chapter 31 - back together

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dougie pov - the twins came in with my mum. 'Daddy, are you poorly?' isaac asked me. 'Yeah i was, but I'm coming home today.' I told them. 'Are we going back home too?' he said. 'Yeah, we all are sparkie.' I said. 'Can we watch monsters inc when we're home?' He asked me. 'Of course.' I said smiling stupidly at the thought of cuddling on the sofa with the twins and harry. 'Do you want to lie with daddy?' Harry asked them. They both nodded and harry lifted them into the bed with me. They wrapped their arms around me and kissed me. 'We've missed you daddy.' Luna said kissing me and tightening her grip around my neck. 'Love you sparkles.' i told them both. 'Love you.' They said at the same time. They were so precious and i couldn't bare to be apart with from them ever again. I was talking to my mum but didn't want to go in to too much detail, i could already see the tears in her eyes. 'Mr poynter, you can leave now.' A doctor confirmed. I gave him a smile and thanked him as harry lifted the twins out of bed. I picked up isaac and harry carried luna down to the car. Harry refused to let me drive so i got in the passengers seat and we shortly we got back to the house. My mum said she had already been round, she washed and ironed the twins clothes as well as washed our bed sheets because they were covered in dried up tears from where i cried myself to sleep these past few weeks. All i wanted to do was lie on the sofa with harry and the twins. We got into the house and harry made us a cup of tea each as well as getting the twins a capri-sun for them both. I put monsters inc on and called the twins into the living room, they saw the title screen and jumped onto the sofa. Harry brought in our drinks and pressed play on the dvd. We cuddled on the sofa and harry kept kissing me, making me realise i missed him so much more than i thought. The film ended and we took the twins up to bed. Isaac fell asleep straight away and just as we were walking out of the room luna shouted 'Daddy can you cuddle me until i fall asleep?' She asked. 'Yeah princess.' I lay in her bed, being her big spoon and stroking her head until she fell asleep. I kissed her cheek and slowly crept out once she was asleep.

harry pov - dougie came into the living room and lay on top of me on the sofa. I softly kissed him and smiled into his lips. 'Thank you.' I said. 'For what?' He asked. 'Forgiving me.' I answered. 'Thanks for coming back.' He said. 'I love you so much.' I said and kissed him again this time, it was more intense and i ran my hands up and down his back and sides, under his t-shirt, slowly lifting it up and off of him. He was unbuttoning my shirt, still kissing when i flipped him so he was on his back. I sucked on his neck making him moan and rubbed my hands through his hair. I didn't want to have sex, not tonight, i just wanted him to feel loved. I kissed along his jaw and up onto his lips letting my tongue slip into his mouth again. After i pulled away i placed a kiss in between his eyebrows then went back to his lips. 'Are you really going to turn me on this bad and not toss me off at least.' Dougie asked, smirking into my lips. I smiled and kissed his lips one last times before unzipping his jeans. I puled off his jeans and wrapped my hand around his cock, with his boxers still on and i felt him getting harder under my touch. I kissed along his v-line and slowly pulled down his boxers letting his erection spring free. I started moving my hand up and down his shaft and gradually got faster. Before long, dougie unloaded all over the both of us, moaning my name as he did it. I picked him up, wedding style and carried him to our bed and lay him down, pulling the covers over his shoulders before clambering in next to him. I kissed his neck, whispering my love for him right next to his ear, so only he could hear me. He tuned over so he was facing me, he had tears in his. 'Why are you crying butty?' I asked him. 'Did you really mean all that?' He questioned. 'Every last word. I'm so sorry for going' I told him. A smile grew onto his face, making me smile. 'I love you harry.' He said the kissed my lips. 'I love you too dougie.' I told him and kissed him one last time. He cuddled into my chest and fell asleep.

dougie pov - i slowly opened my eyes, i could hear harry on the phone. 'Right okay. Yep. See you in an hour.' He threw his phone down and burst out crying. 'Haz?' I said. He didn't say anything so i went over to where he was curled on the floor. 'What's happened?' I asked him, stroking his head which was resting on my lap. 'My dad's been rushed to hospital, mum won't tell me everything. She said it's best if i don't know, but she said it will most likely end in his death.' He said sobbing. 'It's okay baby. Where are you going?' I asked and comforted him. 'Mum and dads, she isn't allowed to stay with dad so i'm going to meet her at home with thomas and katherine.' He told me. 'Do you want me to drive you?' I asked. 'No no, it's fine. Come visit in a week or so. I don't want the twins to see everyone so upset.' He said. 'Okay. Bye, i love you.' I said after he had packed a suitcase and said bye to the twins. 'Love you.' He said and gently pecked my lips before getting in the car and driving to his parents house. I couldn't get back to sleep, i wanted to know harry got there okay and i was just anxious for him and his family. I decided to go down stairs to make myself a tea and watch something on the discovery channel. My phone pinged to tell me i had a text from harry which read, 'Knew you wouldn't settle until i told you i arrived safely. So i've arrived. Love you so much xxx' I replied with 'You know me too well. Love you, stay strong for me haz xxx' and put my phone down waiting for any news on harry's dad.

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