chapter 48 - nightmare

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dougie pov - it had been a while since harry and i had been on a date, we don't really know why, we just haven't had the time with us going on tour again soon and stuff. I had already asked danny and georgia if they'd look after the twins and aurora and they both agreed. Aurora didn't need a lot of attention as she would normally be asleep by 7. It was weird even though she was a dog she still had her own routine. After the incident at the nursery the last week, isaac had been really clingy and didn't trust anyone. The doorbell rang and harry and luna went and let danny and georgia in. 'Daddy why are uncle danny and auntie georgia here?' He asked me. 'I told you sparkie. Me and papa are going out for bit okay?' I told him. 'Y-you leave me?' He asked, eyes getting watery and bottom lip trembling. 'Hey, look at me.' I said and met my gaze with his. 'Daddy and papa will put you to bed and you won't even know we're gone!' I tried to reason with him. 'Don't go!' He wailed. I sighed, knowing that this would happen. I picked him up and rested him on my hip before taking him downstairs and greeted danny and georgia. 'What's the matter isaac?' Danny asked him. 'I don't want daddy and papa to go.' He told him. 'It's alright, they'll be back before you know it.' Danny reassured him. Isaac nodded and smiled a little. Me and harry took luna and isaac back upstairs to get them ready for bed before running back down the stairs to hug and kiss danny and georgia goodnight. Harry read the twins a bedtime story and before long, both of them were sound asleep. We crept out of their bedroom and set off to our date. 'They're sound asleep.' Harry told them. 'Just give us a ring if anything happens.' I said. The two of them nodded and we locked the front door, leaving the spare key on the cabinet in the hall.

danny pov - me and georgia were downstairs watching tv when we heard a whimper come from upstairs followed by one a lot louder. Both of us went up and into he twins bedroom to see isaac in hysterics and luna slowly waking up from the commotion. I went over to isaac and pulled him onto my knee, trying to soothe him. 'No! Daddy! Papa!' He yelled. 'Hey, it's okay. Shh. Isaac please calm down.' I tried my hardest to get him to calm down, but he was distraught. Luna was delirious so georgia sat with her, trying to get her back to sleep so she didn't see isaac in such a state. 'Uncle danny no! I want daddy and papa.' He sobbed. 'They'll be back soon buddy, i promise.' I tried to assure him. 'Did you have a bad dream?' I asked him. He sniffed and nodded. 'It was a scary dream uncle danny.' He said, crying again. 'It's okay. It wasn't real. You're safe.' I told him and kissed his head. Suddenly, he gasped and his breathing got faster. 'I-I'm sorry uncle danny. I didn't mean it!' He said in a hurry. 'What are you sorry about mate?' I asked him. 'Sorry, please i'm sorry.' He sobbed. By this point, georgia had taken luna down stairs so she could sleep cuddled up to her. Georgia hated seeing either one of the twins so devastated. 'You need to tell me why you're sorry isaac otherwise i can't help you.' I said, wanting to know why he was apologising so frantically. 'I-I'm wet. Sorry. I want papa and daddy!' He cried. 'It's okay matey, accidents happen. Shall we get you changed?' I suggested. 'No i want daddy and papa!' He said again before wriggling out of my arms and running into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Shit. I had to ring haz, it wasn't fair on isaac, they were all he wanted.

