really naughty sir.' He told me. My breath got caught in my throat and i felt my cock push against my jeans. 'I need punished.' He continued. I walked over to the bed and took the cane out of his hands and put it next to the bed. 'I'll be using that later.' I grumbled in his ear. He shivered at what i said. I pushed him down onto his back and pushed our lips together, letting my tongue run over his. The kiss was rough and messy, but it was what i wanted and i knew dougie wanted to give me what i wanted right now, giving into my kink. I moved down his jaw and onto his neck, nipping at it sightly as well as sucking, giving him love bites all over his neck. I took his shirt off, but left his tie on, knowing what i wanted to do with it. I took off my t-shirt and threw it across the room, leaving us both topless. I began grinding our hips together, letting our boners rub against on another. I circled my tongue around his nipple before biting and tugging it slightly, making him wince in pain. 'No complaining. You said it yourself, you need punished.' I growled. I flipped him onto his stomach and placed open mouth kisses down his back, his boxers were higher than his trousers, i knew he chose these ones because they were my favourites on him. I pulled his hands above his head and slipped his tie off, using it to tie his hands to the bed frame. I pulled my jeans and boxers off, the pressure of my boner against my jeans becoming too much. I grabbed his trousers and pulled them off of him so he was just in his boxers which made his arse look incredible, i took a minute to admire it, letting my hands roam for a while. I kissed the inside of his thighs and dragged his boxers down. He breathed a sigh of relief as i finally let his erection free. I reached down and grabbed the cane, slapping it against my hand first to get his attention. 'Please, not the cane sir.' Dougie begged, for my own satisfaction. 'You said it yourself, you were bad. You were a really naughty boy dougie.' I growled into his ear, letting my breath send goosebumps down his neck. We don't have to use it if you don't want to.' I whispered to him. 'No sir, i do want it.' He told me, i nodded. I trailed the cane from his finger tips, down his arm and over his back before reaching his arse. I hit it hard enough for it to make a slap sound, but not enough to hurt him a lot. I slapped it again, but a bit harder, making him flinch a little and a small smirk grew on my face. 'On your knees.' I demanded. 'Okay sir.' He said cheekily. 'Don't you dare get cheeky to a teacher.' I said in a low voice. 'Sorry sir.' He said. 'That's better, but you'll need an extra punishment.' I told him smugly. I got the cane again, dragged it up his thigh and smacked his arse harder than before, his hold body jumped at the contact, '10 slaps, if you miss count. We start again.' I told him.

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