chapter 33 - family day

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dougie pov - me and harry were both awake, lying in a comfortable silence, holding hands and i had my head rested on his shoulder. It had been so long since we had been anywhere as a family, just the four of us. Harry leaving was the worst thing that had happened to me and then when we were finally together, harry's dad got rushed to hospital and had he had to leave again. I just wanted to have a day out with my family and my husband and pretend everything is perfect for a few hours i thought to myself. 'Harry can we go out somewhere today? Just the four of us?' I asked him. 'I would love that.' He said and kissed my head. 'Zoo?' I questioned. 'Sounds great.' He told me. We heard 2 pairs of footsteps running towards the door. 'Papa. Daddy. Are you awake?' A small voice called as they pushed the door open. They saw we were awake and they started jumping on the bed. We sat up so we could hold their hands to stop them falling and they both jumped onto their bums. 'Do you want to go to the zoo today?' I asked the twins they both nodded enthusiastically and clapped their hands together. Come on then let's get ready and we'll go.' I told them. We got them changed. Isaac wore a polo shirt, jeans and his new toy story vans we bought him. Luna wore a black and white t-shirt and a light blue, denim romper over the top with her new pink converse. They both looked adorable and i still couldn't believe they were ours. 'Go downstairs and tell grandma what you want for breakfast.' Harry told them once we had done their hair and brushed their teeth. We quickly got ourselves ready and met everyone downstairs for breakfast. 'Where are you off to today?' Harry's mum asked us. 'Taking the twins to the zoo.' Harry told her. 'Aw, that's lovely. Have a wonderful time.' She told us. We said bye to everyone and strapped the twins in their carseats. When we arrived, we walked through into the zoo, isaac was on my shoulders and luna was on harry's. 'What animal do you want to see first?' Harry asked. 'The monkeys!' They both said. We followed the map over to where the monkeys were, we put the twins on the floor so they could look at the different monkey enclosures. 'What next sprakie?' I asked isaac. He ran over to luna and i quickly followed. 'Luna, want to see the penguins?' He asked her, she nodded frantically and they both ran away from the monkeys. 'Hey wait there!' Harry shouted making them stop and quickly ran back to us. Me and harry were holding hands, watching the twins come sprinting back, luna grabbed my hand and isaac grabbed harry's. We walked around the zoo, looking at the penguins, tiger's, zebra's, turtle's and so many other animals which the twins loved. 'Can we go to the shop?' Luna asked me. 'Yeah, come on.' I said taking her hand. 'Haz we're going to the shop.' I called over to him. 'Can i come?' Isaac shouted. 'Yeah.' I said and held my free hand out so he could hold it. We walked into he gift shop and harry followed us. 'Do you want a new teddy?' I asked them both. They nodded and ran over to the shelves with all the animal teddies. Isaac chose a tiger teddy and luna chose a koala. We went to the till and paid for them and walked back to the car. We were on our way back to harry's parents when his mum rang. With everything going on with harry's dad, i was scared what she was going to say. 'Harry, i was thinking that because your dad is slowly getting better, you could go back to yours and just play with the twins and be a family for a while.' Was what she said. Me and harry looked at each other and gave a genuine smile. 'Yeah mum, that sounds great. Thank you.' He said. 'It's not a problem. See you soon.' She answered. 'Bye.' He said and hung up the phone.

harry pov - we pulled up at the house, somewhere i felt i hadn't been in forever. We walked through the front door, and nudged dougie, telling him to copy me. I swept luna off of her feet and dougie grabbed isaac, running around the house with them, making them laugh so loud, a genuine laugh that made me so happy because they were happy. We were sat down with them in the living room and put on shark tale. We had not long bought them a few new playmobile sets which they hadn't opened yet. We opened them both and set them up along with their other sets and made a full playmobile town. We played for hours as a family, savouring every moment together. The twins became worn out from our trip to the zoo and playing together for a few hours. 'Shall we build a fort, eat pizza and watch films?' I asked them. 'Yes papa!' They both said. 'Okay, quickly tidy up with daddy and i'll get us a pizza.' I told them. I ordered the pizza before running upstairs and grabbing a ton of blankets, duvets and pillows. We turned a lot of the living room into a fort and the pizza came pretty quick. We all ran upstairs to get changed into our pyjamas and went back down stairs. Not a lot of kids like to sit down and watch films, but the twins loved it, it was one of their favourite things. We watched shrek 1&2 and the twins fell asleep during number 3. We carried them up to bed, hoping they would both sleep all the way through the night. Me and doug went into our room and got into bed, i held him in my arms. 'I loved today.' I told him. 'Me too, just the four of us. It was perfect.' He told me. I kissed him sweetly and pulled him on top of me, letting him lie on my chest and kiss and suck my neck. He looked up so our lips were aligned and he lowered his lips onto mine. I slipped my tongue in and out of his mouth and i bit on his bottom lip, pulling it as he pulled away. 'I love you.' He told me. 'I love you too.' I said. Doug rolled off of me and i was his big spoon until we both fell asleep. 

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