chapter 18 - earthquake

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*1 month later*

dougie pov - we had just finished our show in japan and made our way into the lift. We stood there talking about the show before realising we hadn't pressed the button to go up to our room. 'Did none of you idiots press the button?' Harry asked pressing level 21. The lift journey didn't take long even though we were so high up. 'Night fella's' danny said before going into his room. 'Goodnight pudd.' Tom said as we were walking into our room. 'Night lads.' Harry called out to the both of them. I pulled out some clean boxers and went into the bathroom to have a quick shower. I jumped out and got into bed and flicked through the channels whilst harry was in the shower. All of the channels were in japanese so i got out my laptop and put netflix on. 'Harryyyy. Hurry up, i want to cuddle.' I whined and heard the shower turn off pretty much instantly. A smug smile grew on my face. And he leapt into bed next to me, still slightly damp from drying himself in a hurry. He putted his arm around me and i rested my head on his shoulder.

harry pov - dougie kept doing the really cute thing he does when he's tired. He rubbed the with a fist like a child and it was a habit i absolutely loved about him. 'Tired baby?' I asked him, already knowing he was. He nodded his head and pulled the covers up, over his shoulders and got comfy, head resting on my body - his favourite way to fall asleep. When he was in a deep sleep and his head felt heavy on my chest, i moved him so he was on his pillow and i switched off the film. I curled up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

I felt the bed shake and dougie was no longer next to me. He was on the other side of the room next to the large window, legs tight to his chest, clinging onto them for dear life. His hair was stuck to his face, his breathing was fast and tears were streaming down his face. I ran over to him and i pulled him tight to me. 'Shhh, shh. You're okay, it's okay. You're safe. I'm here.' I told him rocking him and stroking his head and back. Watching buildings shake and crumble, cars rolling down the road with no control only stopping when they hit something. We heard the ground rumble and dougie wrapped his arms around me and held on so tight sobbing into my bear chest. 'H-harry I'm scared.' He said, body trembling. 'I know you are baby, but its nearly over. I promise.' I assured him not wanting him to now that i was secretly quite scared. 'Come on breathe, deep breaths.' I said resting our heads together, holding dougies face with both of my hands. His breathing calmed down and he slid back down so his head was resting on me again. The ground stopped shaking, but dougie didn't. My phone started ringing, i reached over and grabbed it, making sure i still had ahold on doug so he didn't feel alone. It was tom. 'Hello.' i said. 'Shit, did you feel that earthquake? How are you? How's doug?' Tom asked. 'Yeah i'm alright. Dougie... not so.' I told him. After i said that dougie snuggled in tight to me. 'You can come hang with us in danny's room if you want, but ask doug when he's calmed down.' He said. 'Yeah i will do thanks.' I hung up the phone and wrapped my arms around doug.

dougie pov - harry shuffled around. 'Don't leave me. Please.' I said trying to get my breathing to a normal pace. 'I wasn't going anywhere, i'm here.' He reassured me, kissing my head. My chest stopped being so tight and it felt like my airways had opened up again. I let out a loud breath and swallowed. I wrapped my arms round harrys neck, and hugged him tightly. 'You're the best.' I told him, kissing his cheek. 'Anything for you.' He said back to me. 'I love you harry.' I said. 'I love you too dougie.' He replied. I pulled back and kissed his lips. 'Shall we go to danny's room then?' Harry asked me. 'That depends, can we make out in danny's room?' I said. 'Maybe a little.' He said with a smirk. We pulled on some pyjama bottoms and a hoodie and went into danny's room. 'Hey how are ya doug?' Dan asked me giving me a one armed hug and wiping the dampness from my eyes. 'I'm good now, thanks.' I told him with a small smile. We stayed up for a while talking about the gig and the next album. 'We should probably get some sleep, we have another show tomorrow and if it's as mental as tonights then we should really rest.' Tom said. We all lay on the floor with blankets and pillows. I snuggled into harry as he played with my hair. I couldn't sleep. I shook harry awake and asked if we could go back into our room. We left danny and tom a note and went back into our room. I found it impossible to get back to sleep so i watched more episodes of the walking dead with harry until the other two woke up. I was so lucky to have someone like harry, to be with me when I'm scared, to hug me and hold me. He's mine. All mine. My harry. 

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