chapter 35 - bowling

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harry pov - we were at the same venue again tonight so we didn't have to get their until around 3. The twins were still asleep whilst me and dougie were doing our hair and brushing our teeth. 'Shall we take the twins bowling today?' I asked doug. 'Yeah, do you want me to see where the nearest one is?' He said. 'Sure.' I replied. Doug got changed and lay on the bed with the sparkles, who were still asleep. Doug found one not too far from the hotel so once i was dressed, we woke up the twins. The twins crawled out of bed with their teddies and we put them in the bath to wake them up a bit. We got them out so we could brush their teeth and do their hair. Isaac's had grown a lot in the past few months, dougie just brushed it a bit so it was less tangled. I did luna's hair half up half down and we got them dressed. We went downstairs to get some breakfast and then got an uber to the bowling alley. We walked in and got our bowling shoes. It got to isaacs turn and dougie helped him use the ramp. 'Daddy, blue ball.' Isaac said, pointing to the bowling ball he wanted to use. Harry put it not the ramp whilst is sac shoved it down, watching the ball as it hit the pins. 'Hey you got a strike well done!' Dougie said. He ran over and high-fived him. Luna was on his lap so he put her down so she could have her turn. She reached her hand out towards me and closed and opened her hand telling me she wanted me to help her. I got up and held her hand letting her pull me over to the ramp. 'What colour ball do you want sparkie?' i asked her. 'This one.' she said, pointing to a baby pink bowling ball. I put the ball on the ramp and she pushed it down, watching it until it knocked all 10 pins over. She skipped back to dougie and jumped onto his knee with isaac. I had my turn and only hit one pin, i looked over at dougie who was laughing and i smirked at him and bit my tongue as well as laughing at how bad i just did. 'Is papa rubbish?' dougie asked the twins. They both nodded and giggled at how bad i was. 'Hmm shall we see if daddy's any better?' I said, taking the twins from dougie so he could bowl. 'Go on daddy!' Isaac said pulling doug up, off of his chair. He had his turn and got a spare. He turned around and stuck his tongue out at me 'Show off.' I said, jokingly and he rolled his eyes at me. Once we finished our game, we handing our shoes back in and let the twins have a turn on the prize every time claw machine, they both won a teddy (like they didn't have enough at home). 'Papa can we get a slush puppie?' Isaac asked me. 'Yeah sparkie, come on.' I said. I ordered them a mixed slushy each and handed it to them. Isaac took a big slurp 'Brain freeze!' Isaac shouted shaking his head. 'Don't drink it so fast isaac.' Dougie said laughing a little. We put them in their car seats and drove back to the hotel. 'Daddy can we go to a park?' Luna asked doug. 'Sure princess.' He said. 'Isaac do you want to come to the park?' Dougie asked him. He shook his head 'I'm too tired.' He said. 'Okay well give daddy a kiss and we'll see him later.' He kissed dougie before i did. I gave luna a kiss and told her to have fun at the park. I kissed dougie lightly 'Love you.' I said. 'Love you.' He said back and gave me a genuine smile. I took isaac up to our room and we watched toy story. He threw his arms around my neck and lay on my chest. I kissed and stroked his head until he fell asleep, sucking his thumb. I didn't want to wake him, so i just lay there waiting for him to wake up. I heard the door open and dougie shhh luna so she didn't wake isaac. 'Are you gonna have a nap now lu?' Dougie asked her. She nodded and rubbed her eyes. She climbed onto our bed and curled up next to me and fell asleep straight away. 'I'm just going to get in the shower quick.' Dougie said. I nodded and waited for him to come back.

dougie pov - i had a really quick shower and once i had gotten out, i lay on the bed next to luna and played with her hair whilst she was sleeping. Harry was asleep by the time i was out of the shower and before i drifted off, i made an alarm so we weren't late to the gig. 'Daddy. Daddy. I don't like this film' Isaac said, shaking me awake, nearly crying. I looked to see what was on the tv, it was the woman in black - it just have came on after toy story. God knows why they were on the same channel. 'Hey, it's alright how long have you been watching it?' I asked him, hoping he didn't see too much. He shrugged his shoulders and climbed onto me cuddling into my chest and covering his ears so he couldn't hear or see it. I switched the channel over to watch karate kid with him. 'This is a really good film.' I reassured him, holding him tight and kissing his head, making sure he wasn't scared. 'Can i have a kiss?' I asked him. He pushed his small body up on my chest and kissed my lips. 'Love you daddy.' He said. 'Love you isaac.' I told him with a smile. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, giving me the sort of hug i loved getting off of them, completely voluntary and full of love. 'Daddy, i'm hungry.' Isaac said to me. 'What do you want?' I asked, knowing i packed a load of snacks for them. 'Crispy's.' He said. I went over to my backpack and pulled a packet of quavers out. I sat back down on the bed and rested against the head board with issac in between my legs, leaning on my chest. I leant round so i could give him another kiss, leaving my lips on his cheek for a while before pulling away. 'Daddy!' He said giggling and wiped his cheek. 'Hey you cheeky monkey.' I said and started tickling him, making him laugh and wake up luna and harry. 'What time is it?' Harry asked whilst he stretched and collapsed back onto he bed. '2:30.' I told him. He nodded and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up a bit. The twins were coming to the show again tonight as my sister and mum are watching as well as carrie. We quickly got ready fro the gig and left to get to the venue. We walked in and saw everyone waiting in the dressing room except from my mum and jaz who hadn't arrived yet. Carrie came over to say hi and see the twins, she was always so good with them, looking after them if we were ever round tom and gi's at the same time as her or at fletcher parties she would always offer to look after them. She took them whilst we sound checked and when we went back to the dressing room, my mum and sister had just arrived. It had been a while since i'd seen them so it was amazing them being there. We all spoke for a while when fletch gave us our 10 minute call. Me and harry kissed the twins and said bye to everyone. We waited in the wings to go on stage and do the job we love so much.

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