harry pov - dougie and i had just finished the film and were on our way to get ice cream when my phone rang with danny's name flashing on the screen, i automatically knew something bad had happened. 'Everything okay?' I asked danny. 'Where's the key for your bathroom door?' He asked sounding flustered. 'I don't know, why? What's happened?' I said frantically. 'Isaac had a nightmare and an accident, i tried to change him but all he wants is you and doug. I tried to soothe him but he wriggled out of my arms, ran into the bathroom and locked the door.' He explained. 'Who taught him how to lock a door?!' I said, becoming anxious. Dougie narrowed his eyebrows at me and we quickly made our way back to the car. 'Right, we'll be 5 minutes.' I told him and hung up. I explained to doug what had happened on the journey home and before long we pulled up on our drive. We heard isaac's cries as we got into the house and i ran straight up the stairs as dougie searched for the key to unlock the door. 'Isaac, it's papa can you open the door for me please?' I asked. I didn't hear any movement, just the same sobs coming from the same distance. 'Papa! Papa!' He screamed. My heart was breaking i just wanted to hold my little boy. 'Found that key yet dougs?' I shouted downstairs. 'Working on it.' He shouted back. 'Isaac can you listen to papa and please try your absolute hardest to stop crying?' I begged. 'Found it!' Dougie yelled and ran up the stairs before unlocking the door in a hurry. We didn't want to scare him so slowly opened the door and the cries stopped. 'Isaac?' I asked. 'Papa.' He cried. I went in and lifted him up letting him cling to my neck and cry into my shoulder. 'What happened sparkie?' I asked him. He didn't answer just carried on crying. He was covered in sweat, his pyjamas clinging to his body and hair stuck to his face. The bathroom smelled of sick, i presume he made himself throw up from all the crying. 'Shh, it's okay we're home now. Papa's going to run you a bath okay.' I told him. 'Put him in your bath and i'll clean this one.' Danny said. 'Dan, don't be stupid. Go down stairs and chill out, i'll sort this in a bit.' I told him. He smiled at me and went back down the stairs. Dougie cleaned up isaac's sick whilst i was giving him a bath which was slightly colder than normal to help him cool down a bit.

dougie pov - once i had finished cleaning up the sick, i went into our bathroom to see isaac with dried tears staining his cheeks and he looked up at me. 'Daddy.' He said and reached his arms up. I lifted him out of his bath, not minding that he was naked and dripping wet, i just wanted to hold him close to me. 'Cold.' Isaac said. 'You're cold?' I asked, slightly confused if that's what he said. He nodded against my chest. Harry came over and wrapped him in a towel making sure he was as warm as he could be. After cuddling him for a few more minutes, i dried him off properly and put a new pair of pull up nappies on him. 'What pyjama's do you want on?' I asked him. 'Batman.' He said in barely a whisper. I put his clean pyjamas on and hugged him tight again. 'Daddy, kiss.' He said. I pulled away from our hug and he kissed my lips sweetly. I picked him up and carried him downstairs into the living room where everyone was sitting and luna was still sound asleep. 'Guys i'm so sorry.' Danny said, clearly beating himself up over the whole situation. 'Dan it's fine. He's really not been right after that boy said he didn't like him because he didn't have a mum. It's annoying because he was becoming a lot less clingy, but now it's like we're back to square one.' Harry explained and danny gave a sympathetic smile. 'What was luna doing throughout everything?' I asked. 'She was stirring when it all began so i brought her down here. She stayed awake for a bit, but was still quite delirious so i put peppa pig on for her and she fell asleep pretty fast after that and i've been down here cuddling her since.' Georgia told us. 'Thanks guys. It must have been really hard for you to deal with that and we really appreciate it.' Harry told them. 'Don't worry. Honestly, i'd do it again in a heartbeat, i just wish i could calm him down.' Danny confessed. 'Actually someone has something to say to you.' I said to danny and lifted isaac off of my knee. He ran over to danny and hugged him tight. 'I'm sorry for shouting at you uncle danny.' Isaac said. 'It's okay mate. Are you okay now?' Danny asked him. Isaac nodded and smiled before running over to harry and getting comfy on his knee, cuddling into his chest. We spent a while talking to danny and georgia and it didn't take long for isaac to go back off to sleep. At about 12 we said by to danny and georgia at the door and turned around to see isaac standing in the doorway. 'Sleep in your bed?' He asked. 'Sure thing sparkie.' I said before picking him up. 'And luna?' He said. 'Yes luna can sleep with us as well.' I told him whilst carrying him up to bed, harry following behind us with a sleeping luna in his arms.

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