chapter 19 - surprise holiday

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harry pov - once we had finished our small tour in japan i wanted to take dougie on a surprise holiday. One where i knew we would have such a great time, releasing our inner child. I had already managed to sneak an extra case on the flight with all of our clothes that we needed for florida weather. We got to the airport with tom and danny and i took mine and dougies bags to check in. The woman behind the desk checked our passports and asked where we were going 'florida' i whispered to her. She smiled and nodded, understanding that dougie didn't know where we going. We went through security and went into pret for some lunch. 'Shit, doug i've booked the flight 20 minutes after tom and danny's. sorry.' I said to him. 'It's fine. Don't worry!' he said to me with enthusiasm. Danny and toms gate was called. 'See ya later lads,have a good flight.' danny said smirking. I had already told them my plan so they hugged us which left dougie a bit confused. 'Umm there isn't a gate back to england in 20 minutes haz?' dougie said to me. 'Maybe it isn't up there yet.' I told him. 'Quick, gate 69.' I said to doug pulling him long before he could see where we were going. Dougie laughed out loud whilst we were walking to the gate hand in hand. 'You're so dirty.' I said to him laughing at his laugh. 'I know.' he said to me, sticking his tongue out. We handed our passports over 'enjoy your flight.' the man behind the desk said to us. I bought first class tickets because i wanted our first trip to disney together to be memorable. We walked through the aisle and found our seats. 'Fuck off are we flying first class.' he said to me kissing my lips. We got comfortable on our seats and put down the divider between us. I reached through it and grabbed his hand. 'Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this flight to florida.' the pilot said. Dougie jerked forward, his eyes wide. 'You didn't!' he said to me with a huge smile on his face. I simply nodded and smiled he poked his head through the divider and pursed his lips. I kissed them gently then he sat back down and fastened his seat belt.

dougie pov - i watched loads of films on the way there and slept quite a lot of the flight. When i woke up, there was only 20 minutes left until landing. I looked over at harry who was still asleep. I shook him awake, to which he grunted. Once he finally came to his senses the plane had pretty much landed. 'That was a quick flight.' He said. 'Felt like it.' I said. The unfasten seatbelt sign blinked and we all stood up, getting our hand luggage from the overhead lockers. We got off the plane and through passport control pretty quickly. We clambered into a taxi and it took us to a hotel. The journey wasn't too long and before i knew it, we were pulling up at the disney magic kingdom hotel. I smiled at him like an excitable child. 'Are you excited?' he asked me. I nodded and bounced up and down in the chair. We took our bags into the lobby and checked in. 'Shall we go to downtown disney later?' i asked harry. 'Yeah, if you want to.' he said to me. We went upstairs and got changed. 'Oh my god harry you can see the castle from our room!' I said to him excitedly. I got changed really quickly and begged harry to get ready quicker. 'Come on then.' harry said pulling me out of our room, making me squeal like a child.

harry pov - we arrived at downtown disney and sat down at an italian restaurant. I ordered spaghetti and dougie ordered pizza. Me and doug did the lady and the tramp thing with the spaghetti, kissing each other when we reached the middle. Once we finished our meal and payed we were walking down and went into one of the disney stores. I bought a pair of the mickey mouse ears for doug and a pair for myself, so we were matching and we put them on straight away. I took a photo of him. He looked cuter than ever, i was so in love with him. When we walked out, there was a man selling disney balloons. 'Harryyy i want one.' dougie said pulling on my arm, like a child. I rolled my eyes and giggled at him. I bought him the blue mickey mouse balloon, which made a huge smile creep on his face. He skipped away in front of me, obviously wanting me to take photos of him. I put one on instagram and captioned it 'it's like looking after a 5 year old' which it really was, he was always running off and the only way to keep him by my side was by holding his hand. When we were walking together, we got stopped by one of the photographers we got a photo of us holding hands and another of us kissing. We bought a snow cone and wandered round for a while before making our way back to the hotel. I took the balloon from him and hit him on the head with it. Dougie just smiled at me and kissed me again. He seemed so genuinely happy, i loved making him feel like that.

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